Release Manager Back End
Windows build recently stopped compilation step. Navid will investigate.
Some old troubles that were fixed are rearing their ugly heads again:
- The *.in and *.i files are no longer in synch.
- Some global variables associated with wcslib in astro are no longer initialized. This was fixed in the past, and Navid is not sure what has changed. He will contact the developers and suggest the fix, and offer to implement it.
- A new issue has appeared with ROOT, where there are many warnings stating items are defined in multiple libraries. This is in ROOT 5.18c-gl1, which is likely the same version we have been using for some time. Navid will revert to a copy he built some time ago. This issue sounds similar to a problem Heather has seen on the Mac with the 5.20 build, where at the ROOT command line, there are many warnings about classes already being defined.
- Navid has asked Emmanuel to recompile python with an additional compilation flag.
- No word on LSF progress from unix-admins, Richard and Navid will inquire.
Navid has suggested that we start up automatic notifications for SCons build failures. This may take a couple of days to implement.
u35 has been reformatted. We agreed that for now, only the SCons builds will be brought over to u35, and we'll leave the CMT builds on u30.
Heather asked about when FSW will dump RH9/RHEL3. Richard suggested contacting Tony Waite directly.
Release Manager Front End
No news to report
RM To Do
- ematil notification
- developer installer
- tag collector
- For now we could continue to allow CMT to handle:
doxygen generation
generation of geometry and calibration files
Windows Support
Need to poke Bryson about who is taking over the package.
Emmanuel got it to work on rh9 and rhel4 32 bit machines by specifying fox 1.4.34 in ld_library_path
new version of fox 1.4.34 1.4.34-gl1 to distinguish the version that was already availalble
Joanne suggests testing Fred with Gleam.
Tracy brought up the desire to use Wired. Perhaps if there are questions about Fred's ability to run on some platforms, we need to get Wired fully going sooner rather than later. Heather will contact Tony about what is left on the to do list. It may primarily be the need to access merit.
Emmanuel will contact Riccardo to ask about Mac and 64 bit support.
- Release Manager Status
- Backend
- Windows going but with some old errors popping up
- Is it time to automatically notify package owners of build failures?
- Mac - LSF woes Is there an ETA from unix-admins about getting that fixed?
- u35 reformatted and ready for RM to use
- What's on the to do list?
- Other Issues?
- Backend
- rhel4 and rhel5
- Any Babar news?
- rh9 when does FSW plan to dump it?
- Installer/ RMviewer /Tag Collector - Navid
- user releases are good to go (that includes externals too?)
- developer release status
- Version 0.5 current test release
- available for testing from ftp://ftp-glast.slac.stanford.edu/glast.u05/RMViewer/
- To Do List
- Installer for Developer Releases
- Contact Tony concerning web based installer
- Tag Collecting
- Front End - Karen
- Web Front End - Karen
- http://glast-ground.slac.stanford.edu/rm2/
current test version is: http://glast-tomcat03.slac.stanford.edu:8080/rm2/ - How to get checkout and compile output like RMViewer?
- Recent Updates
- Reformat time stamps
- http://glast-ground.slac.stanford.edu/rm2/
- Web Front End - Karen
- SCons
- 1.2.0 is now installed on SLAC AFS as is a more recent developer version with additional Windows support.
- GoGui
- To Do List?
- Windows Support
- stag command line tagger now available
- SCons Command-line Tagger Proposal
- available for download from u05/stag
- Pop in "EOH" End of Header into release.notes for those package that do not have it
- Migrate to new tagging convention
- ST Builds
- GR Builds
- GlastRelease-scons v15r49 build status
- Need to check out using GlastRelease-15-49-00
Gleam package creates test_Gleam app, no Gleam. I think we need to add a definition for the Gleam application into the Gleam SConscript file?
- Need to check out using GlastRelease-15-49-00
- GlastRelease-scons build status
- obf restructuring - Emmanuel,Navid,Joanne Proposal for obf extlib Organization
- Migration of JO files to top-level
- FRED and fox library
- Waiting for next tag for this to be built via RM2 -- we should do this sooner rather than later due to Bryson's impending departure
- Externals
- ROOT upgrade v5.20 ready to go
- Fred & Fox
- Need to build for 64 bit machines and on the Mac. Wouldn't hurt to contact Riccardo about that.
The Big To Do
- RM
- Migrate to new tagging convention
- What is the status of providing the ability for RM to catch and apply tags for either old or new style?
- Start using u35
- Migrate to new tagging convention
- Installer/TagCollector/RMViewer
- Provide Developer Releases
- Contact Tony to start work on web based installer
- Tag Collector
- ST
- Fix up Windows issues and get more developer support
- GR
- Update 15-49-00 SConscript files for the head of GR
- Fix up OBF handling
- Migrate JO files to top-level directory
- Test and work out remaining issues before Bryson departs
- Windows
- Can we schedule a miracle?
- Externals for VS9. Hoping Toby will produce a couple already compiled by his group.
- Externals
- ROOT v5.20
- Gaudi