2016-04-19 List of long-term perspective and on-going projects
This list is approved by Chris:
- detector calibration store
- moving algorithms in git/scikit-beam
- development of analysis-specific algorithms for FDA (Meng)
- pipeline image processing algorithms - background subtraction, peak-finders, dynamic masks, etc.
- detector correction algorithms - non-linear gain, common mode, etc.
- support and implementation of new ideas in the CalibManager package
- support and implementation of new ideas in the Detector package
- upgrade of the mask editor/image browser
- pyimgalgos
- update auto-doc
- add HSpectrum, use old NDArrSpectrum as alias
- add HPolar, use it as a super-class of RadialBackground
- new Gabriel's file metrology processing for
- cxi camera2 from 2016-05-25
- mec quads0,1,2 from 2016-02-16
- mec quads1 from 2016-04-21
- Jason
- retrieve size and shape from configStore
- add methods xaxis, yaxis for image
- ImgAlgos - peakfinder
- Chris-peakfinder:
- perhaps give a simple interface with fewer parameters to one of the peak finders?
- consistent names for both phases of peak-finding (radius, r0)?
- Optimization of the list of runs in the GUIDark
- Develop deployment pop-up GUI
- Phil - change behavior of the Deploy buttun (turn to Deployed)
Cross check for optical metrology
- Generate geometry for comparison with Oleksandr Yefanov <>
Cross check of correction to optical metrology - Check corrected geometry after Oleksandr processing
Meng's FDE
- cross-checks
- indexing
Detector Calibration Store, PSAS-148
- project description
- discussion with involved parties
- begin implementation
2016-03-24 through 2016-05-18
- peak-finders revision 1
- significant update for v3r1, see Test of Peak Finders
- fix interaction with mysql
- Update selector of experiments in the GroupFileManager
- fix issue with usage of environment variables
- Silke - in calibrun add -B -T options
- Add support for common mode parameters evaluation/deployment
Meng's FDE
- cross-checks
- masks
- peak selection parameters
- compare peak list of Cheetah with peak-finder
- move new transformation to FiberAngles
- generate peak table in crystfel(?) format
- 2016-03-31 Meng - list of peaks with fit to beta and phi (w/o indexing)
- add mask of edge rows and columns
- add mask of bad pixel neighbors and unbond 4 or 8 pixels
- Chris & Zhou - add default geometry for Epix100a
- Chuck - add method converting image to n-d array
- Chris - revision of doc-string in AreaDetector
2016-02-11 through 2016-03-24
pyimgalgos PSAS-178 H-project as a 1-st candidate to sci-beam
improve HBins - add edgemode parameter HBins auto-doc
add RadialBkgd - low frequency background subtraction: Radial Background Subtraction Algorithm
develop uni-tests for HBins:
calibman PSAS-6
do not start on hosts where data is not seen
do not start under opr accounts
use switch between :xtc and :smd mode of the event reader
improve py-algorithm for ndarray averaging, command det_ndarr_raw_proc
command line for event_keys
clean-up code, get rid of Frame
replace psana module-based scan
replace psana module-based averaging with Detector-based averaging
in ImgAlgos/ImgSaveInFile save image in other formats: bin, tiff, etc...
pdscalibdata::NDArrIOV1 - I/O ndarray of any shape.
Detector PSAS-139
add method for export numpy array in text form
add method to load calibration text file similar to NDArrIO
load variable size calibration
add method center()
Andor3d - support for variable size data in calibman and Detector
2014-06-27 Generic geometry parametrization
- generates constants type "geometry"
for CSPAD,
- works with calibration constants type "geometry"
C++ version of GeometryObject, GeometryAccess
- use default calibration directory - analog of C++ PSCalib::CalibFileFinder
generic image producer based on type "geometry"
GUI-based tool for sensors' alignment using type "geometry"
- add option to use configuration parameters from file
find the reason of the difference with Marcin's results
2013-06-05 Marcin apply LLD threshold = 200, in stead of 20.
fits to g2 function vs time
plot for fit parameters vs q
use processing for any camera