Old notes: Analysis 2010-2014
- HDF5 Explorer (old) and its older version HDF5 Event Display
- How to access HDF5 data from Python
- How to access XTC data from Python (Ingrid)
- Discussion of the histogramming package for psana
- ROOT as a histogramming package for psana
- PSHist - histogramming package for psana
- PSTime - package of methods for manipulation with time in psana
- 2011-05-20 HDF5 Explorer.pdf
- CSPAD Geometry Software (depricated)
- CSPAD Alignment
- CSPad image producer in Python (DEPRICATED)
- CSPAD pixel coordinates and image producer in Python
- CSPAD2x2 Alignment
- CSPAD2x2 modules in Python (deprecated)
- Image analysis in Python
- Python, matplotlib, PyQt4, etc. tricks | C++ tricks | OS, batch triks |Cython tricks
- User requests
- FAQ (David Schneider)
- Building the psalg and pdsdata packages - old system (Christopher O'Grady)
- Users' Software Repository
- Doxygen - documentation generator for C
- Sphinx - documentation generator for Python
- psana - Module Catalog (old)
- psana - Module Examples (old)
- psana - Migration from pyana
- XTC Quality Check
- Common mode correction algorithms
- Example of psana analysis for CSPad2x2 (TIFF etc)
- Andor image processing
- Filter for cxi49012 runs grater than 133
- Peak finder parameters tuning for cxii0212-r0091
- Differential spectrum from Opal camera image
- XCorrAnalysis
- Command Line Interface For Time Correlation Analysis
- Data Processing for Time Correlation
- Weekly progress of the IDPE project for TCE
- Algorithms for Time Correlation Experiments
- Note on XCS code from Marcin
- Mask Editor
- Python module for posting message into ELog
- Fetching data from the database
- LogBookGrabber implementation with pyqt4
- To-do list
- Calibration management tool | developement notes
- 2014-10-08 Detector Calibration.pdf - presentation at User's Mtgs
- CSPAD alignment using images of rings
- XTC Explorer Tutorial - for 2013-10-02 Users' meeting
- Detector Geometry - Implementation Notes
- XTCAV in psana
- Auto-generated documentation
- pnCCD | pnCCD processing pipeline | development | PNCCD alignment for SPI experiment amo86615
- Andor3d
- Rayonix
- Archon data access
- Make ndarray for ROI mask
- Hit and Peak Finding Algorithms | Test of Peak Finders | Test of Peak Finders - V2 | Test of Peak Finders - V3
- Adding Unit Tests to an Analysis Release
- Detector alignment tool
- Analysis of data for cxif5315
- Calibration Store, Detector Calibration Store, DEPRECATED - IT WAS NEVER IMPLEMENTED: Calibration Store for LCLS2
- CSPAD and CSPAD2x2 relative alignment in cxi86715-r112
- CSPAD geometry in mecj5515
- Radial Background Subtraction Algorithm
- Background Subtraction Algorithms
- Cross check of correction to optical metrology
- Igor: Flask, Redis
- mecana (Deprecated) - notes on code research
- Image processing algorithms for scikit
- Hutch Standard Configuration Projects:Hexanode detector library test, Experiment monitoring tool
- Lossless compression
- Common development tasks (SVN commands)
- David: Conda Release System, Building psalg, github/lcls-psana, Version control with git
- cpo: Geometry History, Gain History, Data Reduction Pipeline, Meeting Notes, L2S Issues: DRP SZ, DRP Lossless comp, Hexanode
- Optical Metrology Quality Check
- Jungfrau,Jungfrau naming and calibration files
- Hutch Standard Configuration Projects, Experiment Monitor, Experiment monitoring tool, Quad- and hex- anode detector monitoring software, Quad-anode test on real data
- Data sources selection GUI
- Adding Sphinx documentation to github repo, psalgos
- Pixel status in data, Bad pixel mask
- Code Development Cycle, successor of Psana Developer Documentation
- Auto-processing of data, Automatic Run Processing (ARP) (Jakob) Link
- MongoDB evaluation for calibration store
- Build lcls2 at NERSC | Build lcls2 in doca container
- DAQ Control GUI for LCLS2
- Detector for DRP
- Compound detector in LCLS Detector interface
- Set production and development environment
- Dark processing for LCLS2 area detectors
- LCLS-II Calibration DB, Private Calibration Constants
- Geometry converter between psana and CrystFEL
- Common mode correction algorithms for LCLS2 detectors
- Calibration Scripts Repository and Logging
- Area Detector Interface
- Detector geometry constants deployment
- Detector Calibration Constants Deployment
- Method det.calib algorithms
- LCLS-II Calibration DB
- Bad Pixel Status
- AMI Examples for Detector Geometry Mask and RoiArch
- Bad pixel mask for epix100a xpplw3319, Bad pixel status evaluation for dark and light data
- EPIXHR Charge Injection
- Mask Editor Development Notes
- Mask Editor for LCLS-II
- Templates for paper contribution
- Building psana release
- Scaling behavior of psana1 - Part 1 - det.calib method in multicore processing with mpi
- Epix100a gain constants after transition from pcds to s3df
- References to Detector, calibration, mask, common mode, etc
- Archon data access
- Optical metrology of epix10ka2m.1 from 2024-11-04
Useful References
Content Tools