- CAL Calibration Procedure (Mark)
- Notes
- MP filter will probably be run in allaxis mode
- We need to look at biases in the MP filter due to imprecise energy calibration use onboard
- Best to use TKR reconstructed tracks for simulations of deposited energy
- Use MC truth track lengths to estimate systematics
- Fred: MC truth used while waiting for HI version of TKRrecon
- Handling quenching effects (Benoit)
- Notes
- Mark, Sasha and Eric agree that Benoit's suggested technique for BT corrections makes sense
- Philippe cautions about making MC changes that invalidate classification trees and CALrecon
- Status
- NRL (Mark, Zach)
- LPTA (Fred)
- Bordeaux (Benoit, David)
- SLAC (Elliott, Ping, Yvonne ...)
- Next Meeting: 12 February
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