Versions Compared


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What is the actual problem and why do we care?

  • At job startup, the pipeline interface is invoked with the command: bash pipeline_wrapper (see for example: /sdf/data/fermi/n/u41/L1/logs/DEV/AAA-testVerifyS3df-no-wrap/5.9/verify/000/slurm_pilot)
  • If we invoke the container with <job executable="${preamble} ${container_wrap} python --version"batchOptions="${extra}" />(as in Brian's example), the pipeline interface defined in pipeline_wrapper is NOT available inside the container
  • This is a showstopper: L1Proc and other complex tasks use extensively the pipeline interface defined in pipeline_wrapper, to set/read pipeline variables, to create substreams, etc.

Possible solution (suggested by Brian on )

  • Write a lightweight interface to the pipeline environment, to obviate the need for invoking pipelineSet and pipelineCreateStream. Example here


  • Implemented in GPLTools as This seems to work as of  

How we isolated and documented the issue

  • The task Task AAA-testVerifyS3df-wrapper (see xml here) loads the container with ${container_wrap} at line line 50:
    • <job executable="${preamble} ${container_wrap} ${python27} ${L1ProcROOT}/"batchOptions="${extra}" />

  • and loses Thereby losing access to the pipeline interface. For example, we try reading the variable pipelineSet, and this fails accessing pipelineSet and fail (full log here, error at line 180179):
    • pipelineSet=
      which: no pipelineSet in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin)

  • The task Task AAA-testVerifyS3df-no-wrap (see xml here) defines the container, but does not invoke it at execution (line 50):
    • <job executable="${python27} ${L1ProcROOT}/"batchOptions="${extra}" />

    • (notably, the python errors in lines 173-213 of the logfile confirm that the container is not loaded correctly in the executable)
  • And still has access to the pipeline interface. For example, we try accessing pipelineSet and succeed (full log here, lines 221-225):
    • pipelineSet=
      pipelineSet ()
          echo "Pipeline.$1: $2" >> ${PIPELINE_SUMMARY}