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This page centralizes documentation relating to the module loading, integration, and quality control/assurance testing of the Inner System, part of ATLAS' Inner Tracker Pixels Phase II upgrade project.

Table of Contents

Module loading pages

Building 33: Module loading equipment

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Consumable components for mixing and dispensing SE4445

A list of consumables required for mixing SE4445, storing it in syringes, and dispensing it with the Janome robot.

The linked page includes the information required to place orders for each item.

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Glue dispensing equipment

Page describing the air dispenser, PC, and Janome robot for glue dispensing. The page labels the equipment and describes how to operate it.

Operating procedures  

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Mixing SE4445 cartridges for storage

This page describes how to set up and mix SE4445 into smaller syringes for later use in the B33 cleanroom complex gowning area.

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Building 33 - Glue freezer monitoring setup    

Page describing the setup of the LabJack 7 + thermocouples,  as well as monitoring software, PC setup, network setup.

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Programming concepts in Janome Points for the glue dispensing robot

We can only predict so many eventualities: This page describes how to create your own custom Janome Points program file. It breaks down some key concepts (like Janome jargon "Point Job," "PTP," and "palette") as well as how to set up the Janome Points programme.

Further documentation and resources 

This list of Loading notes and presentations contains copies of lab notes and documents in addition to links for relevant presentations between August 2018 and February 2020.

Integration Pages

 Building 33 - Operating the QC Test Box    

Procedures for operating the CO2 Plant and test box equipment

Thermal Test pages

Thermal Test

Description and details on thermal test procedures.

Readout and Q/C setups 

FELIX readout

FELIX readout system documentations, direct FELIX setups, and test configurations.

Cooling Unit for Module QC

Information on cooling unit for module QC 

YARR Readout

YARR test bench documentation


RCE Readout

RCE test bench documentation

Module PSU Specs: