
  • Collaboration platforms update
  • Sharing schedule information
  • LLNL has a requirements review coming up in <3 months
  • EPICS focus discussion planning
  • LLNL and LLE presentations on control system architectures planning
  • Review and collectively understand the MEC-U operations vision/story and subsequently the requirements for the control systems


Discussion Items

  • Collect walk-ins
  • Collaboration platforms update
  • Sharing schedule information
    • Develop calendar with important delivery dates for better visibility
      • ICDs and control system developments
  • LLNL has a requirements review coming up in <3 months
  • No update on LLE coming to the west-coast, on account of Omicron surge. We'll remain on standby.
  • EPICS focus discussion
    • What kinds of things do you want to know?
    • LCLS is slated to deliver a control system seminar on EPICS in a few months.
  • LLNL and LLE presentations on control system architectures
    • When is a good time?
  • Speakers are preparing presentations on the SLAC common platform (Marcio Donadio: TID) as well as science IT infrastructure (Amedeo Perazzo: TID) for early Feb.
    • Amedeo: server and networking hardware currently in use, centralized computing infrastructure and status (central services like NFS, authentication, EPICS archiver, data analysis and storage pipelines), monitoring infrastructure.
  • LCLS controls roadmap
    • Raincheck, need one more cycle to complete this. Ready next week.
  • Review and collectively understand the MEC-U operations vision/story and subsequently the requirements for the control systems
    • For next time, I'd like each of us to pick something we think is important, critical, or should be a thing to focus on about the control system to share in this meeting.
      • Consider your experience in building control systems, and what you think needs to be a focus in MEC-U.  

Action items

Past meeting AI

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Meeting time may change to Thursday at 1pm if it satisfies everyone's schedules. Conflict arose for Bruce (New LLE team member for 10am on Thursday).
2024-07-11 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • Require concept for toggling power on/off to small motors (CosyLab contacted)
MEC-U Collective Team Meetings
  • Seeking existing SLAC solution for closed loop pointing stability loop (vision/motor)
MEC-U Collective Team Meetings
  • Require concept for toggling power on/off to GigE cameras (CosyLab contacted)
MEC-U Collective Team Meetings
Eric M GaltierNotes on Experimental Diagnostics
  • Omar Quijano To work on documenting SLAC's IT infrastructure design including hardware specs and key information.
Omar Quijano2023-02-21 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • Terzi, Ken To adjust some items on the presentation then send out to the group and Omar. Mitchell Cabral Will upload this to the Sharepoint.
Terzi, Ken2023-02-21 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • Jing Yin TPR Card Specification Stub (Specific question from Ken: Number of outputs for TTL? LVTTL or TTL? Both?)
Jing Yin2023-02-07 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • AD, how ACR operates the machine using high-level applications (Matlab and Python), Alex Wallace ping Greg White, et al for someone to talk to the collective about it.
Alex Wallace2022-4-5 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meeting