- https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/SCIGRPS/CAL+Subsystem+Paper If you just take a few minutes to look at the table of figures I put on this page you'll see that with only a little work for a few (several) people we could break the logjam and finish the CAL paper. Signed, Dave S.
- Zach
- Threshold calibration code tested, committed.
- Flight IntNonlin calibration update in progress.
- Some updates to calibration trending (diff) scripts while verifying latest calibGenCAL code.
- Compiling final calibration update before flight.
- will be using latest Cold TVAC LAC & pedestals
- other calibrations will most likely remain the same (04/07) since there are no new suitable calibration runs to analyze
- Including protons and heliums in GCRcalib

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