Present: TonyJ, Eduardo, Benoit, Richard, Anders
I have contacted Ric for his thoughts on eLog. He has been gearing up to have a BTeLog, but agrees support for it is minimal at present with other pressures.
For various reasons, we think the current eLog is not ideal for future offline use, notably it being a perl/cgi app, whereas the offline webbery is JSP now. Also, Eduardo expressed the opinion that it is not that great for offline use.
We will try to make use of the soon-to-come Dataset Catalogue, and so we need metadata for the runs. Anders agreed to identify what items we need and where we can hope to find them. Hopefully it will result in a form the pipeline can parse and then update the catalogue.
Web interface
Tony would start from the BT99 web interface that Karen wrote and go from there.
1 Comment
Anders W. Borgland
From Mon Jun 12 12:30:56 2006
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 12:30:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: Anders Borgland <>
To: "do Couto e Silva, Eduardo" <eduardo@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>, Benoit Lott <>, "Dubois, Richard" <richard@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: 'eLog' fields
Current eLog fields are filled from rcReport.out. Here's how Warren
fills them when we use LATTE:
> All come from rcReport. Most are pulled straight out of a corresponding
> element, tag names shown below. A few of them are a bit more complicated.
- Run number : <RunId>
- Duration : <ElapsedTime>
- No. of events : <EventCount>
- Completion status : <CompletionStatus>
- Particle Type : <ParticleType>
- Instrument Type : <InstrumentType>
- Orientation : <Orientation>
- I&T Test ID/Config ID: <csvTestId>, more detail below
- No. of towers : Calculated on the fly from serial numbers which
are stored in <SerialNos> explained in more
detail below
- TKR Serial No : see below
- CAL Serial No : see below
- Script Name : <TestName>
- Schema file : <SchemaConfigFile>
- Suite Name : <suiteName>
- Site : <Site>
- Phase : <Phase>
> <csvTestId> is repr() of a python tuple which contains 2 strings, so B/2
> is represented as ('B', '2')
> <SerialNos> is repr() of a dictionary with string keys. Some of those
> keys are of the form 'GTEM(xx,)' where xx is the bay number (0-15). The
> values attached to TEM keys are also dictionaries with string keys,
> which include 'tkr' and 'calinstrument'. The values attached to those
> keys are the serial numbers.
In addition, people wanted:
- energy : CERN ascii file?
- beam polarity : CERN ascii file
- magnet current : CERN ascii file
- angle : Operator?
- impact point : Operator?
- internal/external trigger for CU : operator?
- auto range/zero-suppression vs 4-range/unsuppressed : snapshot
The shiftlog will also have the starting time for each run (from
rcReport.out: <timestamp>).