There are various types of registrations with ATLAS and CERN User Office that need to be initiated/updated depending of the activity location. A general source of related information is the ATLAS Secretariat web page. This page summarizes the specific actions to launch these registrations for SLAC team members/associates.
New ATLAS Remote User Registration
For most SLAC ATLAS members/associate/summer-interns without existing ATLAS registration, this is typically the first step to register with ATLAS and getting a CERN computing account, as a remote external ATLAS user outside CERN. This can be done before new person starting at SLAC to get prepared in advance, following the step outlined here. SLAC supervisor/host should submit the following list of information about the new person to Su Dong or Charlie Young to initiate the pre-registration online as team leader:
- Name: first, middle (optional), last names exactly matching the name shown on passport / ID card, which the process will require a scanned copy later in the process.
- E-mail: E-mail at SLAC/Stanford.
- Gender: M/F
- Participation preriod: start/end dates. End date can be slightly extended from actual association end date to allow activity post association wrap up.
The pre-reg launched by team leader will first go to new registrant to fill further information and attach passport/ID card scan copy to return the doc back top team leader. After verifying registrant ID info, team leader forward the registration form to ATLAS secretariat. The process will further interact with new registrant directly for CERN computing account setup to wrap up the process.
First Time Travel to CERN
While ATLAS activities can take place at SLAC without CERN badge, travel to CERN for the first time should initiate the CERN User Registration process before departure. Please follow the User Office pre-travel information page carefully well in advance, as some associated processing e.g. Schengen visa may need significant processing time. The CERN User registration should start before departure with the applicant requesting to Su Dong or Charlie Young as Team Leader to start a similar looking CERN User Office initial pre-registration form, which may need reminder of the exact name matching passport/ID card. This will be also iterated between applicant and Team Leader with the workflow described in this User Office page involving more extensive information than the remote user registration. This process requires the Home Institution Declaration (HID) form and scanned copy of passport to be attached before passing on the completed EDH form to User Office. The HID form can only be issued by SLAC HR. The applicant should request to Claudia Ransom for an HR stamped HID matching to your job term. This EDH registration should be processed to the state of submitted to User Office by Team Leader before departure to CERN. Once arrived at CERN, immediately proceed to the User Office at Building 61 near the R1 cafeteria to complete the remaining process in person to obtain CERN badge.
Updating CERN User Registration
Everyone will receive reminders for ATLAS registration or CERN user registration expiration warning every few years. ATLAS registration extension only needs a simple online update by Team Leader (Su Dong or Charlie Young). For expiring CERN User registration, although only working remotely at SLAC does not necessarily require the maintenance of CERN badge, letting it expires can cause strange effects to CERN computing access. To update the expiring CERN User registration, please follow the ATLAS Secretariat page for Contract Extension by filling an EDH form online with a renewed SLAC HR stamped Home Institution Declaration (HID) form matching to your current job term, from Claudia Ransom of SLAC HR.
Some other changes of status also needs a similar EDH online update process following the ATLAS secretariat Contract Change page:
- New SLAC employee from another ATLAS institution to change affiliation within ATLAS
- Changing employment status from student to postdoc/staff
- Moving to CERN for extensive residence (also needs associated Schengen visa processing in most cases)
- Returning to SLAC from long CERN residence