ReleaseManager Update
ST 09-15-05 RHEL5-64 builds require package owner help for unit test problems.
RMViewer RC2 is now available with developer releases.
New SCons checkpoint release 1.2.0.d20090919
ASP Update
Setting up a meeting concerning FSW status on 64 bit machines with Tony W, Tracy, Jana, and Gregg.
OBF RHEL4-32 needs testing and is now available
Need to try out G4 builds on RHEL4-64 and RHEL5-64
ST builds on RHEL5-64
Some bugs in SConscript files have been fixed. What remains are failures in the unit tests (similar errors also appear for RHEL4-64) due to floating point errors or integer errors where there are assumptions concerning 32 bit code. Need to contact package owners to work out fixes.
RMViewer and Developer Release downloads
Since the meeting, Navid has looked into the odd behavior Heather saw when GLAST_EXT is set to an area with no write-access,and there are missing externals. Apparently, this could produce a race condition, and Navid has fixed it. Patch will be available in an upcoming RC3 version of RMViewer.
Preparing for checkpoint release of SCons 1.2.0.dwhatever
Joanne will be looking to see what might be different about her installation that may be preventing the newer version of SCons from working. Meanwhile, we need to check that we can maintain both VC71 and VC90 on the same build machines where we will be running CMT and SCons builds. We chose to install VC7.1 on glast05, so Navid could try out a CMT build and make sure having VC90 available does not cause CMT trouble.
Intro of RHEL5 machines into batch
Richard mentioned the introduction of RHEL5 machines into the batch farm and was wondering if we have build machines identified. Navid stated bldlnx14 and 15 are RHEL4-32. bldlnx10 is RHEL5-32.
End of RHEL3
Heather wondered when we will stop the RHEL3 builds. Probably when SLAC drops the remaining RHEL3 boxes. RIchard suggested we should send email to the collaboration as a heads up - that has since been done.
Joanne is just about ready to pass something to Jim for testing.
Externals Organization on Windows
From Joanne via email:
On the V disk under the GLAST_EXT directory there are 4 subdirectories:
The first two are for CMT, the second two for SCons. But, because of the new-style path for SCons which includes a compiler component, we don't need those 2 top directories; we could get by with one, as I do on my local copy of externals. And there is a significant advantage for those who go back and forth: you can use the same definition of GLAST_EXT in both cases.
So I propose we add a new directory under GLAST_EXT, say for the sake of discussion it's called Windows-SCons (maybe 32bit should be in the name somewhere?) and the structure underneath for a typical external looks like this:
...|--------------------| -----------|
2.4 2.5.1 2.5.3
| | |
|-------| |-------| |---------|
vc71 vc90 vc71 vc90 vc71 vc90
At some point we could get rid of the old directories Windows-i386-32bit-vcXX but only after RM knows about the new structure.
Probably we can't do anything similar for SLAC Linux because there are too many varieties and compiler name isn't sufficient to distinguish.
This discussion is ongoing, as Navid recalls that we left this directory structure alone so as to avoid disrupting the builds and installer.
Navid wondered how we could all update the list of activities and dates. Heather has since created a Google Doc for that purpose, which allows editing: