Versions Compared


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DemographicIncomeEducationCasesPoliticsAgePopulation densityPopulation
Per capita income*0.810.0032.280.0080.120.19

% of people completing college education for CA

Covid-19 confirmed cases0.00320.016*0.340.0120.140.77
% of Registered voters who are registered as Democratic0.280.430.034*0.0890.150.081
Median age0.0080.0080.0120.0089*0.00290.084
Population density (people/sq mile)* 
Population0.190.0430.770.0810.084 *


It is seen that there is a strong correlation between the per capita income and education and between confirmed cases and population, a medium correlation between registered voter political leaning and education. The excel spreadsheet of the analysis of the above demographics and their correlations can be found here.


Deaths/Million Population vs  Confirmed cases/Million Population


  • The leading states in terms of deaths per million population are: NY, NJ, CT, MA, LA, MI, DE,DC, RI.
    The leading states in terms of confirmed per million of population are: NY, NJ, MA, DE, CT,RI, LA, DC, MI

    If one does not normalize by population the NY and NJ standout followed by the top of the bunch being MA and MI
    Looking at a log vs log plot the trailing states one sees the lowest deaths are for AK SD, HI, MT, WY, ND. The lowest Confirmed cases are for AK, SD, SD,HI, MT, WY, ND.

  • Note that since it is a log-log scale no bubble appears for a state until there is at least 1 confirmed case and 1 death for the state.
  • % Confirmed and deaths both low for AK, VT, NH, ID
  • Cluster of DE, DC and RI with low deaths compared to the % confirmed cases
  • NY, NJ, MA, DE, CT, LA, RI, DC have the highest % confirmed cases.
  • By March 14th, WA, NY, CA, FL were reporting deaths.


If we color the bubbles by each state's political leaning the chart appears below. It is apparent that Covid-19 is impacting democratic states the hardest, followed by the swing states.


We can also group the data by age, income or education tertiles


Include Page
Covid-19 - Visualizing the Africa, Asia, Europe and S America data
Covid-19 - Visualizing the Africa, Asia, Europe and S America data