Blog from June, 2009

Science Tools Working Group

The current release of the Science Tools remains v9r15p2.

Data products: No news on Pass 7; studies in C&A are continuing.

Databases and related utilities

N.B. Vlasios has reported a bug with the FT2 files retrieved by the new AstroServer.

Likelihood analysis

From Jim:

  • Fixed a bug in gttsmap so that it can read a list of input FT1 files that have the "@"-sign prepended (as per FTOOLS conventions). Likelihood v15r2p1.
  • Added an interface to pyLikelihood to give users easier access to the Minos error calculation available from the Minuit and NewMinuit optimizers. Documentation here. optimizers v2r17p1, pyLikelihood v1r15.

[These updates are available in the packages indicated and will be in the next ScienceTools releases; they are not in the current release.]

See note below about optimizers and 64-bit systems.

GRB tools

No news.

Pulsar tools

Masa reports that there's no development news; he has been working on testing for the public ScienceTools release in August.

Observation simulation

No news.

User interface and infrastructure (& utilities)

From Eric W.: With help from Jim Chiang and Pat Nolan, we localized another problem with the optimizer code that arose in 64-bit systems in v9r15p2. I've got a FSSC patch in place, and I'll be in contact with Jim and Pat about it.

Source Catalog

Last week the primary topic was planning for the Year 1 catalog and associated paper.

Science Tools Working Group

The current release of the Science Tools remains v9r15p2. There's not a lot of news this week. v9r15p2 is the 'freeze' version for public release (i.e., for the packages that will be part of the public distribution to be released in August). The FSSC is interested to establish how the public release (and future versions of the public release) versions will be managed while development continues in the LAT team Science Tools.

Data products: No news on Pass 7. It was announced yesterday that the AstroServer can now serve the reprocessed Pass 7 data (as well as the Pass 6 that it has been serving). The Pass 7 files that it has are from the original reprocessing, which have been seen to have greater rates of residual backgrounds than Pass 6.

Databases and related utilities

No news

Likelihood analysis

  • EBL attenuation can now be applied to a number of spectral models. This uses the same code available to gtobssim in the celestialSources/eblAtten package. A description of its use is available here (celestialSources/eblAtten v0r7p1, optimizers v2r17, Likelihood v15r2)
  • Eric Winter reported a failure of one of the Likelihood package unit tests on 64-bit SL5. Diagnostic output indicates that some values are not being calculated the same way as in the corresponding unit test on slac linux. I've asked Eric to build the sane package under the FSSC system for this platform so that I can compare the output of the end-to-end tests of the tools.

GRB tools

No news. To judge from the Release Manager, James has been working on updates to gtrspgen to handle IRFs that have azimuthal variations of effective area. This is not is a release version, and may not make it to a release.

Pulsar tools

From Masa: The tutorials at FSSC were updated for the latest versions. A minor improvement was made in the unit test of periodSearch package (for robustness against rounding errors), and the new version was tagged as v10r7p1 (not yet promoted for a release candidate).

Observation simulation

No news.

User interface and infrastructure (& utilities)

No news

Source Catalog

Last week the primary topic was again the P6v3 9-month source list. Eric N. and Johann gave presentations on the Galactic center region and Toby gave updates on source detection (sources not in the NMS list) and on elliptical localization regions.

Science Tools Working Group

The current release of the Science Tools is now v9r15p2. Here are the package differences from v9r15p1. Relative to v9r15p1 most of the important differences are in likelihood analysis, although Jim has also implemented a speed-up for observation simulation (see below).

Eric W. reports that he is starting work on a port of v9r15p2 to the FSSC build environment. Yesterday was the freeze date for the version of the Science Tools that the FSSC will distribute at the time of the public data release. Remember that only a (large) subset of the Science Tools packages are part of the public release; these are listed in the ST_dist package.

Data products: As you probably have heard the Pass 7 classifications will need to be reworked, and the reprocessing for Pass 7 (Merit and FT1) performed again. The timescale for doing this is at least weeks. The reprocessed Pass 7 data are still available as is in the Data Catalog.

Databases and related utilities

No news

Likelihood analysis

From Jim: [these are in Science Tools v9r15p2]

  • completed the SummedLikelihood interface to include TS calculations (pyLikelihood v1r14p1)

Also, these new features mentioned last week are now in the current release:

  • Fixed a bug in the event class handling in gtdiffrsp [revealed I think by processing Pass 7 files that had an event class selection made with gtselect]. Likelihood v15r0p3
  • Added a new function for spectral fitting: SmoothBrokenPowerLaw implemented by Benoit Lott. Likelihood v15r1p1 [fixed in v15r1p2, which is part of the current release]
  • Added SummedLikelihood to Likelihood v15r0p3, pyLikelihood v1r14. This interface will allow users to combine likelihood calculations that have identical xml model definitions. Unbinned and binned analysis can be combined as well as separate front vs back for binned analysis.

As a reminder, gtfindsrc was updated in Science Tools v9r13 to return the radius of the 68% confidence region. Formerly it had returned the sigma of a 2-dimensional gaussian fit to the profile of the likelihood surface at the position of the source. The documentation is not yet clear on this point.

GRB tools

No news

Pulsar tools

From Masa: In v9r15p2, the tools now recognize FERMI in addition to GLAST for timeformat and userformat parameters. And I plan to update the tutorials for the change sometime soon.

Observation simulation

From Jim: improved the algorithm to look up the livetime from flight FT2 files. Speed-ups of a factor of a few should be seen. (observationSim v8r4)

User interface and infrastructure (& utilities)

No news

Source Catalog

Last week the primary topic was again the P6v3 9-month source list, including presentations on improvements in source detection (Ludovic and Toby) and a report by Toby on elliptical fits to the source localization regions.

Science Tools Working Group

The current release of the Science Tools is now v9r15p1. Here are the package differences from v9r14. The major difference from v9r14 is in having a test version of likelihood analysis taking into account rate-dependent inefficiencies. This is being shaken down now. See below for news about SummedLikelihood and a new spectral function for likelihood fitting.

Eric W. reports that he is starting work on a port of v9r15p1 to the FSSC build environment, and that it should be done in a few days. The freeze and test phase for the release to accompany the year 1 data will start June 15.

Data products: The full Pass 7 reprocessing is complete, or nearly so, at the Merit level and FT1 level. However, the background rejection is clearly not as good as expected, and the reasons for this are still being investigated. The reprocessed Pass 7 data are available in the Data Catalog only. Some validation tests are ongoing, basically to try to catch any other problems, but another Pass 7 reprocessing most likely will be required.

Databases and related utilities

No news

Likelihood analysis

From Jim:

  • David P.'s parameterization of the rate and energy dependent efficiency corrections were implemented and tagged in irfs/irfInterface v2r3p1, Likelihood v15, pyExposure v2r4
  • Fixed a bug in the event class handling in gtdiffrsp [revealed I think by processing Pass 7 files that had an event class selection made with gtselect]. Likelihood v15r0p3
  • Added a new function for spectral fitting: SmoothBrokenPowerLaw implemented by Benoit Lott. Likelihood v15r1p1
  • Added SummedLikelihood to Likelihood v15r0p3, pyLikelihood v1r14. This interface will allow users to combine likelihood calculations that have identical xml model definitions. Unbinned and binned analysis can be combined as well as separate front vs back for binned analysis.

GRB tools

No news

Pulsar tools

No news

Observation simulation

No news

User interface and infrastructure (& utilities)

From Jim:

  • Enable users to set set the filename of the temporary root file used by makeFT1. This takes advantage of new capability [implemented by James P.] in tip (v2r15) for setting this filename. fitsGen v4r5

Source Catalog

Last week the primary topic was again the P6v3 9-month source list, and Juergen's first (and now 2nd) pass at source associations.

Science Tools Working Group

The current release of the Science Tools is now v9r14. Here are the package differences from v9r13. The major difference from v9r13 is inclusion of the preliminary Pass 7 IRFs (P7_V1_S3, P7_V1_TRANSIENT, P7_V1_SOURCE, P7_V1_DIFFUSE).

Eric W. reports that he is starting work on a port of v9r14 to the FSSC build environment, and that it should be done in a few days. The freeze and test phase for the release to accompany the year 1 data will start ~June 15.

Data products: The full Pass 7 reprocessing is complete, or nearly so, at the Merit level. FT1 generation is starting from the reprocessed Merit files.

Databases and related utilities

No news

Likelihood analysis

Jim implemented a fix for the case where a phi-dependent IRF (like P6_V5) is specified but a livetime cube that does not have the variations with phi tabulated. The fix has likelihood ignore the phi dependence of the effective area, so the user at least gets a result that is not wrong.

Jim also reports that he is working on handling the trigger rate-dependent inefficiency in exposure calculations and likelihood analysis.

Jean has reported a possible bug in how gtscrmaps handles diffuse sources, or possibly in how diffuse sources are convolved with the PSF. Jim will be looking into it.

GRB tools

No direct news. James Peachey has resolved and/or closed a number of GRB-related JIRA issues: GRB-5, GRB-13, GRB-15, and GRB-18. These are not in the v9r14 releease.

Pulsar tools

From Masa: "The improvements of the unit tests are done, and the pulsar tools packages were tagged for new versions. Now, I am introducing the new mission name (FERMI) in their interface like TELESCOP keyword values, timeformat/userformat parameter values, and error messages."

The mismatch between what kinds of timing solutions the D4 format and the pulsar tools can support vs. the kinds of timing solutions that are coming from the pulsar timing consortium has been clear to LAT pulsar people, including Masa, for some time. For example, the D4 format and tools can handle up to 2nd order timing solutions, but the as-received ephemerides sometimes ahve much higher order. The LAT pulsar people have workarounds using the TEMPO2 radio timing tool. Discussions about what to do regarding delivery to the FSSC and FSSC support for pulsar tools are ongoing.

Observation simulation

Toby is working on the OBS-14 JIRA issue on assignment of the DATE-OBS keyword for simulations.

User interface and infrastructure (& utilities)

James also closed a number of ST-GEN JIRA issues: STGEN-58, STGEN-13, STGEN-18, STGEN-19, STGEN-24, STGEN-28, STGEN-58, and STGEN-59

Source Catalog

Last week the primary topic was the P6v3 9-month source list.