

  • ICDs
  • Upcoming imaging systems
  • LCLS IT infrastructure


  • ICD
    • What ICD are we targeting right now
    • One r2a2, all collective members to the rest of the project
    • One interfacing experiment systems to RRL
    • One interfacing experiment systems to HPL
    • Use the ICD to define who is responsible for defining the IRD details
    • Need another meeting with Ginger et al to confirm what ICDs/ IRDs are expected of us
  • Imaging systems
  • LCLS IT (matrixed from the TID, Control and Data Systems division)
    • IT - designs and maintains the infrastructure for controls networking and hosts for the experiment systems, does not maintain any business related IT needs (internet access/ APs/ 
      • Select and install switches/ routers, connect to hosts
      • Select and install hosts
      • Maintain the operating systems and install some libraries
      • Maintain our VM infrastructure
      • Design and maintain the data system fiber networks
      • Does not install cabling for miscellaneous devices connecting to the network, does not maintain the terminal portservers 

Action items

Past meeting AI

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Meeting time may change to Thursday at 1pm if it satisfies everyone's schedules. Conflict arose for Bruce (New LLE team member for 10am on Thursday).
2024-07-11 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • Require concept for toggling power on/off to small motors (CosyLab contacted)
MEC-U Collective Team Meetings
  • Seeking existing SLAC solution for closed loop pointing stability loop (vision/motor)
MEC-U Collective Team Meetings
  • Require concept for toggling power on/off to GigE cameras (CosyLab contacted)
MEC-U Collective Team Meetings
Eric M GaltierNotes on Experimental Diagnostics
  • Omar Quijano To work on documenting SLAC's IT infrastructure design including hardware specs and key information.
Omar Quijano2023-02-21 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • Terzi, Ken To adjust some items on the presentation then send out to the group and Omar. Mitchell Cabral Will upload this to the Sharepoint.
Terzi, Ken2023-02-21 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • Jing Yin TPR Card Specification Stub (Specific question from Ken: Number of outputs for TTL? LVTTL or TTL? Both?)
Jing Yin2023-02-07 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • AD, how ACR operates the machine using high-level applications (Matlab and Python), Alex Wallace ping Greg White, et al for someone to talk to the collective about it.
Alex Wallace2022-4-5 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meeting