
e-mail from Chuck

Yoon, Chun Hong <> 2023-01-24 10:13pm
Hi Mikhail,
I came across a user working on xpplw3319 dataset. It seemed that our LCLS mask was not sufficient for their analysis.
Please see attached 4 detector averaged over multiple events and 4 detector masks (run293, epic_alc1,2,3,4).
Do you think setting more conservative parameters in selecting bad pixel map would help in this case?


xpplw3319 run 293, dark run 287

datinfo -e xpplw3319 -r 293 -d epix_alc1
   EventKey(type=psana.Epix.ElementV3, src='DetInfo(XppGon.0:Epix100a.1)', alias='epix_alc1')
   EventKey(type=psana.Epix.ElementV3, src='DetInfo(XppGon.0:Epix100a.2)', alias='epix_alc2')
   EventKey(type=psana.Epix.ElementV3, src='DetInfo(XppGon.0:Epix100a.3)', alias='epix_alc3')
   EventKey(type=psana.Epix.ElementV3, src='DetInfo(XppGon.0:Epix100a.4)', alias='epix_alc4')

[I] L0120: calibDir: /cds/data/psdm/xpp/xpplw3319/calib

Average image and mask for four detectors

Dark processing check

Jul/16/2021 06:11:15 287 dark - Restored

Jul/16/2021 07:44:51 293

Restore 287 dark


Command and logfiles for four detectors

det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.1

logfile for det1
(ana-4.0.48-py3) [dubrovin@psanagpu111:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.1 -o work --nrecs1 50 --nrecs 1000
[I] L0327 record at start: 
2023-01-26T09:13:07 user:dubrovin@psanagpu111 cwd:/cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py3 rel:ana-4.0.48-py3 dirrepo:work logfile:None command:/cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py3/arch/x86_64-rhel7-gcc48-opt/bin/det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.1 -o work --nrecs1 50 --nrecs 1000
saved in: /reg/g/psdm/detector/logs/atstart/2023/2023_lcls1_det_ndarr_raw_proc.txt
[I] det_ndarr_raw_proc L0135 Command: /cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py3/arch/x86_64-rhel7-gcc48-opt/bin/det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.1 -o work --nrecs1 50 --nrecs 1000
  Argument list: Namespace(dsname='exp=xpplw3319:run=287', source='XppGon.0:Epix100a.1', ofname='nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type-#date-#time-#fid-#sec-#nsec.txt', events=1000, evskip=0, intlow=1, inthig=16000, rmslow=0.001, rmshig=16000, fraclm=0.1, nsigma=6.0, plotim=0, verbos=7, savebw=255, intnlo=6.0, intnhi=6.0, rmsnlo=6.0, rmsnhi=6.0, evcode=None, dirrepo='work', logmode='INFO', dirmode=1533, filemode=436, group='ps-users', nrecs=1000, nrecs1=50)
  Optional parameters:
    <key>      <value>              <default>
    dsname     exp=xpplw3319:run=287 None                
    source     XppGon.0:Epix100a.1  None                
    ofname     nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type-#date-#time-#fid-#sec-#nsec.txt nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type-#date-#time-#fid-#sec-#nsec.txt
    events     1000                 1000                
    evskip     0                    0                   
    intlow     1                    1                   
    inthig     16000                16000               
    rmslow     0.001                0.001               
    rmshig     16000                16000               
    fraclm     0.1                  0.1                 
    nsigma     6.0                  6.0                 
    plotim     0                    0                   
    verbos     7                    7                   
    savebw     255                  255                 
    intnlo     6.0                  6.0                 
    intnhi     6.0                  6.0                 
    rmsnlo     6.0                  6.0                 
    rmsnhi     6.0                  6.0                 
    evcode     None                 None                
    dirrepo    work                 ./work              
    logmode    INFO                 INFO                
    dirmode    0o2775               0o2775              
    filemode   0o664                0o664               
    group      ps-users             ps-users            
    nrecs      1000                 100                 
    nrecs1     50                   50                  

[I] L0129 Raw data processing of dataset: exp=xpplw3319:run=287
[I] L0065 create DarkProcDet object for XppGon.0:Epix100a.1
[I] L0793 created empty data block shape:(50, 704, 768) size:27033600 dtype:uint16 [0 0 0 0 0...]
[I] L0168   Event:    0,  time=  0.127 sec,  dt=0.127 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    1,  time=  0.130 sec,  dt=0.003 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    2,  time=  0.135 sec,  dt=0.004 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    3,  time=  0.139 sec,  dt=0.004 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    4,  time=  0.144 sec,  dt=0.005 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   10,  time=  0.171 sec,  dt=0.027 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   20,  time=  0.193 sec,  dt=0.023 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   30,  time=  0.214 sec,  dt=0.021 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   40,  time=  0.233 sec,  dt=0.020 sec
[I] L0536 begin pricessing of the data block shape:(50, 704, 768) size:27033600 dtype:uint16 [3761 3889 3838 3956 3827...]
[I] L0587 proc_block pre-processing time 2.491 sec
    results for median over pixels intensities:
    0.500 fraction of the event spectrum is below 3920.000 ADU - pedestal estimator
    0.050 fraction of the event spectrum is below 3916.000 ADU - gate low limit
    0.950 fraction of the event spectrum is below 3925.000 ADU - gate upper limit
    event spectrum spread    median(abs(raw-med)): 2.000 ADU - spectral peak width estimator
[I] L0641 data block processing total time 2.514 sec
  arr_med[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [3758. 3885. 3839. 3955. 3828....]
  abs_dev[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [1.5 1.  2.  2.  2. ...]
  gate_lo[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3754 3882 3836 3951 3823...]
  gate_hi[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3762 3889 3845 3960 3833...]
[I] L0653 Stage 2 initialization for raw shape (704, 768) and dtype uint16
[I] L0778 add to gated average statistics the block of initial data shape:(50, 704, 768) size:27033600 dtype:uint16 [4045 4231 4160 4173 3957...]
1st stage event block processing is completed
[I] L0168   Event:  100,  time=  4.665 sec,  dt=4.432 sec
[I] L0168   Event:  200,  time=  6.616 sec,  dt=1.952 sec
[I] L0168   Event:  300,  time=  8.555 sec,  dt=1.939 sec
[I] L0168   Event:  400,  time= 10.518 sec,  dt=1.962 sec
[I] L0811 record 999 event loop is terminated, --nrecs=1000
[I] L0679 summary
[I] L0680 ________________________________________________________________________________
raw data found/selected in 1000 events
[I] L0683 begin data summary stage
[I] L0112 evaluate_limits RMS: ave=2.203 std=0.445  limits low=0.001 high=4.872
[I] L0112 evaluate_limits AVE: ave=3900.681 std=209.658  limits low=2642.732 high=5158.629
[I] L0721 bad pixel status:
  status  1:      379 pixel rms       > 4.872
  status  2:        0 pixel rms       < 0.001
  status  4:        0 pixel intensity > 16000 in more than 0.1 fraction (99/999) of non-empty events
  status  8:        0 pixel intensity < 1 in more than 0.1 fraction (99/999) of non-empty events
  status 16:       15 pixel average   > 5158.63
  status 32:        0 pixel average   < 2642.73
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.1-e000999-ave-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.1-e000999-rms-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.1-e000999-sta-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.1-e000999-msk-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.1-e000999-max-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.1-e000999-min-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
[I] L0174 ________________________________________________________________________________
Total consumed time = 22.977433 sec.

logfile for det2
(ana-4.0.48-py3) [dubrovin@psanagpu111:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.2 -o work --nrecs1 50 --nrecs 1000
[I] L0327 record at start: 
2023-01-26T09:17:49 user:dubrovin@psanagpu111 cwd:/cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py3 rel:ana-4.0.48-py3 dirrepo:work logfile:None command:/cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py3/arch/x86_64-rhel7-gcc48-opt/bin/det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.2 -o work --nrecs1 50 --nrecs 1000
saved in: /reg/g/psdm/detector/logs/atstart/2023/2023_lcls1_det_ndarr_raw_proc.txt
[I] det_ndarr_raw_proc L0135 Command: /cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py3/arch/x86_64-rhel7-gcc48-opt/bin/det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.2 -o work --nrecs1 50 --nrecs 1000
  Argument list: Namespace(dsname='exp=xpplw3319:run=287', source='XppGon.0:Epix100a.2', ofname='nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type-#date-#time-#fid-#sec-#nsec.txt', events=1000, evskip=0, intlow=1, inthig=16000, rmslow=0.001, rmshig=16000, fraclm=0.1, nsigma=6.0, plotim=0, verbos=7, savebw=255, intnlo=6.0, intnhi=6.0, rmsnlo=6.0, rmsnhi=6.0, evcode=None, dirrepo='work', logmode='INFO', dirmode=1533, filemode=436, group='ps-users', nrecs=1000, nrecs1=50)
  Optional parameters:
    <key>      <value>              <default>
    dsname     exp=xpplw3319:run=287 None                
    source     XppGon.0:Epix100a.2  None                
    ofname     nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type-#date-#time-#fid-#sec-#nsec.txt nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type-#date-#time-#fid-#sec-#nsec.txt
    events     1000                 1000                
    evskip     0                    0                   
    intlow     1                    1                   
    inthig     16000                16000               
    rmslow     0.001                0.001               
    rmshig     16000                16000               
    fraclm     0.1                  0.1                 
    nsigma     6.0                  6.0                 
    plotim     0                    0                   
    verbos     7                    7                   
    savebw     255                  255                 
    intnlo     6.0                  6.0                 
    intnhi     6.0                  6.0                 
    rmsnlo     6.0                  6.0                 
    rmsnhi     6.0                  6.0                 
    evcode     None                 None                
    dirrepo    work                 ./work              
    logmode    INFO                 INFO                
    dirmode    0o2775               0o2775              
    filemode   0o664                0o664               
    group      ps-users             ps-users            
    nrecs      1000                 100                 
    nrecs1     50                   50                  

[I] L0129 Raw data processing of dataset: exp=xpplw3319:run=287
[I] L0065 create DarkProcDet object for XppGon.0:Epix100a.2
[I] L0793 created empty data block shape:(50, 704, 768) size:27033600 dtype:uint16 [0 0 0 0 0...]
[I] L0168   Event:    0,  time=  0.085 sec,  dt=0.085 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    1,  time=  0.089 sec,  dt=0.003 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    2,  time=  0.093 sec,  dt=0.004 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    3,  time=  0.098 sec,  dt=0.005 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    4,  time=  0.102 sec,  dt=0.005 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   10,  time=  0.128 sec,  dt=0.026 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   20,  time=  0.151 sec,  dt=0.023 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   30,  time=  0.172 sec,  dt=0.021 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   40,  time=  0.192 sec,  dt=0.021 sec
[I] L0536 begin pricessing of the data block shape:(50, 704, 768) size:27033600 dtype:uint16 [4154 4215 4185 4397 4179...]
[I] L0587 proc_block pre-processing time 2.500 sec
    results for median over pixels intensities:
    0.500 fraction of the event spectrum is below 4072.000 ADU - pedestal estimator
    0.050 fraction of the event spectrum is below 4068.000 ADU - gate low limit
    0.950 fraction of the event spectrum is below 4076.000 ADU - gate upper limit
    event spectrum spread    median(abs(raw-med)): 2.000 ADU - spectral peak width estimator
[I] L0641 data block processing total time 2.524 sec
  arr_med[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [4156. 4217. 4181. 4397. 4181....]
  abs_dev[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [2. 2. 2. 2. 2....]
  gate_lo[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [4151 4213 4178 4393 4175...]
  gate_hi[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [4159 4222 4186 4400 4184...]
[I] L0653 Stage 2 initialization for raw shape (704, 768) and dtype uint16
[I] L0778 add to gated average statistics the block of initial data shape:(50, 704, 768) size:27033600 dtype:uint16 [4300 4651 4343 4538 4177...]
1st stage event block processing is completed
[I] L0168   Event:  100,  time=  4.653 sec,  dt=4.461 sec
[I] L0168   Event:  200,  time=  6.686 sec,  dt=2.033 sec
[I] L0168   Event:  300,  time=  8.654 sec,  dt=1.969 sec
[I] L0168   Event:  400,  time= 10.682 sec,  dt=2.028 sec
[I] L0811 record 999 event loop is terminated, --nrecs=1000
[I] L0679 summary
[I] L0680 ________________________________________________________________________________
raw data found/selected in 1000 events
[I] L0683 begin data summary stage
[I] L0112 evaluate_limits RMS: ave=2.330 std=0.995  limits low=0.001 high=8.303
[I] L0112 evaluate_limits AVE: ave=4065.543 std=226.214  limits low=2708.260 high=5422.827
[I] L0721 bad pixel status:
  status  1:      239 pixel rms       > 8.303
  status  2:        0 pixel rms       < 0.001
  status  4:        0 pixel intensity > 16000 in more than 0.1 fraction (99/999) of non-empty events
  status  8:        0 pixel intensity < 1 in more than 0.1 fraction (99/999) of non-empty events
  status 16:       26 pixel average   > 5422.83
  status 32:        1 pixel average   < 2708.26
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.2-e000999-ave-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.2-e000999-rms-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.2-e000999-sta-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.2-e000999-msk-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.2-e000999-max-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.2-e000999-min-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
[I] L0174 ________________________________________________________________________________
Total consumed time = 23.291649 sec.
[I] det_ndarr_raw_proc L0141 log file: None
(ana-4.0.48-py3) [dubrovin@psanagpu111:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ 
logfile for det3
(ana-4.0.48-py3) [dubrovin@psanagpu111:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.3 -o work --nrecs1 50 --nrecs 1000
[I] L0327 record at start: 
2023-01-26T09:21:06 user:dubrovin@psanagpu111 cwd:/cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py3 rel:ana-4.0.48-py3 dirrepo:work logfile:None command:/cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py3/arch/x86_64-rhel7-gcc48-opt/bin/det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.3 -o work --nrecs1 50 --nrecs 1000
saved in: /reg/g/psdm/detector/logs/atstart/2023/2023_lcls1_det_ndarr_raw_proc.txt
[I] det_ndarr_raw_proc L0135 Command: /cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py3/arch/x86_64-rhel7-gcc48-opt/bin/det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.3 -o work --nrecs1 50 --nrecs 1000
  Argument list: Namespace(dsname='exp=xpplw3319:run=287', source='XppGon.0:Epix100a.3', ofname='nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type-#date-#time-#fid-#sec-#nsec.txt', events=1000, evskip=0, intlow=1, inthig=16000, rmslow=0.001, rmshig=16000, fraclm=0.1, nsigma=6.0, plotim=0, verbos=7, savebw=255, intnlo=6.0, intnhi=6.0, rmsnlo=6.0, rmsnhi=6.0, evcode=None, dirrepo='work', logmode='INFO', dirmode=1533, filemode=436, group='ps-users', nrecs=1000, nrecs1=50)
  Optional parameters:
    <key>      <value>              <default>
    dsname     exp=xpplw3319:run=287 None                
    source     XppGon.0:Epix100a.3  None                
    ofname     nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type-#date-#time-#fid-#sec-#nsec.txt nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type-#date-#time-#fid-#sec-#nsec.txt
    events     1000                 1000                
    evskip     0                    0                   
    intlow     1                    1                   
    inthig     16000                16000               
    rmslow     0.001                0.001               
    rmshig     16000                16000               
    fraclm     0.1                  0.1                 
    nsigma     6.0                  6.0                 
    plotim     0                    0                   
    verbos     7                    7                   
    savebw     255                  255                 
    intnlo     6.0                  6.0                 
    intnhi     6.0                  6.0                 
    rmsnlo     6.0                  6.0                 
    rmsnhi     6.0                  6.0                 
    evcode     None                 None                
    dirrepo    work                 ./work              
    logmode    INFO                 INFO                
    dirmode    0o2775               0o2775              
    filemode   0o664                0o664               
    group      ps-users             ps-users            
    nrecs      1000                 100                 
    nrecs1     50                   50                  

[I] L0129 Raw data processing of dataset: exp=xpplw3319:run=287
[I] L0065 create DarkProcDet object for XppGon.0:Epix100a.3
[I] L0793 created empty data block shape:(50, 704, 768) size:27033600 dtype:uint16 [0 0 0 0 0...]
[I] L0168   Event:    0,  time=  0.074 sec,  dt=0.074 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    1,  time=  0.078 sec,  dt=0.003 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    2,  time=  0.082 sec,  dt=0.004 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    3,  time=  0.087 sec,  dt=0.005 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    4,  time=  0.091 sec,  dt=0.004 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   10,  time=  0.118 sec,  dt=0.027 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   20,  time=  0.141 sec,  dt=0.023 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   30,  time=  0.161 sec,  dt=0.021 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   40,  time=  0.183 sec,  dt=0.022 sec
[I] L0536 begin pricessing of the data block shape:(50, 704, 768) size:27033600 dtype:uint16 [3841 3962 3836 3825 3845...]
[I] L0587 proc_block pre-processing time 2.515 sec
    results for median over pixels intensities:
    0.500 fraction of the event spectrum is below 3982.000 ADU - pedestal estimator
    0.050 fraction of the event spectrum is below 3977.000 ADU - gate low limit
    0.950 fraction of the event spectrum is below 3987.000 ADU - gate upper limit
    event spectrum spread    median(abs(raw-med)): 2.000 ADU - spectral peak width estimator
[I] L0641 data block processing total time 2.537 sec
  arr_med[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [3844.  3963.  3839.  3831.5 3845. ...]
  abs_dev[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [2.  2.  2.  1.5 2. ...]
  gate_lo[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3837 3958 3835 3825 3840...]
  gate_hi[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3847 3969 3843 3836 3850...]
[I] L0653 Stage 2 initialization for raw shape (704, 768) and dtype uint16
[I] L0778 add to gated average statistics the block of initial data shape:(50, 704, 768) size:27033600 dtype:uint16 [3632 3974 3821 3918 3696...]
1st stage event block processing is completed
[I] L0168   Event:  100,  time=  4.701 sec,  dt=4.518 sec
[I] L0168   Event:  200,  time=  6.827 sec,  dt=2.126 sec
[I] L0168   Event:  300,  time=  8.874 sec,  dt=2.047 sec
[I] L0168   Event:  400,  time= 10.912 sec,  dt=2.038 sec
[I] L0811 record 999 event loop is terminated, --nrecs=1000
[I] L0679 summary
[I] L0680 ________________________________________________________________________________
raw data found/selected in 1000 events
[I] L0683 begin data summary stage
[I] L0112 evaluate_limits RMS: ave=2.317 std=0.370  limits low=0.097 high=4.536
[I] L0112 evaluate_limits AVE: ave=3983.565 std=188.830  limits low=2850.584 high=5116.546
[I] L0721 bad pixel status:
  status  1:      643 pixel rms       > 4.536
  status  2:        0 pixel rms       < 0.097
  status  4:        0 pixel intensity > 16000 in more than 0.1 fraction (99/999) of non-empty events
  status  8:        0 pixel intensity < 1 in more than 0.1 fraction (99/999) of non-empty events
  status 16:       31 pixel average   > 5116.55
  status 32:        0 pixel average   < 2850.58
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.3-e000999-ave-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.3-e000999-rms-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.3-e000999-sta-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.3-e000999-msk-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.3-e000999-max-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.3-e000999-min-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
[I] L0174 ________________________________________________________________________________
Total consumed time = 23.812071 sec.
[I] det_ndarr_raw_proc L0141 log file: None
(ana-4.0.48-py3) [dubrovin@psanagpu111:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ 
logfile for det4
(ana-4.0.48-py3) [dubrovin@psanagpu111:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.4 -o work --nrecs1 50 --nrecs 1000
[I] L0327 record at start: 
2023-01-26T09:22:44 user:dubrovin@psanagpu111 cwd:/cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py3 rel:ana-4.0.48-py3 dirrepo:work logfile:None command:/cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py3/arch/x86_64-rhel7-gcc48-opt/bin/det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.4 -o work --nrecs1 50 --nrecs 1000
saved in: /reg/g/psdm/detector/logs/atstart/2023/2023_lcls1_det_ndarr_raw_proc.txt
[I] det_ndarr_raw_proc L0135 Command: /cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py3/arch/x86_64-rhel7-gcc48-opt/bin/det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.4 -o work --nrecs1 50 --nrecs 1000
  Argument list: Namespace(dsname='exp=xpplw3319:run=287', source='XppGon.0:Epix100a.4', ofname='nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type-#date-#time-#fid-#sec-#nsec.txt', events=1000, evskip=0, intlow=1, inthig=16000, rmslow=0.001, rmshig=16000, fraclm=0.1, nsigma=6.0, plotim=0, verbos=7, savebw=255, intnlo=6.0, intnhi=6.0, rmsnlo=6.0, rmsnhi=6.0, evcode=None, dirrepo='work', logmode='INFO', dirmode=1533, filemode=436, group='ps-users', nrecs=1000, nrecs1=50)
  Optional parameters:
    <key>      <value>              <default>
    dsname     exp=xpplw3319:run=287 None                
    source     XppGon.0:Epix100a.4  None                
    ofname     nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type-#date-#time-#fid-#sec-#nsec.txt nda-#exp-#run-#src-#evts-#type-#date-#time-#fid-#sec-#nsec.txt
    events     1000                 1000                
    evskip     0                    0                   
    intlow     1                    1                   
    inthig     16000                16000               
    rmslow     0.001                0.001               
    rmshig     16000                16000               
    fraclm     0.1                  0.1                 
    nsigma     6.0                  6.0                 
    plotim     0                    0                   
    verbos     7                    7                   
    savebw     255                  255                 
    intnlo     6.0                  6.0                 
    intnhi     6.0                  6.0                 
    rmsnlo     6.0                  6.0                 
    rmsnhi     6.0                  6.0                 
    evcode     None                 None                
    dirrepo    work                 ./work              
    logmode    INFO                 INFO                
    dirmode    0o2775               0o2775              
    filemode   0o664                0o664               
    group      ps-users             ps-users            
    nrecs      1000                 100                 
    nrecs1     50                   50                  

[I] L0129 Raw data processing of dataset: exp=xpplw3319:run=287
[I] L0065 create DarkProcDet object for XppGon.0:Epix100a.4
[I] L0793 created empty data block shape:(50, 704, 768) size:27033600 dtype:uint16 [0 0 0 0 0...]
[I] L0168   Event:    0,  time=  0.074 sec,  dt=0.074 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    1,  time=  0.078 sec,  dt=0.003 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    2,  time=  0.082 sec,  dt=0.004 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    3,  time=  0.086 sec,  dt=0.005 sec
[I] L0168   Event:    4,  time=  0.091 sec,  dt=0.005 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   10,  time=  0.118 sec,  dt=0.027 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   20,  time=  0.141 sec,  dt=0.023 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   30,  time=  0.161 sec,  dt=0.021 sec
[I] L0168   Event:   40,  time=  0.181 sec,  dt=0.020 sec
[I] L0536 begin pricessing of the data block shape:(50, 704, 768) size:27033600 dtype:uint16 [4523 4558 4216 4521 4508...]
[I] L0587 proc_block pre-processing time 2.555 sec
    results for median over pixels intensities:
    0.500 fraction of the event spectrum is below 4577.000 ADU - pedestal estimator
    0.050 fraction of the event spectrum is below 4571.000 ADU - gate low limit
    0.950 fraction of the event spectrum is below 4583.000 ADU - gate upper limit
    event spectrum spread    median(abs(raw-med)): 2.500 ADU - spectral peak width estimator
[I] L0641 data block processing total time 2.577 sec
  arr_med[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [4521.  4554.  4220.  4524.5 4508.5...]
  abs_dev[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [1.5 2.  2.  2.5 2.5...]
  gate_lo[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [4516 4550 4215 4519 4505...]
  gate_hi[100:105] shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [4525 4563 4224 4529 4513...]
[I] L0653 Stage 2 initialization for raw shape (704, 768) and dtype uint16
[I] L0778 add to gated average statistics the block of initial data shape:(50, 704, 768) size:27033600 dtype:uint16 [4626 4797 4659 4839 4565...]
1st stage event block processing is completed
[I] L0168   Event:  100,  time=  4.722 sec,  dt=4.541 sec
[I] L0168   Event:  200,  time=  6.681 sec,  dt=1.959 sec
[I] L0168   Event:  300,  time=  8.618 sec,  dt=1.937 sec
[I] L0168   Event:  400,  time= 10.753 sec,  dt=2.135 sec
[I] L0811 record 999 event loop is terminated, --nrecs=1000
[I] L0679 summary
[I] L0680 ________________________________________________________________________________
raw data found/selected in 1000 events
[I] L0683 begin data summary stage
[I] L0112 evaluate_limits RMS: ave=2.965 std=0.396  limits low=0.587 high=5.344
[I] L0112 evaluate_limits AVE: ave=4581.344 std=278.259  limits low=2911.793 high=6250.895
[I] L0721 bad pixel status:
  status  1:      286 pixel rms       > 5.344
  status  2:        1 pixel rms       < 0.587
  status  4:        1 pixel intensity > 16000 in more than 0.1 fraction (99/999) of non-empty events
  status  8:        0 pixel intensity < 1 in more than 0.1 fraction (99/999) of non-empty events
  status 16:      373 pixel average   > 6250.9
  status 32:        1 pixel average   < 2911.79
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.4-e000999-ave-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.4-e000999-rms-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.4-e000999-sta-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.4-e000999-msk-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.4-e000999-max-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
File nda-xpplw3319-r0287-XppGon.0:Epix100a.4-e000999-min-2021-07-16-06:11:15-47256-1626441075-950830948.txt is saved
[I] L0174 ________________________________________________________________________________
Total consumed time = 23.475768 sec.
[I] det_ndarr_raw_proc L0141 log file: None
(ana-4.0.48-py3) [dubrovin@psanagpu111:~/LCLS/con-py3]$

Dark average (pedestals) and pixel_rms images with spectra





Interim Summary

  • In alc1 two data banks look different from other banks, but they are not so bad to discard them by changing thresholds.
  • The "scratch" in alc3 is not seen in dark.
  • The number of bad/discarded pixels can be changed by variation of thresholds.

Summary of the mtg with Chuck

Discuss article Automatic bad-pixel mask maker for X-ray pixel detectors with application to serial crystallography

  - Q: definition of robust parameters
    A: robust mean is median xi
        robust sigma is median |xi-mu|
  - Q: difference in algorithms
    - for dark intensity and rms algorithms are about the same
    - Philip evaluated gains for a few detectors

       - but in general we do not have/use bad pixel status for gain factors (generated from flat field)


       - for gain and bad pixel status

  - Q: What can we do to improve bad pixel mask?
      - their code is terrible
      - re-implement and try their algorithms
  - Q: need help in analysis with the bad pixel mask to estimate its performance
       - hit rate
       - indexing efficiency
     A: - Chuck's team can do that
  - Chuck: start with "flat field" sample for epix_alc3 and try to find bad  pixels "next to central row and "scratch"

2023-03-09 Implementation of Feature 1 and 6 for data

Data sample and detector for test

  • dsname exp=xpplw3319:run=293
  • XppGon.0:Epix100a.3

Script and accumulation of data block

Logfile in the beginning of the script
(ana-4.0.48-py3) [dubrovin@psanagpu111:~/LCLS/con-py3]$ Detector/app/det_raw_pixel_status -o work -n 1000 --nrecs 1000 --snrmax 8 --shwind 15,20
[I] det_raw_pixel_status L0146 log file: work/logs/2023/2023-03-09T121109_log_det_raw_pixel_status_dubrovin.txt
[I] L0327 record at start: 
2023-03-09T12:11:09 user:dubrovin@psanagpu111 cwd:/cds/home/d/dubrovin/LCLS/con-py3 rel:ana-4.0.48-py3 dirrepo:work logfile:work/logs/2023/2023-03-09T121109_log_det_raw_pixel_status_dubrovin.txt command:Detector/app/det_raw_pixel_status -o work -n 1000 --nrecs 1000 --snrmax 8 --shwind 15,20
saved in: work/2023/2023_lcls1_det_raw_pixel_status.txt
[I] det_raw_pixel_status L0150 Command: Detector/app/det_raw_pixel_status -o work -n 1000 --nrecs 1000 --snrmax 8 --shwind 15,20
  Argument list: Namespace(dsname='exp=xpplw3319:run=293', source='epix_alc3', events=1000, evskip=0, steps=None, stskip=None, plotim=0, evcode=None, segind=None, dirrepo='work', nrecs=1000, logmode='INFO', dirmode=1533, filemode=436, group='ps-users', upload=False, slice='0:,0:', shwind='15,20', snrmax=8.0, databits=16383, gainbits=16383)
  Optional parameters:
    <key>      <value>              <default>
    dsname     exp=xpplw3319:run=293 exp=xpplw3319:run=293
    source     epix_alc3            epix_alc3           
    events     1000                 100                 
    evskip     0                    0                   
    steps      None                 None                
    stskip     None                 None                
    plotim     0                    0                   
    evcode     None                 None                
    segind     None                 None                
    dirrepo    work                 work                
    nrecs      1000                 1000                
    logmode    INFO                 INFO                
    dirmode    0o2775               0o2775              
    filemode   0o664                0o664               
    group      ps-users             ps-users            
    upload     False                False               
    slice      0:,0:                0:,0:               
    shwind     15,20                15,15               
    snrmax     8.0                  8.0                 
    databits   16383                16383               
    gainbits   0                    0              

[I] L0351 detector type: epix100a id: 3925999620-0996513537-2080374794-1794135040-0940361739-2398406657-0419430424
[I] L0361 ==== run 293
[I] L0367   == calibcycle 01 ==
[I] L0393 Ev:0001 rec:-001 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3623 3970 3815 3913 3691...]
[I] L0181 created empty data block shape:(1000, 704, 768) size:540672000 dtype:uint16 [0 0 0 0 0...]
[I] L0393 Ev:0002 rec:0000 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3622 3968 3818 3917 3690...]
[I] L0393 Ev:0003 rec:0001 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3629 3972 3815 3914 3689...]
[I] L0393 Ev:0004 rec:0002 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3624 3970 3819 3918 3688...]
[I] L0393 Ev:0005 rec:0003 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3624 3967 3821 3916 3692...]
[I] L0393 Ev:0011 rec:0009 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3625 3970 3819 3916 3692...]
[I] L0393 Ev:0021 rec:0019 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3627 3971 3819 3916 3694...]
[I] L0393 Ev:0031 rec:0029 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3621 3969 3820 3919 3690...]
[I] L0393 Ev:0041 rec:0039 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3627 3971 3817 3920 3692...]
[I] L0393 Ev:0101 rec:0099 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3626 3969 3818 3914 3694...]
[I] L0393 Ev:0201 rec:0199 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3630 3970 3814 3918 3691...]
[I] L0393 Ev:0301 rec:0299 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3624 3973 3813 3910 3693...]
[I] L0393 Ev:0401 rec:0399 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3624 3977 3821 3918 3695...]
[I] L0393 Ev:1001 rec:0999 raw shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:uint16 [3626 3974 3822 3922 3694...]
[I] L0305 nevt:1001 accumulated requested number of records --nrecs: 1000 - break
[I] L0246 

Issue for Feature 1

Logfile for Feat.1
Summary for data block: shape:(1000, 704, 768) size:540672000 dtype:uint16 [3623 3970 3815 3913 3691...]
[I] L0195 
  block record intensity MEDIAN IN FRAME: shape:(1000,) size:1000 dtype:float64
[3982. 3983. 3981. 3982. 3982. 3981. 3981. 3982. 3983. 3983. 3982. 3981.
 3982. 3983. 3982. 3982. 3982. 3981. 3983. 3981....]
[W] L0099 MEDIAN OF SPREAD FOR INT VALUES IS 0 replaced with STD/4 =  0.132
[I] L0114 ====================
    intensity_est shape:(1000,) size:1000 dtype:float64 [...]
         0 / 1000 ( 0.000%) pixels intensity_est <= 0.000
         0 / 1000 ( 0.000%) pixels intensity_est >= 16383.000
             intensity_est selected 1000 of 1000 pixels in range (0, 16383) med: 3982.000 spr: 0.132
             re-defined range for med ± 8.0*spr: (3980.946, 3983.054)
         0 / 1000 ( 0.000%) pixels intensity_est <= 3980.946
         2 / 1000 ( 0.200%) pixels intensity_est >= 3983.054
[I] L0199 Total number of good events: 998
[I] L0253 arr1_good_frames: shape:(1000,) size:1000 dtype:uint64 [1 1 1 1 1...]
[I] L0255 inds_good_frames: shape:(998,) size:998 dtype:int64 [...]
[  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17
  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35
  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53
  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71
  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89
  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  98  99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
  • median of frame intensity is int. Variation between frames is very small ~ +/- 1 ADU
  • median spread is also int 0
  • can't set med +/- 8 spr limits... does not work if implemented as described in Article
          -> if spread is 0 it is evaluated as std

Feature 2 and 3 for dark run

Implemented on 2023-04-06 exactly as described. Median is used for robust statistics parameters evaluation.

Feature 4 and 5 for gain modes


Feature 6

Test of the fit to plane

Logfile for Feat.6 processing
[I] L0240 frame: 0991 res_med: 1.282 res_spr: 110.094 frame residuals shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [-236.87714286  103.30887218  -49.50511278...]
[I] L0240 frame: 0992 res_med: 1.294 res_spr: 110.065 frame residuals shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [-235.11755952  106.95056078  -54.98131892...]
[I] L0240 frame: 0993 res_med: 1.253 res_spr: 110.069 frame residuals shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [-237.62863095  108.57688283  -45.21760338...]
[I] L0240 frame: 0994 res_med: 1.267 res_spr: 110.062 frame residuals shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [-238.30857143  107.88390977  -47.92360902...]
[I] L0240 frame: 0995 res_med: 1.218 res_spr: 110.053 frame residuals shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [-239.62184524  108.59725251  -37.18364975...]
[I] L0240 frame: 0996 res_med: 1.251 res_spr: 110.064 frame residuals shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [-237.58547619  109.59983709  -43.21484962...]
[I] L0240 frame: 0997 res_med: 1.307 res_spr: 110.067 frame residuals shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [-240.9114881   104.21362469  -50.66126253...]
[I] L0240 frame: 0998 res_med: 1.253 res_spr: 110.062 frame residuals shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [-233.00535714  106.10161028  -47.79142231...]
[I] L0240 frame: 0999 res_med: 1.289 res_spr: 110.099 frame residuals shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [-241.53529762  109.61091792  -48.24286654...]
[I] L0265 block of residuals: shape:(998, 704, 768) size:539590656 dtype:float64
[-239.3222619   106.86876566  -48.94020677   48.2508208  -174.55815163
  111.63287594 -128.17609649  -21.98506892  -17.79404135   80.39698622
  -86.41198622   61.77904135 -116.02993108  118.16109649 -199.64787594
   46.54315163 -238.2658208    95.92520677 -148.88376566   16.3072619 ...]
[I] L0266 median over frames per-pixel residuals: shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64
[-237.54059524  107.78383145  -46.79742951   51.89206767 -174.04665414
  109.26853227 -124.40214912  -22.8108537   -14.74468515   80.47136278
  -87.92196429   64.17849154 -117.18580984  119.22582237 -198.74469768
   49.81222744 -235.53807174   93.36754543 -146.50276942   16.18511905...]
[I] L0267 median over frames per-pixel spread of res: shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64
[1.91488095 1.90238878 1.80436404 1.79662124 1.58172462 1.79079887
 1.86366228 1.83122337 1.75326128 1.94361685 1.74409305 1.90914474
 1.7539317  1.96598684 1.92817356 2.05658521 1.84223058 2.07546366
 1.7810354  1.90964286...]

[I] L0114 ====================
    Feat.6 res_med shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [...]
         0 / 540672 ( 0.000%) pixels Feat.6 res_med <= -16383.000
         0 / 540672 ( 0.000%) pixels Feat.6 res_med >= 16383.000
             Feat.6 res_med selected 540672 of 540672 pixels in range (-16383, 16383) med: 1.225 spr: 110.081
             re-defined range for med ± 8.0*spr: (-879.424, 881.874)
         0 / 540672 ( 0.000%) pixels Feat.6 res_med <= -879.424
        33 / 540672 ( 0.006%) pixels Feat.6 res_med >= 881.874
[I] L0114 ====================
    Feat.6 res_spr shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float64 [...]
         0 / 540672 ( 0.000%) pixels Feat.6 res_spr <= -16383.000
         0 / 540672 ( 0.000%) pixels Feat.6 res_spr >= 16383.000
             Feat.6 res_spr selected 540672 of 540672 pixels in range (-16383, 16383) med: 1.788 spr: 0.105
             re-defined range for med ± 8.0*spr: (0.950, 2.626)
         0 / 540672 ( 0.000%) pixels Feat.6 res_spr <= 0.950
      4877 / 540672 ( 0.902%) pixels Feat.6 res_spr >= 2.626
[I] L0284 

Summary of the bad pixel status evaluation, pixel_status_extra array
                   0o1:        0 / 540672 ( 0.000%) pixels Feat.6 res_med <= -879.424
                   0o2:       33 / 540672 ( 0.006%) pixels Feat.6 res_med >= 881.874
                   0o4:        0 / 540672 ( 0.000%) pixels Feat.6 res_spr <= 0.950
                  0o10:     4877 / 540672 ( 0.902%) pixels Feat.6 res_spr >= 2.626
    Any bad status bit:     4882 / 540672 ( 0.903%) pixels
[I] L0150 saved:  pixel_status_extra.dat
[I] L0428 Consumed time 1831.462 sec

Pixel status after Feature 6 and our regular mask after dark processing and averaged data

  • Feat. 6 adds more bad pixels, especially stripe in the lower right ASIC
  • "scratch" seen in data is not reproduced

Chuck wants to find "scratch" automatically

2023-04-06 Feature 2 and 3 for dark data vs our standard dark processing

  • dark data set: exp=xpplw3319:run=287
  • detector: XppGon.0:Epix100a.3, alias: epix_alc3
  • This data set contains ~1200 events, of which initial 1000 is used in processing.
  • By default features 1,2,3 are used. Feature 4 and 5 for gain factors are not implemented and are irrelevant to epix100a.
  • Feature 1 - good frame selection discards 1/0/0 frames for SNR=3/5/8, respectively

Results for SNR max = 3,5,8
det_raw_pixel_status -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.3 -n 1000 -R3 --gmode SNR3

Summary of the bad pixel status evaluation for SNR = 3.00, status_data array
                   0o1:     6445 / 540672 ( 1.192%) pixels Feat.2 mean <= 3588.608
                   0o2:    13484 / 540672 ( 2.494%) pixels Feat.2 mean >= 4374.797
                   0o4:     5600 / 540672 ( 1.036%) pixels Feat.3 std <= 2.314
                  0o10:    34098 / 540672 ( 6.307%) pixels Feat.3 std >= 3.263
    Any bad status bit:    57409 / 540672 (10.618%) pixels

det_raw_pixel_status -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.3 -n 1000 -R5 --gmode SNR5

Summary of the bad pixel status evaluation for SNR=5.00, status_data array
                   0o1:        5 / 540672 ( 0.001%) pixels Feat.2 mean <= 3326.536
                   0o2:       87 / 540672 ( 0.016%) pixels Feat.2 mean >= 4636.866
                   0o4:      878 / 540672 ( 0.162%) pixels Feat.3 std <= 1.999
                  0o10:    12739 / 540672 ( 2.356%) pixels Feat.3 std >= 3.579
    Any bad status bit:    13675 / 540672 ( 2.529%) pixels

det_raw_pixel_status -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.3 -n 1000 -R8 --gmode SNR8

Summary of the bad pixel status evaluation for SNR=8.00, status_data array
                   0o1:        0 / 540672 ( 0.000%) pixels Feat.2 mean <= 2933.437
                   0o2:       33 / 540672 ( 0.006%) pixels Feat.2 mean >= 5029.965
                   0o4:        0 / 540672 ( 0.000%) pixels Feat.3 std <= 1.525
                  0o10:     5314 / 540672 ( 0.983%) pixels Feat.3 std >= 4.053
    Any bad status bit:     5319 / 540672 ( 0.984%) pixels

pixel_status from regular dark processing
det_ndarr_raw_proc -d exp=xpplw3319:run=287 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.3 -n 1000 -o work

raw data found/selected in 1000 events
[I] L0683 begin data summary stage
[I] L0112 evaluate_limits RMS: ave=2.317 std=0.370  limits low=0.097 high=4.536
[I] L0112 evaluate_limits AVE: ave=3983.565 std=188.830  limits low=2850.584 high=5116.546
[I] L0721 bad pixel status:
  status  1:      643 pixel rms       > 4.536
  status  2:        0 pixel rms       < 0.097
  status  4:        0 pixel intensity > 16000 in more than 0.1 fraction (99/999) of non-empty events
  status  8:        0 pixel intensity < 1 in more than 0.1 fraction (99/999) of non-empty events
  status 16:       31 pixel average   > 5116.55
  status 32:        0 pixel average   < 2850.58

2023-04-06 Feature 6 for regular data for SNR=3 and 5

  • dark data set: exp=xpplw3319:run=287
  • detector: XppGon.0:Epix100a.3, alias: epix_alc3
Feature 6 for SNR=3 and 5
det_raw_pixel_status -d exp=xpplw3319:run=293 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.3 -n 1000 -R3 --gmode SNR3-F6 -F 1,6
Summary of the bad pixel status evaluation for SNR=3.00, status_data array
                   0o1:      449 / 540672 ( 0.083%) pixels Feat.6 res_med <= -330.137
                   0o2:      379 / 540672 ( 0.070%) pixels Feat.6 res_med >= 331.245
                   0o4:     8305 / 540672 ( 1.536%) pixels Feat.6 res_spr <= 1.472
                  0o10:    34625 / 540672 ( 6.404%) pixels Feat.6 res_spr >= 2.095
    Any bad status bit:    43648 / 540672 ( 8.073%) pixels

det_raw_pixel_status -d exp=xpplw3319:run=293 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.3 -n 1000 -R5 --gmode SNR5-F6 -F 1,6
Summary of the bad pixel status evaluation for SNR=5.00, status_data array
                   0o1:        0 / 540672 ( 0.000%) pixels Feat.6 res_med <= -550.599
                   0o2:       45 / 540672 ( 0.008%) pixels Feat.6 res_med >= 551.708
                   0o4:     1005 / 540672 ( 0.186%) pixels Feat.6 res_spr <= 1.265
                  0o10:    12484 / 540672 ( 2.309%) pixels Feat.6 res_spr >= 2.302
    Any bad status bit:    13501 / 540672 ( 2.497%) pixels

Interim summary

  • Number of bad pixels depends on SNR parameter
  • Stripe of bad pixels in the middle of the detector can be caught by Feature 3 and 6 at SNR=5.
  • "Scratch" observed by Chuck is not seen detected ...

2023-04-07 mtg summary

  • Chuck: try to search for scratch in ASIC ONLY!
  • Chris: try to change gate limits in dark processing to reproduce bad pixel in the middle stripe.

2023-05-12 low gain pixels

det_calib_ave_and_max -d exp=xpplw3319:run=293 -s XppGon.0:Epix100a.3 -n 100000

generates max-peds for 35998 events of xpplw3319-r0293


use test algorithm

from img-XppGon-0-Epix100a-3-xpplw3319-r0293-e035998-mode-p-max.npy

find median and +/- 6 * (median of difference)

max-peds: shape:(704, 768) size:540672 dtype:float32 [135.05005 135.3999  177.94995 180.53003 176.6001 ...]

Summary of the bad pixel status evaluation
                   0o1:    10021 / 540672 ( 1.853%) pixels max-peds <= 127.788
                   0o2:     3689 / 540672 ( 0.682%) pixels max-peds >= 203.811
saved arr_status_med-peds.npy


cp arr_status_med-peds.txt /cds/data/psdm/xpp/xpplw3319/calib/Epix100a::CalibV1/XppGon.0:Epix100a.3/status_extra/

see Bad Pixel Status


  • No labels