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The disk usage is stored in files:
.bq /nfs/farm/g/glast/u15/xrootd/diskspace/df_server_YYYYMM
where server is the server name and YYYYMM is the year and month the values were collected. For example
/nfs/farm/g/glast/u15/xrootd/diskspace/df_wain020_200806 contains all disk usage values for wain021 for Juni, 2008.
These files contain one line per collection with:

Wiki Markup
bd. DF  <date>  <server> <totalSpace> *server* *totalSpace* <freeSpace>  *freeSpace* <%Used> *%Used* \[*inodesFree*<inodesFree>  *%inodesFree*\]<%inodesFree>\]

The foramt of date is YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS, e.g. 20080712T123258. The totalSpace and freeSpace are in GB. The inode info is only shown for serves that use the ufs file system (all sulkies) but not for the servers that employ zfs.