Versions Compared


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The data was divided up by region in order to reduce the number of countries in a single chart. This is done so as to allow separation by eyeball of the IPDV lines for the various countries in a chosen region. It also keeps the data more self-consistent in terms of time zones, economy, customs etc. For each region, we show one or more charts of the daily median IPDV. The intervention data is from Wikipedia (e.g.

We are looking for a significant rise or fall in IPDV possibly correlated with an intervention or growth in cases.

Possible Future work

Compare weekday usage with allweek usage to see if it makes a notable difference in identifying correlations between PingER and Covid-19 .

Rather than use weekdays use midweek (Tue -Thur) to ensure the data avoids weekends.

For each country select the type of target based on:

  • is the  connection to SLAC the connection a lightly loaded high performance link (e.g. using ESnet, Internet2, DANTE, TENET etc), ot a commercial link
  • is the target host in an educational, commercial, government or unknown establishment.


E Asia


Central Africa
