This is the home page of the ATLAS department at SLAC. The SLAC group is involved in a number of areas, including pixel detector, trigger and data acquisition, simulation and computing, as well as the ATLAS upgrade.
There is a brief overview of the group's activities.
The left side-bar navigates to all of these specific areas. More general information can be found below.
This space is under construction. For original material not found here please also see our static web page and the original area pages for:
General Information
ATLAS Documentation
SLAC Local Information
Regular ATLAS Meetings at SLAC
Meeting |
Day/Time/Room |
Phone |
Description |
Wednesday |
510-665-5437 #7714 |
Detector and Physics presentations. Announcements through <atlas-forum-l at> (which has a web archive) |
Thursday |
510-665-5437 #8081 |
TDAQ technical discussions on projects related to SLAC community. Announced through <atlas-tdaq-l at> |
Monday |
510-665-5437 #8356 |
Technical discussions on pixel systems related to SLAC community. Announced through atlas-pixel-l at |
The above meetings are open to all ATLAS collaborators. Anyone wishing to receive the announcements and participate in these meetings, can subscribe directly by sending an E-mail to with the body text: subscribe atlas-forum-l <your email address>
. The location of the conference rooms can be found on the meeting room map.
Recent and Upcoming Events at SLAC
- SLAC Summer Institute: "Revolutions on the Horizon" (Aug/3-14/2009)
- ATLAS Upgrade Simulation Workshop (Jul/28-30/2009)
- SLUO LHC Workshop: "SLAC in the LHC Era" (July/16-17/2009)
- ATLAS Hadronic Final State Analysis Forum, SLAC (Apr/8-10/2009)
- US ATLAS Western Tier2 Users Forum, SLAC (Apr/6-7/2009)
2009 ATLAS Meetings
- Clustered Physics/Performance Meetings, CERN (Dec/1-4)
- ATLAS Software and Computing Workshop, CERN (Nov/30-Dec/4)
- ATLAS Upgrade week, CERN (Nov/9-13)
- ATLAS TDAQ week, CERN (Oct/26-30)
- ATLAS Inner Detector Week, CERN (Oct/26-30)
- ATLAS week, Barcelona (Oct/5-9)
- US LHC User Organization meeting, LBNL (Sep/26)
- Clustered Physics/Performance Meetings, CERN (Sep/1-4)
- ATLAS Software and Computing Workshop, CERN (Aug/31-Sep/4)
- ATLAS Physics Workshop of the Americas, NYU (Aug/3-5)
- ATLAS week, CERN (Jul/6-10)
- Inner Detector Week, CERN (Jun/29-Jul/3)
- ROD Workshop, CERN (Jun/17-19)
- RCE Training Workshop, CERN (Jun/15-16)
- Physics and Performance week, CERN (Jun/2-5)
- TDAQ week, Rome (May/11-15)
- Physics and Performance week, CERN (Apr/28-May/1)
- Physics and Performance week, CERN (Mar/24-27)
- Software and Computing Workshop, CERN (Mar/16-20)
- ATLAS Upgrade week, CERN (Feb/23-27)
- ATLAS week, CERN (Feb/16-20)
- Trigger workshop, Beatenberg (Feb/2-6)