Major W European, the US, and Swedish countriesNorthern European countries


  • in early March and April 2020, Italy followed by Spain and Belgium were the first countries to experience an outbreak 
  • The initial peak for all countries with the exception of Sweden had passed by May 2020.
  • Secondary peaks were experienced by Sweden in June and the US in July 2020.
  • Spain, Belgium, France, and the UK in that order experienced a significant secondary increase in cases starting in July through August 2020.
  • Spain appears to have peaked the second time in September 2020. Belgium, France, and the UK continued to climb in October 2020.
  • In terms of cumulative deaths/million population, Germany has by far the lowest trajectory. The next lowest country, France, has over 4 times Germany's number of deaths/million population.
  • The leader in cumulative deaths/million population is Belgium, followed by the US and the UK running almost dead equal with the US just having overtaken the UK.
  • Northern Europe:
    • Iceland was the first country to experience a notable rise in daily cases.
    • By the middle of  April 2020, all countries apart from Sweden had experienced a peak in cases and passed the peak.
    • Sweden continued to experience an increase in daily confirmed cases per million population until the end of May 2020.
    • The different trajectory of Swedish cases presumably reflects the fact that it did not implement a lockdown and "masks were never required and aren't commonly worn".  Sweden "managed to flatten its curve, prompting its health leadership to claim victory -- but others question the cost of the strategy, as the country has a far higher death toll than its Scandinavian neighbors." see
    • The Swedish deaths as seen in the North European deaths chart above are seen to be over five times that of the next N European country, Denmark.
    • It appears significant that though Sweden leads in confirmed deaths/million population in Northern Europe, it is below Spain the second lowest in Western Europe.

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