Dark data processing algorithms include pixel status evaluation which is saved in calibration files of type pixel_status. This note explains how to find definition and statistics of the bad pixel bits.
Dark data processing
Dark data processing is originaly intended for base signal level a.k.a. pedestal evaluation. In addition quality of pixel response is also evaluated. This algorithm evolved for a long time. The most advanced version implemented for calibration of jungfrau panels is described here.
- dark raw data is accumulated in array
for a portion of events nrecs1=50. It would be nice to accumulate it for entire volume of events (nrecs=1000), but some of detectors are too big and causes problem with memory. - pre-process data from block, use median and quantile for fraclo=0.05 and fcachi=0.95 fractions of spectral events to estimate mean value and gate intensity limits, respectively.
- use gated average algorithm to process events in
and all other events (nrecs=1000) requested for dark processing. - at the end of the event loop evaluate mean, rms, max/min values and process a few statistical cumulative arrays which produce information about bad pixels.
Bad pixel status
For arrays of per-pixel mean intensity and rms, obtained in gated average algorithm, we use parameters of absolute limits and number of sigma for low and hight range
int_lo=1, int_hi=16000, intnlo=6, intnhi=6
rms_lo=0.001, rms_hi=16000, rmsnlo=6, rmsnhi=6
and dynamically evaluate limits for good parameters from spectra.
Bad pixel bits assignment
status 0: good pixel
status 1: pixel rms exceeds its maximal value for good pixels defined by rms_hi=16000, rmsnhi=6
status 2: pixel rms lower than its minimal value for good pixels defined by rms_lo=0.001, rmsnlo=6
status 4: pixel intensity exceeds int_hi=16000 in more than fraclm=0.1 fraction of events
status 8: pixel intensity lower than int_lo=1 in more than fraclm=0.1 fraction of events
status 16: pixel average intensity exceeds its maximal value for good pixels defined by int_hi=16000, intnhi=6
status 32: pixel average intensity lower than its minimal value for good pixels defined by int_lo=1, intnlo=6
status 64: for jungfrau only pixel with bad gain mode switch.
Bad pixel statistics
Dark data processing scripts dump in the log file information about bad pixel statistics, for example in case of jungfrau:
raw data found/selected in 999 events [I] L0688 begin data summary stage [I] L0111 evaluate_limits RMS: ave=4.783 std=1.303 limits low=0.001 high=12.604 [I] L0111 evaluate_limits AVE: ave=14191.873 std=457.903 limits low=11444.455 high=16000.000 [I] L0733 bad pixel status: status 1: 244 pixel rms > 12.604 status 2: 550 pixel rms < 0.001 status 4: 418 pixel intensity > 16000 in more than 0.1 fraction of events status 8: 132 pixel intensity < 1 in more than 0.1 fraction of events status 16: 0 pixel average > 16000 status 32: 918 pixel average < 11444.5 [I] L0108 status 64: 139 pixel with bad gain mode switch for jungfrau only!
Status extra
Constants of the type pixel_status are defined in processing of dark runs. They may not cover all possible bad pixel cases. New options for bad pixel status are in progress of development and implementation. Currently we may consider to use light data (e.g. new command det_raw_pixel_status - generates status_data), charge injection for new epix detectors (status_ci), and user defined bad pixel status (status_user), and so on. To deal with more and more emerging bad pixel status_* information we are going to collect them in repository with types status_*.
Method save_constants_in_repository - allows to user save constants in repository with recognizable file name.
Command deploy_constants
- finds in repository all available status_* files associated with detector/panel and requested run time-stamp,
- merge them by bits, preserve merged file under status_merged type,
- deploy this file in calibration database with type status_extra.
- <PATHREPO> is defined in Path to data and calibration constants for psana in LCLS1
Repository, presumably common for most of detectors. Even can be extended to LCLS-II...: <PATHREPO>/detector/calib/constants/ generic path to files: <PATHREPO>/detector/calib/constants/<dettype>/<panel-or-detector-id>/<status_type>/<dettype>_<panel-alias>_<YYYYMMDDHHmmSS-of_run>_<expname>_r<runnum>_<status_type>.txt example: <PATHREPO>/detector/calib/constants/epix100a/3925999616-0996579585-0553648138-1232098304-1221641739-2650251521-3976200215/status_user/epix100a_0001_20160318191036_xpptut15_r0260_status_user.txt <PATHREPO>/detector/calib/constants/epix100a/3925999616-0996579585-0553648138-1232098304-1221641739-2650251521-3976200215/status_extra/epix100a_0001_20160318191036_xpptut15_r0260_status_extra.txt merged to: <PATHREPO>/detector/calib/constants/epix100a/3925999616-0996579585-0553648138-1232098304-1221641739-2650251521-3976200215/status_merged/epix100a_0001_20160318191036_xpptut15_r0260_status_merged.txt deployed to: <PATHREPO>/XPP/xpptut15/calib/Epix100a::CalibV1/XcsEndstation.0:Epix100a.1/status_extra/0-end.data
Finding Bad Pixel status information
Due to algorithms evolution the bad pixel bit assignment may be different from description above. The best source of true information about bad pixel content and statistics is the log file. Another option is to look at code. Tables of this note contain references to both sources of information for different type of commands/detectors.
Detector | Processing command | Log files directory | Log file name | Code |
epix10ka | epix10ka_pedestals_calibration | <PATHREPO>/detector/gains/epix10k/panels/logs/<year>/ | <timestamp>_log_epix10ka_pedestals_calibration_<uid>.txt | UtilsEpix10kaCalib.py#L522 |
jungfrau | jungfrau_dark_proc | <PATHREPO>/detector/gains/jungfrau/panels/logs/<year>/ | <timestamp>_log_jungfrau_dark_proc_<uid>.txt | UtilsCalib.py#L727 |
other detectors | calibrun → det_ndarr_dark_proc | <PATHREPO>/logs/calibman/<year>/<month>/ | <time-stamp>-log-<login>-<job-id>.txt | det_ndarr_raw_proc#L337 |
other detectors | NEW: det_raw_pixel_status deploy_constants | <PATHREPO>/detector/calib/constants/<dettype>/logs/<year>/ <PATHREPO>/detector/calib/constants/<dettype>/logs/<year>/ | <time-stamp>_log_det_raw_pixel_status_<uid>.txt <time-stamp>_log_deploy_constants_<uid>.txt |
Command det_raw_pixel_status
Script det_raw_pixel_status is specifically designed to search for bad pixels in dark and light data using different algorithms, named as "features 1-6" after publication [Journal of Applied Crystallography - 2022 - Sadri]. Algorithms of det_raw_pixel_status in for features 1-6 closely follow to this publication. Feature 11 is a new development to search for bad pixels with too low or too high gain factors.
Meaning and application of features in det_raw_pixel_status can be briefly listed as
Feature # | Data type | Description | # of events | status type in repository | Comments |
1 | dark | mean intensity of frames should be in good range | ~1000 | status_dark | |
2 | dark | pixel mean intensity should be in good range | ~1000 | status_dark | |
3 | dark | pixel rms intensity should be in good range | ~1000 | status_dark | |
4 | gain stage indicators between stages | for gain switching detectors only, TBD | |||
5 | gain stage indicators for each gain stage | for gain switching detectors only, TBD | |||
6 | light | average SNR of pixels over time | ~1000 | status_light | |
11 | light | pedestal subtracted pixel intensity max value for entire run should be in good range | entire run sample >10k | status_max | [Bad pixel mask for epix100a xpplw3319] |
where "good range" is equivalent to the "robust statistics" in publication to the bulk of data.
Detector | Dark processing command | Log file directory | Log file name | Code |
epix10ka | epix10ka_pedestals_calibration | <PATHREPO>/detector/gains2/epix10ka/panels/logs/<year>/ | <time-stamp>_log_epix10ka_pedestals_calibration_<uid>txt | UtilsEpix10kaCalib.py#L355 |
epix100a/opal/etc | det_dark_proc | <PATHREPO>/detector/calib2/epix100/logs/<year>/ | <time-stamp>_log_det_dark_proc_<uid>.txt | UtilsCalib.py#L281 |
- Calibration Scripts Repository and Logging
- calibrun - LCLS CLI for dark processing
- Dark processing for LCLS2 area detectors
- Jungfrau and Epix10ka Calibration
- save_constants_in_repository - user's helper to save constants in repository
- det_raw_pixel_status - generates status_data - new algorithms in development
- deploy_constants - deploys constants from repository to DB
- Bad pixel mask - new development
- Paper in JAC: Automatic bad-pixel mask maker for X-ray pixel detectors with application to serial crystallography,
- Journal of Applied Crystallography - 2022 - Sadri - Automatic bad‐pixel mask maker for X‐ray pixel detectors with.pdf
- Bad pixel mask for epix100a xpplw3319
- Path to data and calibration constants for psana in LCLS1