O'Grady, Paul Christopher comments after the meeting with amo/sxr people
Mon 11/14/2016 11:49 AM
To:Dubrovin, Mikhail;
delay-line detector (hex and square)
(currently use third-party cobold
software and acqiris at the same time). can typically tolerate about
5 simultaneous hits (timur). get multiple momentum-spheres moving through
plane of detector, and that gives the x/y blobs. also work with dipanwita on
amo laser spatial/temporal overlap:
requested by gessner
looks for changes in N2 acqiris spectrum
needs to run in real-time (i.e. shared memory)
future possibility from dipanwita: amo VMI electron analysis (angular
integration of opal camera over angular region)
formal timetool calibration
ideally would feedback into ami or real-time psana
sxr diode non-linearity correction (giorgi)
also a normalization from GMD or something else (talk to Dan Higley)
look at correlations between multiple detectors (mean vs. scan) (Alex)
perhaps related to non-linearity above
nice to generalize (works for GMD, MCP I0, Andor, Acqiris)