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"SCons is an Open Source software construction tool---that is, a next-generation build tool. Think of SCons as an improved, cross-platform substitute for the classic Make utility with integrated functionality similar to autoconf/automake and compiler caches such as ccache. In short, SCons is an easier, more reliable and faster way to build software." –

This page is intended as a tutorial on getting people up to speed about the way SConscript files should be created. SConscript files are the equivalent of our requirements files currently in use. They define the targets that SCons will create during the build process.

Minimal SConscript file

This example shows a minimal SConscript file. It will build nothing but will import some of the tools necessary for when we add targets to be built. It should be stored in the top level directory of the package.

No Format

# $Id$
import platform

progEnv = baseEnv.Clone()
libEnv = baseEnv.Clone()

The first line is the familiar line from CVS that will add information about the file's CVS info. The next line will import the platform Python module. This module is only necessary if you wish to add conditions that depend on the OS on which SCons is running.

The two Import() calls import two SCons objects that have been defined at the top level. The first of this, baseEnv, is the basic compile environment created by the top level. It will include all necessary compile options such as debug, optimized, third party library locations, etc.


It is very important that the base environment is NEVER modified. Any changes to the base environment are applied to all packages independent on the order in which they were called.

The second Import() call imports a function defined at the top level. This function should be used any time you wish to pass a list of files to be included for creating a shared library, static library, program, etc.

The last two lines are what allows us to make our own customizations to the environment that will not affect other builds. By calling baseEnv.Clone() a copy is made of the basic environment and stored in the libraries progEnv and libEnv.


Due to technical limitations/bugs/features of SCons it is imperative that two copies of the base environment are made if both libraries of any kind and applications are created. This is almost always the case, so it is highly encouraged two copies of the base environment are always created.

Simple static library

After creating the above minimal SConscript file we can create targets to be compiled by SCons. In this example we will create a static library. We will only show the new code that should appear after the above code.

No Format

myLib = libEnv.StaticLibrary('myLib', listFiles(['src/*.cxx']))
progEnv.Tool('registerObjects', package = 'myPackage', libraries = [myLib], includes = ['myPackage/myLib.h'])

The first line is what creates a static library object containing all the information necessary to build the library at a later point. Notice we use the libEnv variable. This is one of the copies made of the base environment. This copy should be used for any libraries to be compiled. It should NEVER be used for creating an application. If this rule is violated it will cause errors in other packages that will be hard to track back down to this source.

Wiki Markup
The StaticLibrary function call takes two arguments. The first argument specifies the name that should be given to the library. This name should not include any prefixes/suffixes that are platform specific. SCons will take care of adding those automatically. This example on Unix based systems would create a library named {{libmyLib.a}}. The second argument to SCons is a list of files to be compiled into the library. In this case we specify that the files to be included are in the src directory, relative to the top directory of the package, and are named \*.cxx (anything ending with .cxx). Should only a single file be needed for the compilation of that library we can either specify a single file to the listFiles function call {{listFiles('src/myLib.cxx')}} or we can simply skip the use of listFiles() call and replace the entire listFiles function call with \['src/myLib.cxx'\].

The second line will register our objects at the top level to be compiled when appropriate. This is not a standard SCons ability but custom extension to SCons. Several things to note are that we use the progEnv copy of the environment to register objects even if the objects are libraries. This is a convention we strong suggest you abide by.

Wiki Markup
The arguments used by the Tool() call are as follows. The first argument is the name of the tool to be called. Without going into too much detail at this point, this argument needs to always be specified 'regsiterObjects'. The second argument is the name of the package. The third argument is a list of library objects to be registered for this package. These can be shared or static. The name of the variable used is the same as the one used to store the library object returned by libEnv.StaticLibrary() call on the previous line. The next argument is a list of include files to be registered. These are *ONLY* the public include files necessary to use the libraries that are going to be registered. Since we only need a single header file to be registered we specify it with {{\['myPackage/myLib.h'\]}}. If a list of header files, such as \*.h, needed to be specified we could use the listFiles() call again. Other arguments can be specified as well. A complete list is provided in a later section.

Simple Shared library

The steps to create a shared library are similar to those for a static library. The code looks as follows.

No Format

mySharedLib = libEnv.SharedLibrary('mySharedLib', ['src/file1.cxx', 'src/file2.cxx'])

We simply use libEnv.SharedLibrary() call instead of the libEnv.StaticLibrary() call from the previous section. The arguments to the SharedLibrary() call are identical to those of the static library version. This time we also chose to list the files to compile into the library individually. Our shared library will be compiled from the two source files src/flie1.cxx and src/file2.cxx.

Just like before, this object would need to be registered to be included in any SCons builds. Assuming the static library from the previous section and the shared library from this section are both created we would change the registration function call to be as follows

No Format

progEnv.Tool('registerObjects', package = 'myPackage', libraries = [myLib, mySharedLib], includes = ['myPackage/myLib.h', 'myPackage/file1.h'])

This call is like the one from the previous section except we have added mySharedLib to the list of libraries to be registered. We have also added an additional header file that needs to be registered because in order to use the shared library that header file is needed.

Simple Application

To create a simple application we add a section similar to this:

No Format

myApp = progEnv.Program('myProgram', ['src/myProgram.cxx'])

Wiki Markup
We use the progEnv copy of the base environment to create a program objection. The copy of the environment for creating libraries should *NEVER* be used for this task. It will generate problems in other packages and will be very difficult to trace back. The arguments provided to the progEnv.Program() call are similar to those for libraries. The first argument is the name of the executable making sure to exclude and platform specific prefixes or suffixes. On Windows SCons will create a program called myProgram.exe. The second argument is a list of source code files to compile the program. All three methods described in the previous two sections are valid here as well (listFiles(), \['single file'\], or \['list', 'of', 'files'\]).

Just like in the previous two sections, we need to register the program object with the top level before it can be used. Assuming the static and shared libraries from before still exist and we want to add this program to the registration call we would modify the registration line as follows

No Format

progEnv.Tool('registerObjects', package = 'myPackage', libraries = [myLib, mySharedLib], includes = ['myPackage/myLib.h', 'myPackage/file1.h']
             binaries = [myApp])

We added a new argument that will list all the binaries to be used.

titleIf creating test applications

Wiki Markup
You should register test applications with the {{testApps = \[myApp\]}} argument instead of the {{binaries = \[myApp\]}} argument.

OS specific conditions

If you wish to perform functions on certain platforms only you can use regular python conditionals around the functions.
For example to define the TRAP_FPE macro only on Linux platforms we would append:

No Format

if platform.system() == 'Linux':
        progEnv.Append(CPPDEFINES = 'TRAP_FPE')

The platform.system() call returns the name of the OS we are on. In this case we wish to know if we are running on a Linux platform. If that is the case, we wish to add a -DTRAP_FPE to the gcc command line. The progEnv.Append() call is explained later.

Libraries that depend on other libraries

SCons performs dependency computations at the source code level. It does not compute dependencies of various binary packages such as the dependency of library A on library B when compiling library A into application A. A package maintainer writing application A does not wish to know all dependencies of all libraries. He should only have to know the DIRECT dependencies of the application. Similarly the package maintainer of library A should not have to know all the dependencies of library B when creating library A. He should only have to know that library A depends on library B. SCons, by default, does not have this ability. The package maintainer for have to not only know that application A depends on library A but the owner would also have to know that library A depends on library B and so on until all dependencies have been met.

Luckily SCons provides something called a tool to simplify this problem to only specifying direct dependencies. When the package owner creates library A in the SConscript files as described above, the package owner also creates an additional file to record the DIRECT dependencies of library A. This file has to have a specific name called <package> It has to be located in the top level of the package along with the SConscript file. Continuing our example, our package owner of 'myPackage' has two libraries myLib and mySharedLib. Assuming myLib depends on some other library of some other package DIRECTLY, let's call that package someOtherPackage, and myLib also depends on some external library xerces. The contents of would be as follows:

No Format

def generate(env, **kw):
    env.Tool('addLibrary', library = ['libA'])
    env.Tool('addLibrary', library = env['xercesLibs'])

def exists(env):
    return 1

Both these python functions need to exist at all times. The second of these functions is for features currently not used by use so it should always be specified as shown. The first function is what creates the recursive computation of library dependencies. The first line of the function adds libA to the dependencies. The second (and more if needed) add the dependencies of libA to other libraries created by other packages. These must be DIRECT dependencies to keep computation fast. Unnecessary listings will slow SCons down considerably. The last line of the function lists one (or more, if needed) external libraries that libA depends on DIRECTLY.

TODO: Currently there's no way to specify which library created by a single package we wish to use. This feature will be added at a later stage since the problem has not arisen yet in ScienceTools.

Program dependence on libraries

With the dependency tree generated by the previous section for libraries, package owners wishing to create dependencies on libraries for their applications need to only list DIRECT dependencies of their applications. Continuing our example, the owner of myPackage currently has one application myApp. Assuming this application depends on some library from myPackage as well as the external library ROOT DIRECTLY, he would add this line to his SConscript file:

No Format

progEnv.Tool('addLibrary', library = env['ROOTLibs'])

Technically the ordering of these two calls does not matter. We highly recommend, however, that these calls be made prior to the call for generating the application. This will make it easier for a human to understand the code at a later point. The first line will call the generate function from myPackageLib created as shown in the previous section. That function will add the library from that package to the dependencies of myApp along with any other libraries that myPackage's library depends on. The second call adds ROOT to the libraries that myApp depends on DIRECTLY. Should myApp not need ROOT directly but through some other package's library, it should be left out here. It is the responsibility of that package to add the ROOT dependency.

Arguments to register objects

Registration functionality is an extension of SCons created by us. The registration is done by a call to progeEnv.Tool('registerObjects, 'mypackage', ...). The minimum arguments to that function is two. The first argument hast to always be 'registerObjects'. The second argument always has to be the name of the package performing the function call. Additional arguments can be from the following:

  • libraries - List of Shared of Static libraries to be registered.
  • binaries - List of applications to be registered. This does NOT include test applications.
  • includes - List of header files to be registered. These are ONLY header files necessary for other packages to use. These should not be internally used header files.
  • testApps - List of test applications to be regsitered.
  • pfiles - List of pfiles to be registered.

Other arguments will be added as the need for them arises. The ordering of these arguments are not important.Test