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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


  • 03/18/2008 - The new RM is now activated and commpiles ST LATEST builds after they have been triggered via the old RM. The new RM pages can be viewed from inside SLAC firewall by visiting:
  • 02/04/2008 - The old RM now automatically tags ScienceTools LATEST builds with SCons tags. Shortly after a CMT style RM compile starts one can check out ScienceTools for SCons now. Tags are converted as follows: A LATEST1.2222 build in the old RM would correspond to a tag of ScienceTools-LATEST-1-2222 in SCons.
  • 01/31/2008 - The first ScienceTools tag for SCons has been created. The tag is called ScienceTools-LATEST-1-2220 and corresponds to LATEST1.2220 of CMT. It can be checked out with the command cvs co -r ScienceTools-LATEST-1-2220 ScienceTools-scons.


This page is intended as a tutorial on getting people up to speed about the way SConscript files should be created. SConscript files are the equivalent of our requirements files currently in use. They define the targets that SCons will create during the build process.

Minimal SConscript file


Currently SCons is fully functional with ScienceTools. The new RM is compiling packages Science Tools with SCons as the builds happen with CMT. These builds are performed for Linux in 32bit and 64bit format as well as in Windows 32bit format. The tasks that remain for the Science Tools side are:



Time Estimate


Fix of last few unit test failures. See Here

No progress


Package owners need to take active role in this

New tag collector to use with SCons.

Work in Progress. 50% Done.

2-3 Weeks


New MrStudio replacement for SCons.

No Progress

Several weeks to a Month

This will heavily rely on the tag collector

Port to new OSes

Some Progress but on hold for now



On the GlastRelease side there is no progress yet. ScienceTools design can be used under GlastRelease and will accomplish 90% of GlastRelease's needs. The other 10% of the tasks that remain are:



Time Estimate


Create special SCons builder for gaudi

No Progress

1-2 Weeks


Create SConscript files for all packages

No Progress

2-3 Weeks

Significantly faster if package owners help

Modify new RM to build GlastRelease

No Progress

1-2 Weeks


Tagging convention

With SCons we will be switching tagging conventions away from the current vXrYpZ standard to the new packageName-XX-YY-ZZ standard. What this means is that any package performing a tag will have to have their package name in the tag as well as use only 2 digit version numbering. For example if in the old convention the Likelihood package would apply the tag v1r2p3, in the new convention this tag would be Likelihood-01-02-03. This convention is currently automatically enforced by the old RM. Whenever a package is tagged with the vXrYpZ format, the old RM automatically tags the same package with packageName-XX-YY-ZZ. In the near future this convention will be reversed.

Minimal SConscript file

This example shows a minimal SConscript file. It will build nothing but will import some of the This example shows a minimal SConscript file. It will build nothing but will import some of the tools necessary for when we add targets to be built. It should be stored in the top level directory of the package.


The first line is what creates a static library object containing all the information necessary to build the library at a later point. Notice we use the libEnv variable. This is one of the copies made of the base environment. This copy should be used for any libraries to be compiled. It should NEVER be used for creating an application. If this rule is violated it will cause errors in other packages that will be hard to track back down to this source.

Wiki MarkupThe StaticLibrary function call takes two arguments. The first argument specifies the name that should be given to the library. This name should not include any prefixes/suffixes that are platform specific. SCons will take care of adding those automatically. This example on Unix based systems would create a library named {{libmyLib.a}}. The second argument to SCons is a list of files to be compiled into the library. In this case we specify that the files to be included are in the src directory, relative to the top directory of the package, and are named \ *.cxx (anything ending with .cxx). Should only a single file be needed for the compilation of that library we can either specify a single file to the listFiles function call {{listFiles('src/myLib.cxx')}} or we can simply skip the use of listFiles() call and replace the entire listFiles function call with \ ['src/myLib.cxx'\].

The second line will register our objects at the top level to be compiled when appropriate. This is not a standard SCons ability but custom extension to SCons. Several things to note are that we use the progEnv copy of the environment to register objects even if the objects are libraries. This is a convention we strong suggest you abide by.

Wiki MarkupThe arguments used by the Tool() call are as follows. The first argument is the name of the tool to be called. Without going into too much detail at this point, this argument needs to always be specified 'regsiterObjects'. The second argument is the name of the package. The third argument is a list of library objects to be registered for this package. These can be shared or static. The name of the variable used is the same as the one used to store the library object returned by libEnv.StaticLibrary() call on the previous line. The next argument is a list of include files to be registered. These are *ONLY* the public include files necessary to use the libraries that are going to be registered. Since we only need a single header file to be registered we specify it with {{\['myPackage/myLib.h'\]}}. If a list of header files, such as \ *.h, needed to be specified we could use the listFiles() call again. Other arguments can be specified as well. A complete list is provided in a later section.

Simple Shared library

The steps to create a shared library are similar to those for a static library. The code looks as follows.


No Format
myApp = progEnv.Program('myProgram', ['src/myProgram.cxx'])

Wiki MarkupWe use the progEnv copy of the base environment to create a program objection. The copy of the environment for creating libraries should *NEVER* be used for this task. It will generate problems in other packages and will be very difficult to trace back. The arguments provided to the progEnv.Program() call are similar to those for libraries. The first argument is the name of the executable making sure to exclude and platform specific prefixes or suffixes. On Windows SCons will create a program called myProgram.exe. The second argument is a list of source code files to compile the program. All three methods described in the previous two sections are valid here as well (listFiles(), \ ['single file'\], or \ ['list', 'of', 'files'\]).

Just like in the previous two sections, we need to register the program object with the top level before it can be used. Assuming the static and shared libraries from before still exist and we want to add this program to the registration call we would modify the registration line as follows


titleIf creating test applications

You should register test applications with the {{testApps = \ [myApp\]}} argument instead of the {{binaries = \ [myApp\]}} argument.

OS specific conditions

If you wish to perform functions on certain platforms only you can use regular python conditionals around the functions.
For example to define the TRAP_FPE macro only on Linux platforms we would append:


  • ARFLAGS - General options passed to the static library archiver. You should never need to set this.
  • CCFLAGS - General options that are passed to the C and C++ compilers.
  • CFLAGS - General options that are passed to the C compiler (C only; not C++).
  • CXXFLAGS - General options that are passed to the C++ compiler. By default, this includes the value of CCFLAGS, so that setting CCFLAGS affects both C and C++ compilerscompilation.
  • CFLAGS - General options that are passed to the C compiler (C only; not C++).
  • CXXFLAGS - General options that are passed to the C++ compiler. By default, this includes the value of CCFLAGS, so that setting CCFLAGS affects both C and C++ compilation.

External Libraries

External Libraries


The directory structure for the external libraries that SCons uses is different than those used by CMT. The directory structure in SCons was modified so that Unix and Windows based ones are more compatible than before. These external libraries only exist as 1 version for a particular OS (opt and debug builds use the same libraries). As a result the CMT external library structure can't be used with SCons anymore.

All external libraries used are automatically added to the library path of the compiler. A package only needs to add the libraries themselves to the library path. For example, to add CLHEP to list of libraries to link against you would use:


When SCons is performing the build process it will put files in the following subdirectories that are located in the same directory as the SConstruct file:


  • include/\[packageName\] - all the globally shared header files for \ [packageName\]
  • Wiki Markupbin/\[variant\] - all the binaries for the variant. A variant specifies the OS and compile options such as debug or optimized.
  • Wiki Markuplib/\[variant\] - all the libraries for the variant. This variant string is the same as above
  • Wiki Markuppfiles/\[packageName\] - all the pfiles for \ [packageName\]

Other such output directories will be created in the future and they will follow the same convention. If the contents of the directory is dependent on the OS or the compile options, it will include the variant sub directory. If it is independent of such changes it will not include that directory.