This page collects information on using ATLAS computing resources at SLAC and at CERN. It includes instructions and pointers for ATLAS analysis, software development, office use etc.
ATLAS Computing at SLAC
Getting Started
- US ATLAS shared Tier 3 document and tutorial
- Brief introduction of SLAC ATLAS Computing Environment to new users
- Slides of SLAC Analysis Computing Facility Tutorial (US ATLAS Week @ UMass, Aug, 2019). Note the entry point for JupyterLab has changed to See the above US ATLAS link for detailed info.
- More info on running batch jobs
- Please refer to SLAC's FastX page for information on remote W-window access.
- xrootd space
- Transferring large files between CERN and SLAC
- Reference: U.S. ATLAS Center at SLAC
very old pages
- Read about Using the GRID at SLAC
- Also note some handy SLAC/ATLAS Computing Tips and Tricks
- Save time by Avoiding Typing Your Password for SVN
- SLAC batch system
- ATLAS software releases at SLAC(old static page)
- ATLAS datasets at SLAC