- GLEAM Status (TKR Recon, Filters, etc) -- Tracy, Leon, Richard...
- GCRCalib Status (pdf) -- Fred, Claudia
- Why is only one of bits 27, 28 ever set? Answer: sequential processing of filter steps, set to stop at first reject
- Filter questions should be passed to Tracy and/or Greg Thayer
- CalibGenCAL for GCR Introduction -- Zach
- Presentation next mtg
- Early "primitive" fitting with Gaussian are encouraging in that the E vs Z^2 dependence is preserved
- GCR Peak Shape Study Status -- Andrey
- Currently running Z=6 sims with specialized outputs
- MCTruth in compact format
- Inelastic scatter info
- Couple more days then advance to Z=7,8
- GCR Energy Deposit Study Status -- Elliott, Ping (pdf)\, Yvonne (pdf)
- Beamtest Analysis Status -- Sasha
- BT discrepancy "blame" ideas moving from CAL calibration problems to G4 problems (significant differences in BT and GR results)
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