- Plots showing results of GSI run 186 quenching analysis (here)
- Improved intercalibrations
- Improved peak fitting with better initial conditions
- Better stats with run 186 than previous runs used (although some s/w changes required to account for 1 range readout
- 2% systematic change from Benoit's quenching analysis: virtual agreement
- Eric is using these results in his continuing GSI analysis – ready to show something next mtg
- Benoit suggests comparing interaction rates between GSI and sims to further check EPAX model
- Benoit will send Sasha's complete EM calibration (all channels) to Fred (currently using incomplete calib.)
- Andrey:
- Simulations of heavy ions from CRHeavyIonPrimary now working with G4 truth saved via user stepping routine
- Working mostly with Carbon so far to improve statistics
- More non-interacting hits in edge towers than center (expected)
- As a test, correlation of HI energy deposition and path length looks good
- Working on comparison of MC energy deposit from HI vs MC integrating hits for each hit xtal
- Mark is still working on "the document"
- See flow chart here
- First partial draft posted soon
Next vrvs meeting on Wed, 14 Dec at 10AM Eastern Standard time
- Andrey presentation
- Eric N. presentation
- Benoit and Sasha discuss beam test calibration
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