- Set known values on mpod.
- Pin out cable according to diagram.
- Turn off mpod.
- Connect power cable to detector.
- Set operating voltages on mpod. (check here)
- Start DAQ ("restartdaq") and configure to begin idle.
Thermally Stabilize
- For 10k small/100: Wait for temperature < 10C and humidity < 10% (ideally under 5%)
- For 10k2M: takes ~1hr
Record Voltage/Current/Temperature Values
Collect Fluorescence Data
- Make sure centers line up (detector and target)
- Take pedestals if you haven't already
- Silver: ~10cm distance, 35kVp, 45uA (50 was old current, proved to be too high, saw burn-in)Silver: 8-10cm distance,
Direct Illumination w/Mini-X