Update on GSI Reanalysis (Eric N.)
- See Eric's presentation here
- No one understands (a priori) why multiplicity varies so dramatically between run 46 and run 186. Move investigation will be done
Beamtest CAL calibration discussion (Benoit)
- See Benoit's presentation on current calibration plans here
- We want to make sure that xtal scanning plan for calibration samples all different xtal behaviors (e.g. different asymmetry curve shapes)
- We may want to add beam positions nearer to xtal ends to investigate direct deposition in diodes
- General consensus that beam position needs to be known for absolute (not relative) calibration. TKR can be used for 2 modules. What do we do for the other 2? Is CAL hodoscope direction good enough?
- Benoit – Where do simulations enter in to the process?
- Simulations are necessary to model asymm. shape of ion energy peaks (due to distribution of incident energies)
- Can this be simulated once (average over orbit and precession) or does it need to be part of the ongoing process? On what time scale does it vary?
- Unlike Landau fluctuations, position in peak (sharp low energy edge or high energy tail) is correlated between layers (since related to incident energy). Can cuts be designed that suppress tail events? Is this necessary?
- Fred – what is status of TKR FIFO and TKR recon for GCR ions? Mark needs to ask Tracy/Leon again
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