- Status Review
- NRL (Mark, Zach, Sasha)
- Mark is working on calib procedure doc (based on presentation)
- Consensus seems to be to adopt Benoit's suggested scheme for correction to electron equiv. energy
- Zach finishing up configuration tools, will start this week on digi mods
- Sasha working on trigger level calibration
- LPTA (Fred, Johann, Claudia)
- Over the next 1-2 weeks, Claudia will start work on code to filter protons and He out of MIP and DGN filter streams
- Johann will be in residence at LPTA starting end of week, will continue work on heavy ion mods to TKRrecon
- SLAC (Elliott, etc)
- Yvonne and Ping are taking a critical look at BT calibrations, etc to try to find a pattern in discrepancies
- Other
- Bari summary (Sasha)
- Meeting schedule discussion
- Weekly meetings
- Alternate weeks are status and communication for software developers
- Primarily Zach, Sasha, Fred, Johann, Tracy
- Other weeks are as before – everyone can present
- Action items pdf
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