What is the problem and why do we care?
bash pipeline_wrapper
(see for example: /sdf/data/fermi/n/u41/L1/logs/DEV/AAA-testVerifyS3df-no-wrap/5.9/verify/000/slurm_pilot)pipeline_wrapper
is NOT available inside the containerpipeline_wrapper
, to set/read pipeline variables, to create substreams, etc.${container_wrap}
at line 50:<job executable="${preamble} ${container_wrap} ${python27} ${L1ProcROOT}/verify.py" batchOptions="${extra}" />
and fail (full log here, error at line 179):pipelineSet= which: no pipelineSet in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin)
<job executable="${python27} ${L1ProcROOT}/verify.py" batchOptions="${extra}" />
and succeed (full log here, lines 221-225):pipelineSet= pipelineSet () { echo "Pipeline.$1: $2" >> ${PIPELINE_SUMMARY} }