- Claudia and Joanne are discussing adding quenching DB to calibration info
(Update: Current thought seems to be that quenching info can be stored in XML but outside of the calibration data structure)
- Quenching in GLEAM:
- Does it have to be applied at the particle energy deposit level, or can it be applied to MCIntegratingHits?
- Problem is that we need ion energy and Z to compute quenching correction. Maybe if we include particle lists? (but see email from Tracy)
- What happens if multiple particles with different Z contribute to the same integrating hit (and can't be reliably filtered out)? Example is single charge change interaction resulting in Z-1 and proton flying alogn together.
- Need to evaluate errors from ignoring these problems or approximate solutions
- See XXX for further discussion
- GSI analysis is continuing at LPTA. Old GLEAM code is in use since new code still crashes with GSI geometry setup
- Next meeting 25 April 26 April 27 April 3 May
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