Navid reported on the status of the tagCollector (aka RMViewer). Most recent version had trouble for users not local to SLAC due to time associated with the MySQL queries. Navid is working on making the next version multi-threaded, so the GUI will remain active while the queries are going. Should be available by the end of the week. After that, Navid will work on new features and bug fixes.
Navid reported that Berrie's post-doc, Steve Fagen has volunteered to look at the 64 bit ST builds - and has successfully built ST on a debian machine. There are issues with swig at runtime, and Navid passed along the fix to pointlike.
Speaking of the fix to pointlike - Navid will commit that to CVS (and on to skymaps as well). Joanne voiced the desire to find a way for the SCons builds to carry on despite such an error. Navid will contact the SCons developers to get their suggestions.
Release Manager status - the Windows builds are happier - there are some minor issues that Navid has yet to sort out. As for RHEL5, we are still waiting on the new boxes at SLAC. Richard will poke the unix-admins.
Release Manger web front end - we generally agreed it is time to bring the page out from behind the SLAC firewall. Karen and Tony will handle that. Karen reported that the RM page will be renamed from ReleaseManager-NEW to ReleaseManager2. similar to second version of the pipeline.
Joanne reports that she is past most of the issues for GoGui. The remaining issue involves the update to the SCons back end for handling multiple paths for the packages. Navid and Joanne will converse later today to discuss potential strategies. Joanne has also released an alpha version of GoGui for Windows. Heather has reported some runtime problems at start up.
Emmanuel gave his status on the GR builds. He is working on builds for a specific GR tag, v15r49 and will provide a new status page. Emmanuel discovered that the scons function which copies over the public header files was not searching the directories recursively. Hence, some public includes were missed. Emmanuel implemented a work around so he can carry on. Joanne reminded us that Bryson had run into a similar issue when using SCons for CHS and had also implemented a fix that we should look at. He has also moved to building single packages rather than building all. This allows him to monitor his progress better. At the time of the meeting, Emmanuel had built 34 out of 85 packages successfully. Remaining issues pertain to package conformance to our package structure, such as the location of public header files. Emmanuel is contacting the package owners as he runs into troubles. While waiting for responses, he makes any necessary changes in his local environment so he can continue working. He hopes to get through all the GR packages by Nov 21st.
The externals.scons will be updated by Navid to handle the native organization of OBF for use in GR. This will also come into play with CHS through its use of FSW, we suspect.
Moving JO files in GR is on hold until GR builds are complete.
We agreed that Tony will create a java installer with command line mode. Navid has spoken to Tony about this at the last core meeting, and will follow up. It was suggested that Navid could provide a couple of tgz files and entires in MySQL for Tony to work with.
Richard requested a date for unleashing SCons on hearty test developers - we hope by the end of this week. Pending enabling ST HEAD and tag builds, that fix to pointlike&skymaps, and updated documentation.
Action Items
- Karen and Tony will put the RM2 web page outside the SLAC Firewall
- Query SCons support to see if there is a way to avoid stopping a build when an error occurs - Navid (already done?)
- Fix pointlike (and skymap) in CVS - Navid
- Joanne and Navid will discuss options for handling package overrides
- Heather will look into installing GoGui on a Joanne accessible windows box to demonstrate runtime problems - in progress
- Joanne will sign up Emmanuel as a GoGui user
- Turn on HEAD and tag builds of ST - Navid
- Check Bryson's fixes to see if it addresses the issue of recursive copying of public headers - Emmanuel, Joanne, and Navid
- Update externals.scons to handle the OBF external (will check Bryson's CHS implementation as he deals with FSW) - Navid
- Contact Tony to remind him about the impending installer and prepare one or two tgz files and entries in MySQL to play with - Navid
- Richard will follow up on the status of the RHEL5 boxes with unix-admin
- Unveil alpha-SCons to hearty developers (at least on Linux) - Heather will send the email - pending some doc update and getting ST builds fixed
- Update Schedule - Heather with lots of input from all parties!
- Feeble Schedule
- Release Manager Status
- Backend
- Windows - working?
- RHEL5 - looks to be up and running?
- 64 bit builds just need to be turned on?
- What's involved in triggering head or tagged builds of at least ST?
- Backend
- Front End - Karen
- Web Front End - Karen
- http://glast-tomcat03.slac.stanford.edu:8080/releasemanager/releaseManager-NEW.jsp
Ready to be put outside SLAC firewall?
- http://glast-tomcat03.slac.stanford.edu:8080/releasemanager/releaseManager-NEW.jsp
- TagCollector - Navid
available for testing from ftp://ftp-glast.slac.stanford.edu/glast.u05/RMViewer/
The need to make this a multi-threaded app timeline?
- GoGui
http://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/SAS/GoGui+Status+and+Laundry+List- Windows alpha version available from u05/GoGui/0.8.3
- overriding packages by allowing two paths that contain packages
- Updates to SCons backend -- Navid
- Updating GoGui to make use of those updates -- Joanne Guess 1-2 weeks from time SCons backend is ready
- ST Builds
- GR Builds
- https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/SAS/GlastRelease-scons+v15r49+build+status - (Estimated completion date, Friday November 21, 2008)
https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/SAS/GlastRelease-scons+build+status- obf restructuring - Navid
- Need fix for recursive search of public header files?
- Migration of JO files to top-level
- Installer
- Externals
- python is now in GR v15r50
- OmniOrb to be in v15r52
- ROOT upgrade is on hold pending xrootd issues
- rhel3 externals at SLAC have been symlinked to rh9_gcc32 area
- Others will be rearranged in an soon to come GR
- Documentation
- Externals upgrades "how to" documentation -- Emmanuel
https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/SAS/Documentation+for+Installing+External+Libraries - GoGui Guide -- Joanne
http://www.slac.stanford.edu/exp/glast/ground/software/notes/GoGui/GoGui-use.shtml - Get the GoGui guide linked into the workbook through Advanced section Splash page -- Chuck
- Update the page -- Heather
- Externals upgrades "how to" documentation -- Emmanuel