Calorimeter Wiki Web Space
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See CAL July 2010 channel failure for a first example and its mitigation. Note that this page is preserved for documentation only. The Pass 8 definition and functionality of failure mitigation is defined in the ?Crystal Recon Design Description XtalRec page.
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Panel | ||||||||||
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|| Date || Name || Summary ||
| 06/07/2004 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #1) | A. Chekhtman | Calibration of energy and position measurement in CAL |
| 09/27/2004 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #2) | M. Strickman | How Does Calibration Flow Through the New Single CDE CalRecon and CalDigi? |
| 09/27/2004 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #2) | E. Grove | CAL Calibration Data Sources During Assembly, Integration and Test |
| 09/27/2004 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #2) | A. Chekhtman | CAL crosstalk issues and their Implications |
| 09/27/2004 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #2) | B. Lott | Imaging crystals with TKR |
| 09/27/2004 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #2) | A. Makeev | Light collection non-uniformity near the end of crystal |
| 03/10/2005 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #3) | Z. Fewtrell | CAL Calibration Software |
| 03/10/2005 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #3) | D. Smith | Recon at the Single Crystal Level |
| 03/10/2005 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #3) | B. Lott | A first glance at the Tkr + Cal data |
| 07/14/2005 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #4) | D. Smith | Stability of the CAL Calibrations |
| 07/14/2005 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #4) | A. Chekhtman | Shaped Digital Readout Noise in CAL |
| 07/14/2005 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #4) | E. Nuss | TKR tracks, CAL tracks and Crystal Maps |
| 07/14/2005 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #4) | Z. Fewtrell | GLAST Calorimeter Crystal Position Measurement |
| 07/15/2005 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #4) | A. Chekhtman | Summary of Current Understanding of CAL Retriggering |
| 08/29/2005 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #5) | F. Piron / E. Nuss | Comprehensive review of CAL calibrations |
| 02/24/2006 | F. Piron / E. Nuss | 24 Feb 06 Trending Report |
| 02/27/2006 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #6) | D. Smith | Testing some CAL Specs |
| 02/27/2006 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #6) | F. Piron / E. Nuss | Trending CAL performance and mapping crystals |
| 02/27/2006 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #6) | A. Chekhtman | CAL Features and Idiosyncrasies |
| 02/28/2006 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #6) | J. Dai | CAL LE trigger behavior for short and long track events |
| 02/28/2006 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #6) | E. do Couto e Silva | Testing CAL LE and CAL HE triggers with muons and photons |
| 02/28/2006 | B. Giebels | Range selections in B30 |
| 03/29/2006 | B. Giebels | LAT701 Run |
- 207th AAS (Jan 2006): "Production, Calibration and Environmental testing of the GLAST/LAT CsI Calorimeter Flight Modules" (poster)
- 1st GLAST Symposium (Feb 2007): "Performance of the Calorimeter of the GLAST Large Area Telescope" (poster, proceedings)
Panel | ||||||||||
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|| Date || Name || Summary ||
| 11/14/2006 (Beam Test Workshop #4) | P. Bruel | Update on calorimeter studies |
| 11/14/2006 (Beam Test Workshop #4) | B. Lott | Longitudinal profiles |
| 11/14/2006 (Beam Test Workshop #4) | A. Chekhtman | Status of CAL calibration |
| 11/14/2006 (Beam Test Workshop #4) | B. Giebels | Calibration with pions in SPS |
| 11/15/2006 (Beam Test Workshop #4) | J. Conrad | Update on CAL FHE study |
| 03/27/2007 (LAT collaboration meeting - GSFC) | P. Bruel | Beam tests and Energy measurement |
| 03/27/2007 (LAT collaboration meeting - GSFC) | A. Chekhtman | Lessons learned from CAL calibrations
Panel | ||||||||||
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| 07/15/2005 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #4) | B. Lott | News Flash from Darmstadt |
| 10/17/2005 | M. Strickman | 17 Oct 05 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 11/02/2005 | M. Strickman | 2 Nov 05 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 11/16/2005 | M. Strickman | 16 Nov 05 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 12/07/2005 | M. Strickman | GCR Calibration Flow |
| 12/07/2005 | M. Strickman | 7 Dec 05 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 12/14/2005 | M. Strickman | 14 Dec 05 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 01/20/2006 | C. Lavalley | GCR Calibration s/w Specifications |
| 01/10/2006 | M. Strickman | 10 Jan 06 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 01/24/2006 | M. Strickman | 25 Jan 06 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 02/01/2006 | M. Strickman | 01 Feb 06 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 02/28/2006 (Instrument Analysis Workshop #6) | M. Strickman | Calibrating the CAL in Flight: Galactic Cosmic Ray Calibration |
| 03/01/2006 | M. Strickman | Feb 06 IA Wrkshp-DC2 Kickoff GCR Calib Notes |
| 03/09/2006 | M. Strickman | Sasha Inflight Calibration Additions |
| 03/29/2006 | M. Strickman | 29 Mar 06 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 04/11/2006 | M. Strickman | 11 Apr 06 NRL-OSU GCR Filter Telecon |
| 04/12/2006 | M. Strickman | GLEAM Particle ID Notes |
| 04/12/2006 | M. Strickman | 12 Apr 06 GCR Calib Meeting Notes |
| 05/03/2006 | M. Strickman | 3 May 06 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 05/17/2006 | M. Strickman | 17 May 06 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 06/21/2006 | M. Strickman | 21 June 06 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 09/21/2006 | M. Strickman | 21 Sept 06 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 09/25/2006 (C&A meeting) | M. Strickman | GCRCalib status |
| 10/04/2006 (core s/w meeting) | C. Lavalley | GCRCalib package status |
| 10/10/2006 | F. Piron | 10 Oct 06 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 10/24/2006 | F. Piron | 24 Oct 06 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 11/07/2006 | F. Piron | 7 Nov 06 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 11/21/2006 | F. Piron | 21 Nov 06 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 01/31/2007 | F. Piron | 31 Jan 07 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 03/28/2007 | F. Piron | 28 Mar 07 GCR F2F Meeting Notes |
| 05/22/2007 | F. Piron | 22 May 07 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 06/12/2007 | M. Strickman | 12 June 07 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 06/26/2007 | M. Strickman | 26 June 07 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 07/24/2007 | M. Strickman | 24 July 07 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 08/03/2007 (LAT collaboration meeting - SLAC) | A. Chekhtman | CAL thresholds calibration on orbit |
| 08/03/2007 (LAT collaboration meeting - SLAC) | F. Piron | CAL energy scale calibration (using GCRCalib) |
| 08/28/2007 | F. Piron | 28 Aug 07 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 09/25/2007 | M. Strickman | 25 Sept 07 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 10/09/2007 | M. Strickman | 9 Oct 07 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 10/23/2007 | M. Strickman | 23 Oct 07 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 11/06/2007 | M. Strickman | 6 Nov 07 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 12/04/2007 | M. Strickman | 4 Dec 07 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 01/15/2008 | M. Strickman | 15 Jan 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 01/29/2008 | M. Strickman | 29 Jan 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 02/12/2008 | M. Strickman | 12 Feb 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 02/19/2008 | M. Strickman | 19 Feb 08 GCR Programmer Meeting Notes |
| 02/26/2008 | M. Strickman | 26 Feb 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 03/04/2008 | | 04 Mar 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 03/09/2008 (Ops Sim 2) | F. Piron | CAL GCR calibration |
| 03/18/2008 | M. Strickman | 18 Mar 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 03/25/2008 | | 25 Mar 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 04/01/2008 | | 01 Apr 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 04/08/2008 | | 08 Apr 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 04/15/2008 | | 15 Apr 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 04/22/2008 | | 22 Apr 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 04/29/2008 | | 29 Apr 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 05/06/2008 | | 06 May 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 05/20/2008 | M. Strickman | 20 May 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
| 05/28/2008 | M. Strickman | 28 May 08 GCR Meeting Notes |
* Zach: Final stages of producing initial flight calibrations including crosstalk corrections, etc.
* Fred: Working on L&EO timeline for calibration. Redoing ion rate plots layer by layer
* Berrie: Berrie, David, Zach, Sasha working on adapting David's LAC calibration model for NomSciOps data - about done. Next is FLE
* Elliott: Yvonne needs to redo energy deposit study vs angle, energy with new MC (including LPM, etc)
* Berrie points out that being able to "join" AFEE temps and other calibration information would be desirable. He will look into this @ SLAC
* Fred will submit sims to Zach's requirement to SLAC or Lyon pipeline
* Fred asks who is responsible for validating filter performance during L&EO? Fred will send a note to Richard Hughes and Eric Grove about this
* Simulations for proton/interrange testing
* Status
** Zach
*** knee deep in proton interrange calibration code
**** currently building new app utilizing existing Muon & GCR calib code
**** Took some work, but now we have appropriate simulation code - intend to run existing GCR calib code on the new sim.
** Sasha
** Fred
** Berrie
** Philippe
** Others
* Summaries of analyses and plans for the next week
* Protons and ions in calibOps data (Fred)
* LAC and Pedestals, run 0236511638 , New pedestals validation - David S.
** first look at CAL charge injection run 236331283 - calibGen_flt Sasha,
* Zach
** initial analysis & delivery of FLE/FHE calibration for SciOps data
** calibration of ULD thrsholds, yet to be delivered, looks ok so far
** calibGen (IntNonlin) analysis, ongoing
* Berrie
* Philippe
* Elliott
* Others
* Proton/Interrange vs GCR
Status and Plans:
* Sasha
** CAL proton energy scale calibration (LE diodes only)
** CAL complete proton/interrange energy scale calibration
** pointing mode temperature pedestal drift
** CAL pedestals drift at stable AFEE temperature
** CAL thresholds calibration on orbit
** explanation of event excess at low GemDeltaEventTime
* Zach
* MIP proton peak in calibOps_eng10ps25 runs (Fred)
* Monitoring the CAL with Data Quality Monitoring pages (Veronique)
* Philippe
* Elliott, etc
* Berrie, etc
Status and Plans:
* Sasha
* Zach
* Fred
* Berrie
* Philippe
* Others
Status and Plans:
* Sasha
* Zach
* Carbon events and ACD top tiles (Fred)
* A closer look at the carbon peak (Fred)
* Berrie
* Philippe
* Others
* Sasha - Update on position measurement
* Zach
** currently working on calibGenCAL GCR, adding asymmetry calibration to GCR code
** still pushing TriggerAlg updates through GR CCB
** intNonlin analisys, nomSciOps trigger threshold fitting on back burner
* Fred
* Luca, etc - CAL data monitoring discussion
* Berrie
* Philippe
* Others
* Sasha
** recommendations on CAL monitoring plots
* Zach
* Fred
* Luca, etc (CAL monitoring follow-up)
* Berrie
* Philippe
* Others
* Sasha
** Asymmetry calibration
* Andrey
** Status of new GCR simulations with MC truth info
* Berrie
** LAC monitoring with DQM plots
* Fred
* Others
* Sasha
* Zach
* Andrey
** Status of new GCR simulations with MC truth info
* Fred
* Berrie,David
* Others
* Sasha
* Andrey
* Fred
* Berrie,David
** LAC,FLE,FHE monitoring
* Others
** Berrie et. al. will do long term monitoring of threshold and LAC settings
** Fred et. al. will do energy calibration monitoring using GCR
** Suggestion that monitoring processes highlight new outliers
** In GCR monitoring, we need to determine correct tradeoff between peak width (i.e. more stringent cuts) and statistics (less stringent cuts)
** Sasha will be Zach's replacement as contact for threshold settings questions, deliveries, etc.
* Sasha
** Status of discrepancy between on-board and off-line energy
** Status of implementation of on-orbit calibration in pipeline
** Possible collaboration with Russian groups for further beam calibrations
* Andrey
* Fred
** GCRCalib in GR system tests: number of hits and path-length, pseudo Z
* Berrie,David LACLAC_zoomFLE, FHE
* Others
* Sasha
* Andrey
* Fred
* Berrie,David
* Others
* Sasha
* Andrey
* Fred: introduction on CAL calibration monitoring with GCRs
* Berrie,David LAC,FLE,FHE and now PED monitoring
* Yvonne ppt|^BeamTest Analysis Update 102308.ppt|||\
* Others
* Sasha
* Andrey
* Fred
* Berrie,David
* Yvonne high_energy_electrons_ppt
* Others
* Sasha
* Andrey
* Fred
* Berrie,David
* Yvonne, etc.
* Others
* Sasha
* Andrey
* Fred: new text and plots (fig1, fig2) for the LAT on-orbit calibration paper
* Berrie,David monitoring plots update
* Yvonne, etc.
* Others
* Sasha
* Andrey
* Berrie,David, ped deviation
* Yvonne, etc.
* Others
* Sasha
* Andrey
* Berrie,David
* Yvonne, etc.
* Others
- Sasha
- Andrey
- Berrie,David
- Yvonne, etc.
- Others
- Sasha and Eric
- Andrey
- Berrie,David monitoring
- Yvonne, etc.
- Others
- Sasha
- Andrey
- Berrie,David
- Yvonne, etc.
- Others
- Sasha
- Fred
- Andrey
- Berrie,David
- Yvonne, etc.
- Others
28 July 09
- Sasha
- Status of LCI acquisition and analysis
- Status of large-angle CR calibration analysis
- AOB?
17 November 09
29 December 09
- D. Bederede et al., "Performance of the CsI(Tl) detector element of the GLAT calorimeter", NIM A 518, 15-18 (2004)
- O. Ferreira et al., "Environmental tests of the GLAST validation module calorimeter", NIM A 530, 323-329 (2004)
- B. Lott et al., for the GLAST collaboration, "Response of the GLAST LAT calorimeter to relativistic heavy ions", NIM A 560, 395 (2006) (pdf)
- 1st GLAST Symposium (Feb 2007): "Heavy ion beam tests for the preparation of the LAT on-orbit calibration" (poster)
- ICRC Conference (July 2007): "In-flight calibration of the GLAST Large Area Telescope calorimeter" (poster pdf, ppt, proceedings)
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06.28.2008 |
Panel | ||||||||||
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03/25/2005 | B. Giebels | |
10/17/2005 (note) | P. Bruel | |
02/09/2006 (note) | P. d'Avezac |
Panel | ||||||||||
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08/08/2005 (C&A meeting) | F. Piron | |
06/29/2006 (Beam Test Workshop #3) | F. Piron | |
11/15/2006 (Beam Test Workshop #4) | F. Piron | Validation of CAL Mip Finder algorithm with CERN / PS proton data |
03/26/2007 (LAT collaboration meeting - GSFC) | S. Guiriec |
Panel | ||||||||||
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03/06/2005 | Z. Fewtrell | Operation of Ideal gains |
03/09/2005 | D. Chamont | How to try Fuzzy Clustering |
04/11/2005 | M. Strickman | |
11/05/2007 | Z.Fewtrell | CalTuple documentation |
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07/19/2005 | D. Chamont | |
07/19/2005 | T. Usher | |
05/04/2005 | T. Usher | |
03/09/2005 | D. Chamont | |
04/13/2005 | D. Chamont |
Calorimeter Action Items in jira
Jira Issues | ||||