RMViewer with Tag Collector - DONE, current release 1.0RC1 future releases will provide additional features
GoGui - DONE pending user suggestions and improvements
stag - DONE minus some tweaks
command line installer - Navid
Developer Installs for all OSes - in progress - Navid
Source code distributions available through RMViewer except on Windows
User Installs available on all OSes except Windows
Updated Confluence pages to be pointed at by Workbook
- RMViewer
- GoGui
- stag
SConsification- DONE
OS Support
- RHEL3 - DONE with User Installs available
- RHEL4-32 - DONE with User Installs available
- RHEL4-64 - DONE with User Installs available
- RHEL5-32 - DONE with User Installs available
- RHEL5-64 - Pending availability of externals: Python and ROOT
- Mac Tiger - Available with User Installs available, in need of updated ROOT
- Windows VC71 - DONE no user installs yet
- Windows VC90 available via user builds
Need to distribute patched SCons for full VC90 support and automated builds
In need of SConsification once the used GR packages are available
~25 packages in need of SConsification - in progress - Joanne
- OBF - reorganization needed, holds up SConsification of all ft2Util packages
RHEL4-32 rebuild is now available and in need of testing
RHEL5-64 and RHEL4-64 support is pending work by Tony Waite
Need VC90 build - Gaudi -upgrade for VC9 support - Heather and then builds for linuxes
- Geant4 - upgrade being considered for VC9 support on windows- Tracy, then builds on linuxes - Kim
- CLHEP - upgrade being considered, if G4 upgrade. If no G4 upgrade, we MUST stick with due to needs of G4 8.0.p01
- MySQL - upgrade to 5.1.39 in progress - Heather & Kim
- LDF - needs build on 64 bit machines and VC90
- OmniOrb needs builds on 64 bit machines and VC90
- Fox build needed for RHEL5
SConsification - DONE
Sconsification in progress - Joanne
SConsification pending reorganization - Joannne