- Software plans
- Zach (brief summary - presentation next week)
- Sasha
- Fred/Claudia
- Johann
- Recent trending results (Fred)
I just finished the analysis of the csv files from the CPT sequences performed at the following dates (all at room temperature):
_ phase 0: 2007 Mar, 27
_ phase 1: 2007 Jul, 23 (Post-EMI)
- phase 2: 2007 Oct, 22 (Post-Dynamics)
- phase 3: 2008 Feb, 11 (last NRL CPT)
I ran the usual trending macro, and took the last phase as a reference, i.e. all following quantities are computed w.r.t. this phase for history plots, and all quantities = 0 for phase 3 by construction in these plots. I looked at the following quantities:
- Test 0 : pedestal position and width (from *FMxxx_calu_pedestals_ci.csv files)
- Test 4 : median noise (from *FMxxx_calf_adc_p02.csv files)
I checked ALL channels of ALL towers by eye and found the same noisy channels as Sasha:
- twr=8, lyr=6, col=2, face=1: it can be seen in T8-FM107_Test4.pdf (X-, chan 38)
- twr=6, lyr=4, col=1, face=0: it can be seen in T6-FM115_Test4.pdf (X+, chan 25)
- twr=4, lyr=3, col=4, face=0: it can be seen in T4-FM105_Test4.pdf (Y+, chan 16)
For chan 38 of X- AFEE board in tower 8, the noise is also varying with time, as can be seen in the following attached files:
- T8-FM107_Test0_History_RefPhase3-080211.pdf : pp. 7 and 11, the LEX8 ped width varies by more than 5 ADC units (which is 2.5% of a MIP if the MIP~200 adc units above pedestal)
- T8-FM107_Test4_History_RefPhase3-080211.pdf : pp. 2, 3 and 6, the LEX8 (and even LEX1) median noise is varying
No variation is observed for the 2 other bad channels, so they remain noisy all the time. I also confirm that the 4th channel mentionned by Sasha is very marginally out of family:
- twr=12, lyr=4, col=7, face=0: it can be seen in T12-FM110_Test4.pdf (X+, chan 31)
All other (hundreds of!...) plots are available for all towers / channels.
- BT longitudinal position issues
- Philippe
- Sasha
- dE/dx, dL/dE and related studies (Ping, Yvonne)