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Two new detectors EPIX10KA2M and EPIX10KAQUAD are composed from EPIX10KA modules.



Plots and comments from Chris Kenny

Comments on epix10ka2m geometry from Chris Kenney
Kenney, Christopher J. 2018-11-12, 2:26 PM             

Guide tube is 7mm outer diameter
We added polyimide tape that was 150 microns thick before application
to the tube.

But a decent estimate would be the mechanical edge-to-edge orthogonal 
separation between sensor edges 7.3 mm. 
We need to add about 1 mm for the guard rings on each sensor

So the orthogonal gap between active pixels on opposing quads across
the beam guide tube should be 8.3 mm

Kenney, Christopher J. 2018-11-12, 4:41 PM Blaj, Gabriel;Dubrovin, Mikhail;Kwiatkowski, Maciej             
Very rough estimate of the gaps 
There are 3 types of gaps
All are active pixel to active pixel
sensor to sensor ~ 1.6 mm
CB to CB ~ 6.4 mm
sensor to CB ~ 3.9 mm

CB = Carrier Board edges
Full camera image below
so 384 columns parallel to the balcony (the widest dead gaps)
and 352 orthogonal to the balcony (vertical direction)

epix10ka2m assembly


epix10ka sensor central region between 4 ASICs

The internal gap between four ASICs in sensor,

pixel size 100 x 225 microns in area in both directions.

Metrology map from Chris Kenney


Back side of the new detector epix10ka2m.1 from mfxc00118 2020-07-dd

Comments on orientation of epix10ka2m parts from Matt

2018-11-19 orientation schema
Weaver, Matt 
2018-11-19, 7:37 PMO'Grady, Paul Christopher;Dubrovin, Mikhail             

Hi Mikhail,
We took radioactive source test
 runs today to verify the geometry.  We found that we were rotated by 90
 degrees, which matches the labeling on the back of the detector as well
 as the metrology picture from Chris Kenney. 
The runs are 
/reg/d/psdm/det/detdaq17/e968-r0131   - source unmasked (up to ~ event 10000), then masked vertically after ~ event 15000
/reg/d/psdm/det/detdaq17/e968-r0132   - source masked horizontally at bottom after ~ event 15000.

So, the picture is...
  //  (Epix10ka2m)
  //         |
  //  Quad 0 | Quad 1      Quad 2 is rotated  90d clockwise
  //  -------+--------     Quad 3 is rotated 180d clockwise
  //  Quad 3 | Quad 2      Quad 0 is rotated 270d clockwise
  //         |
  //  (Quad 1)
  //         |
  //  Elem 0 | Elem 1
  //  -------+--------     No rotations
  //  Elem 2 | Elem 3
  //         |
  //  (Elem 0)
  //         |
  //  ASIC 0 | ASIC 3
  //  -------+--------     No rotations
  //  ASIC 1 | ASIC 2
  //         |
  //  (Elem 0-3 pixel array)
  //                    row increasing
  //                          ^
  //                          |
  //                          |
  //  column increasing <-- (0,0)

Preliminary geometry

in /reg/g/psdm/detector/data_test/calib/

/reg/g/psdm/detector/data_test/calib/Epix10ka2M::CalibV1/NoDetector.0:Epix10ka2M.0/geometry/ @      (epix10ka2m - entire detector)
/reg/g/psdm/detector/data_test/calib/Epix10kaQuad::CalibV1/NoDetector.0:Epix10kaQuad.0/geometry/ @  (epix10kaquad - one quad)
/reg/g/psdm/detector/data_test/calib/Epix10ka::CalibV1/MecTargetChamber.0:Epix10ka.1/geometry/ @    (epix10ka - one panel)

copy of geometry files in alignment examples /reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/


Optical metrology processing

Scripts for processing


Results in

  2018-11-15-geometry-epix10ka2m.txt - geometry file accounting for optical metrology data


Gabriel's comments on gain factors
Blaj, Gabriel 
2018-12-04, 2:08 PMO'Grady, Paul Christopher;Nelson, Silke;Dubrovin, Mikhail;Hart, Philip Adam             

You could try to use the gain files obtained with the pulser. They are not great but might work.

For a better gain calibration, we should use single photon data. 
There is sufficient 1 photon data taken during the first testing at XCS,
but it will take me a few days to calculate the gains.

I would actually advocate returning the number of photons (as we 
discussed in a meeting a few months ago). Even without a calibration it 
can be easily calculated from the (average) gains:

High (FH and AHL): 132 ADU/9.5 keV
Medium (FM and AML): 43 ADU/9.5 keV
Low (FL, AHL, AML): 1.32 ADU/9.5 keV

(Just a note, while the pulser is not great for calibrating gains, it works fine for offset calibration)


Gain factors from charge injection default and measured

gaincharge injectioncurrent defaultmeasured (ADU / keV)2020-08-03 Gabriel (ADU / keV) - use as default
M15. 0.3(3)4.55.466

Gain factors default vs charge injection

  • Detector/examples/
  • XcsEndstation.0:Epix10ka2M.0
  • charge injection gain factors were generated from exp=xcsx35617:run=544
  • data with water ring for comparison exp=xcsx35617:run=528
  • account relative factor 46.7
  • selected rect [6, 120:170, 200:250]

gain default: H / M / L = 1 / 0.33333 / 0.01

gain from charge injection:

constantsMeanRMSRMS / MEAN
charge injection1177.566.790.05672

Conclusion: in this test charge injection gainci constants do not improve gain factors comparing to default

Default gain correction factors

2020-08-03 Gabriel Blaj about ADU/keV default gain factors
Blaj, Gabriel <> Mon 8/3/2020 6:52 PM
To: Hart, Philip Adam;
 Dragone, Angelo;
 Kenney, Christopher J.;
 Dubrovin, Mikhail;
 O'Grady, Paul Christopher;
 Hansson, Conny;
 McKelvey, Mark E

Hi, Here are some good starting values for the ADC to keV conversion:

High gain: 132 ADU / 8.05 keV = 16.40 ADU/keV
Medium gain: 132 ADU / 8.05 keV / 3 = 5.466 ADU/keV
Low gain: 132 ADU / 8.05 keV / 100 = 0.164 ADU/keV

Of course, a gain calibration is preferable.
The same numbers work in both fixed and auto-ranging gain modes.

Blaj, Gabriel <> Mon 8/3/2020 7:13 PM

Hi, For the long integration time, I don't have a set of magic numbers, but this iterative procedure should yield optimal settings:

Cool the camera as low as possible, just a few degrees over the minimum temperature to allow temperature stabilization by the PID control loop (either the chiller PID for the large cameras, or the Peltier PID in the small cameras). Of course, the small cameras can be cooled much lower than the large ones.

Start with the default LCLS settings (I believe both AsicAcqWidth and R0toAcq are set to 100us by default)

0 AsicAcqWidth should be optimized for the experiment. With a very cold camera (e.g., < -15ºC) you could go to 5ms. A good starting value would be 1ms.

1 Set AsicAcqWidth to, e.g., 1 ms
2 Set R0toACQ time to 100us
3 Decrease frame rate until no frames are dropped
4 Set the X-ray source to a low flux (0.01-0.05 photons/pixel/frame?)
5 Try to get a uniform illumination
6 Repeat:
- Calibrate dark
- Take many frames and integrate them
- Look if the resulting image is uniform or has a strange sawtooth pattern over each ASIC
- If no, try reducing R0toACQ
- If yes, try increasing R0toAACQ
- Increase/decrease frame rate to the maximum frame rate that runs reliably (no dropped frames).
6 Until an optimum is found.

For an idea how the strange sawtooth pattern looks, you could try setting:
AsicAcqWidth = 1ms
 R0toAcq = 50us, or 20us.



Test of the gain switching modes

offset calibration: exp=xcsx35617:run=544; its timestamp 20181129124822 faked for earlier dark calibrations by reference from 20180101000000

dark runs: 413, 416, 417, 420 of xcsx35617

gain factors M, H=1, L= 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.33333, 0.4

gain map images show that lateral and central-most pixels in mode H, M, "water ring" region pixels switched to L


  • AML: exp=xcsx35617:run=419, event 3

  • AHL: exp=xcsx35617:run=414, event 3





mask_geo = det.mask_geo(par, mbits=3, width=10, wcentral=5)

  • mbits = 1 - masks edges, +2 - masks central rows and columns.
  • width - number of edge rows or columns to mask, def=1
  • wcentral - number of central rows or columns to mask, def=1

plot for mask_geo + 1:


  • use pixel_status for exp=xcsx35617:run=544
  • mask_status = det.status_as_mask(par, mode=0, indexes=(0,1,2,3,4))
  • mode 0/1/2 masks zero/four/eight neighbors around each bad pixel
  • indexes=(0,1,2,3,4) # indexes stand for FH, FM, FL, AHL-H, AML-M, respectively. Derived modes have the same status arrays.

found number of bad pixels

  • 2802 for F gain modes and
  • 3253 for all F + A mode

plots for mask_status + 1 for mode=0, 1 and 2:

Combined mask

mask = det.mask(par, calib=False, status=True, edges=True, central=True, width=10, wcentral=5, mode=0)

Calibrated data and mask

Image and spectrum for

  • nda = calib_epix10ka_any(det, evt)
  • nda *=  det.mask(par, calib=False, status=True, edges=True, central=True, width=1, wcentral=1, mode=0)



Manual alignment on 2019-05-06


Ring-data (npy) arrays were provided for xcsx35617 run 400 by Silke, available under

  • /reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/epix10ka2m/calib-mfx-epix10ka2m-01-2018-11-15/2019-05-06-geometry-alignment/

Alignment tool

Manual Detector alignment tool (geo) is used for alignment. There is no automated geometry optimization in this tool.

Initial geometry

Alignment is started with the best geometry file obtained after optical metrology measurements for two quads, like




Alignment procedure

Quads' x0,y0 - center positions ONLY have been tuned as explained here:

1) Q0 and Q1 were moved together relative to the image center, because their geometry is constrained from optical metrology.

2) then Q2 and Q3 were moved independently in order to get consistent "to my eye" image relative to a set of drown circles.

Geometry for panels inside Q2 and Q3 is set from design geometry, and I do not feel that could do better job moving panels in quad.

There are some regular alignment issues with this detector; if I tune nicely (with precision ~ pixel size) rings in the middle of radial range, 

then internal and external rings may be misaligned. This may be due to small tilt of the detector or non-accounted z position of panels 

w/o optical metrology.


Resulting geometry for this data looks like on attached image.

All files are available under 

  • /reg/g/psdm/detector/alignment/epix10ka2m/calib-mfx-epix10ka2m-01-2018-11-15/2019-05-06-geometry-alignment/

Recommendation for further geometry improvement

The only reliable procedure to get correct detector geometry is an 3-d optical metrology of entire detector.

After that one would need to adjust precisely 

1) detector center relative to image with rings

2) sample-to-detector distance

3) detector plane tilts.

2020-06-25 New Optical Metrology

2020-07-08 email from Chris Kenney
Hi Philip, Chris, and Mikhail,

My apologies for not getting this to you sooner. 

Additional apologies in that the order we took the measurements in
is rotated from our "standard" and we were unable to set the origin
to zero. In the picture the XPP mounting bars on on the left side and
so this would be UP. 

A map of the sensor corners measurement ordering and the quad 
number locations is attached along with a picture of the setup. The
origin (not 0-0-0) is in the upper left of the picture.

Along with the Excel spreadsheet. 
Please ask questions as I know this can be confusing. 




Raw metrology quality check
X-Y quality check for optical metrology measurements 
segm:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    angle(deg)   D1      D2      dD   d(dS)   d(dL)
segm: 0   36699   36691    -477    -485     39689   40683    -558     436    0.68576   54051   54789    -737       8    -994
segm: 1   36702   36696    -483    -489     39683   39678     439     434    0.70171   54044   54063     -19       6       5
segm: 2   36716   36681     -72    -107     39693   39650      70      27    0.12926   54018   54068     -49      35      43
segm: 3   36690   36705    -405    -390     39713   39684     390     361    0.57368   54070   54058      11     -15      29
segm: 4   36718   36692     388     362     39723   39746    -323    -300    0.54072   54121   54069      51      26     -23
segm: 5   36702   36703     332     333     39721   39701    -306    -326    0.47973   54069   54083     -13      -1      20
segm: 6   36599   36701     594     696     39702   39700    -631    -633    0.93077   54012   54065     -53    -102       2
segm: 7   36664   36664     369     369     39714   39708    -343    -349    0.53238   54046   54054      -7       0       6
segm: 8   36677   36713    -412    -376     39744   39682     420     358    0.56842   54092   54055      36     -36      62
segm: 9   36695   36728    -338    -305     39744   39719     319     294    0.46362   54104   54090      13     -33      25
segm:10   36702   36736    -263    -229     39708   39568     371     231    0.35558   54087   53980     106     -34     140
segm:11   36725   36688    -614    -651     39683   39703     596     616    0.91292   54086   54055      30      37     -20
segm:12   36706   36692     476     462     39668   39671    -429    -426    0.67736   54050   54040      10      14      -3
segm:13   36672   36714     523     565     39697   39708    -512    -501    0.78501   54064   54069      -5     -42     -11
segm:14   36705   36692     538     525     39731   39700    -479    -510    0.76673   54078   54082      -3      13      31
segm:15   36696   36695     473     472     39712   39699    -421    -434    0.68179   54076   54062      13       1      13
  WARNING segm  0:  |-737| > 60.0
  WARNING segm  0:  |-994| > 60.0
  WARNING segm  6:  |-102| > 60.0
  WARNING segm  8:  |62| > 60.0
  WARNING segm 10:  |106| > 60.0
  WARNING segm 10:  |140| > 60.0
Z quality check for optical metrology measurements 
segm:        SA      LA   XSize   YSize    dZS1  dZS2  dZL1  dZL2    dZSA  dZLA  ddZS  ddZL     dZX   dZY   angXZ(deg) angYZ(deg) dz3(um)
segm: 0   36695   40186   36695   40186      44   248    54   258     146   156  -204  -204     146   156   0.22796    0.22242   -202.642
segm: 1   36699   39680   36699   39680      85   115   -30     0     100   -15   -30   -30     100   -15   0.15612   -0.02166    -30.010
segm: 2   36698   39671   36698   39671     146   274    23   151     210    87  -128  -128     210    87   0.32786    0.12565   -128.163
segm: 3   36697   39698   36697   39698     171   109     1   -61     140   -30    62    62     140   -30   0.21858   -0.04330     62.067
segm: 4   36705   39734   39734   36705       8    89    26   107      48    66   -81   -81      66    48   0.09589    0.07571     80.991
segm: 5   36702   39711   39711   36702     -71  -149   204   126    -110   165    78    78     165  -110   0.23806   -0.17172    -77.894
segm: 6   36650   39701   39701   36650       0    14    24    38       7    31   -14   -14      31     7   0.04474    0.01094     14.000
segm: 7   36664   39711   39711   36664     -14   -42   123    95     -28   109    28    28     109   -28   0.15727   -0.04376    -27.981
segm: 8   36695   39713   36695   39713     235   111     0  -124     173   -62   124   124     173   -62   0.27012   -0.08945    124.224
segm: 9   36711   39731   36711   39731      84   152   -20    48     118    14   -68   -68     118    14   0.18416    0.02019    -67.912
segm:10   36719   39638   36719   39638      76   220  -241   -97     148  -169  -144  -144     148  -169   0.23094   -0.24428   -143.077
segm:11   36706   39693   36706   39693      82   103    -2    19      92     8   -21   -21      92     8   0.14438    0.01227    -21.083
segm:12   36699   39669   39669   36699      36   199    79   242     117   160  -163  -163     160   117   0.23181    0.18344    163.008
segm:13   36693   39702   39702   36693      75    42    85    52      58    68    33    33      68    58   0.09885    0.09135    -33.110
segm:14   36698   39715   39715   36698     169   165   160   156     167   158     4     4     158   167   0.22794    0.26073     -3.817
segm:15   36695   39705   39705   36695      96    65   177   146      80   161    31    31     161    80   0.23305    0.12569    -30.939
  WARNING segm  0:  |-202.6| > 100.0
  WARNING segm  2:  |-128.2| > 100.0
  WARNING segm  8:  |124.2| > 100.0
  WARNING segm 10:  |-143.1| > 100.0
  WARNING segm 12:  |163.0| > 100.0

3-point corrected metrology quality check
Corrected points:
Quad 0
point   X       Y       Z
#4       95420  -4982  158686
4        95420  -3988  158686
Quad 1
point   X      Y      Z
#9       15847  43156  158511
9        15847  43054  158511

Quad 2
point   X      Y      Z
#12      58727 123727  158774
12       58727 123587  158774

X-Y quality check for optical metrology measurements 
segm:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    angle(deg)   D1      D2      dD   d(dS)   d(dL)
segm: 0   36699   36691    -477    -485     39689   39689     436     436    0.69435   54051   54063     -11       8       0
segm: 1   36702   36696    -483    -489     39683   39678     439     434    0.70171   54044   54063     -19       6       5
segm: 2   36716   36681     -72    -107     39693   39650      70      27    0.12926   54018   54068     -49      35      43
segm: 3   36690   36705    -405    -390     39713   39684     390     361    0.57368   54070   54058      11     -15      29
segm: 4   36718   36692     388     362     39723   39746    -323    -300    0.54072   54121   54069      51      26     -23
segm: 5   36702   36703     332     333     39721   39701    -306    -326    0.47973   54069   54083     -13      -1      20
segm: 6   36701   36701     696     696     39702   39700    -631    -633    1.00435   54082   54065      16       0       2
segm: 7   36664   36664     369     369     39714   39708    -343    -349    0.53238   54046   54054      -7       0       6
segm: 8   36677   36713    -412    -376     39744   39682     420     358    0.56842   54092   54055      36     -36      62
segm: 9   36695   36728    -338    -305     39744   39719     319     294    0.46362   54104   54090      13     -33      25
segm:10   36702   36736    -263    -229     39708   39708     231     231    0.35496   54087   54082       4     -34       0
segm:11   36725   36688    -614    -651     39683   39703     596     616    0.91292   54086   54055      30      37     -20
segm:12   36706   36692     476     462     39668   39671    -429    -426    0.67736   54050   54040      10      14      -3
segm:13   36672   36714     523     565     39697   39708    -512    -501    0.78501   54064   54069      -5     -42     -11
segm:14   36705   36692     538     525     39731   39700    -479    -510    0.76673   54078   54082      -3      13      31
segm:15   36696   36695     473     472     39712   39699    -421    -434    0.68179   54076   54062      13       1      13
  WARNING segm  8:  |62| > 60.0
Z quality check for optical metrology measurements 
segm:        SA      LA   XSize   YSize    dZS1  dZS2  dZL1  dZL2    dZSA  dZLA  ddZS  ddZL     dZX   dZY   angXZ(deg) angYZ(deg) dz3(um)
segm: 0   36695   39689   36695   39689      44   248    54   258     146   156  -204  -204     146   156   0.22796    0.22520   -204.009
segm: 1   36699   39680   36699   39680      85   115   -30     0     100   -15   -30   -30     100   -15   0.15612   -0.02166    -30.010
segm: 2   36698   39671   36698   39671     146   274    23   151     210    87  -128  -128     210    87   0.32786    0.12565   -128.163
segm: 3   36697   39698   36697   39698     171   109     1   -61     140   -30    62    62     140   -30   0.21858   -0.04330     62.067
segm: 4   36705   39734   39734   36705       8    89    26   107      48    66   -81   -81      66    48   0.09589    0.07571     80.991
segm: 5   36702   39711   39711   36702     -71  -149   204   126    -110   165    78    78     165  -110   0.23806   -0.17172    -77.894
segm: 6   36701   39701   39701   36701       0    14    24    38       7    31   -14   -14      31     7   0.04474    0.01093     14.001
segm: 7   36664   39711   39711   36664     -14   -42   123    95     -28   109    28    28     109   -28   0.15727   -0.04376    -27.981
segm: 8   36695   39713   36695   39713     235   111     0  -124     173   -62   124   124     173   -62   0.27012   -0.08945    124.224
segm: 9   36711   39731   36711   39731      84   152   -20    48     118    14   -68   -68     118    14   0.18416    0.02019    -67.912
segm:10   36719   39708   36719   39708      76   220  -241   -97     148  -169  -144  -144     148  -169   0.23094   -0.24385   -143.925
segm:11   36706   39693   36706   39693      82   103    -2    19      92     8   -21   -21      92     8   0.14438    0.01227    -21.083
segm:12   36699   39669   39669   36699      36   199    79   242     117   160  -163  -163     160   117   0.23181    0.18344    163.008
segm:13   36693   39702   39702   36693      75    42    85    52      58    68    33    33      68    58   0.09885    0.09135    -33.110
segm:14   36698   39715   39715   36698     169   165   160   156     167   158     4     4     158   167   0.22794    0.26073     -3.817
segm:15   36695   39705   39705   36695      96    65   177   146      80   161    31    31     161    80   0.23305    0.12569    -30.939
  WARNING segm  0:  |-204.0| > 100.0
  WARNING segm  2:  |-128.2| > 100.0
  WARNING segm  8:  |124.2| > 100.0
  WARNING segm 10:  |-143.9| > 100.0
  WARNING segm 12:  |163.0| > 100.0




  • No labels