Starting the LCLS Home Screen from Mac OS X

This page provides instructions for logging in to the LCLS control system on a computer running Mac OS X. Instructions for Windows Users click here or Linux Users click here.

For special instructions on how to bring up the LCLS Home screen on a CUD click here.

For first time users, click here for configuration information.


$ represents the command line prompt. Type the text to the right of the $ on the command line.

Starting the LCLS Home Screen

If you do not have X11 installed on your computer, see Installing X11.

Double click on found in /Applications/Utilities/

Starting the LCLS Home Screen

Login to lcls-prod02 with

$ ssh -X

At the prompt on lcls-prod02, type

ssh physics@lcls-srv01


ssh lclsops@lcls-srv01


ssh acclegr@lcls-srv01

depending on which group account you were added to in Step 2 above. If you see a prompt for a password, something went wrong, and you need to contact Ken Brobeck.

Development System

Login to lcls-dev2 with

$ ssh -X -Y

Find out what shell you are running by typing echo $SHELL. Your shell will be either tcsh or bash.

$ echo $SHELL

I am running bash.

If you are using tcsh, type this commend to enter the bash shell before proceeding:

$ bash

If you are using bash, type this command:

$ source /nfs/slac/g/lcls/build/epics/setup/epicsSetup.bash

And start up the lcls home screen by typing:

$ lclshome
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