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Below is a table of ALL GlastRelease tags.

If the tag is one along a branch of the code, it is color-coded as follows:

v15r47p12gr06  Pipeline2 Level1 Production Branch   Consider this a RELEASE

OLD branches:

v13r9p24 Big Run Branch From Winter, 2008

v13r6p3  Pipeline1 I&T testing Branch

If you would like to request a new tag be included in GlastRelease, please use the GR Update Request page.

 All GlastRelease Tags





JIRAs Addressed

Systest Reports



13 Oct 2009





Catching up to fixes for data processing:
enums v3r0p1 fix up TEMBUG constant setting
ldfReader v7r4p2
LdfConverter v4r3p4gr1
CalRecon v6r8p0


6 Oct 2009





Prep for Pass 7.2
AnalysisNtuple v2r55p9
GlastClassify v7r4p0


20 Aug 2009





IExternal testing new ROOT v5.20.00-gl5 and xerces 2.8.0


3 Aug 2009





GlastClassify v7r3p1 updated version of xml file


30 Jul 2009





GlastPolicy v6r16p1 upgrade for Doxygen
GlastClassify v7r3p0 Pass7 update
IExternal v4r19p0 ROOT v5.20.00-gl5 and xerces 2.8.0-gl1







Uses new ROOT v5.20.00-gl4 which fixes TTree::CloneTree bug (head of ROOT's v5.20.00 branch)







Next test tag for Eric Charles' AcdRecon updates


28 May 2009





Test tag for Eric Charles' AcdRecon updates - step one


24 May 2009





GlastClassify v7r2p5 v16.4


22 May 2009





GlastClassify v7r2p4 new XML file from Carmelo


22 May 2009





ntupleWriterSvc v5r4 and GlastClassify v7r2p3 that now allows a TTree ptr
to be passed into RootTupleSvc::getItem to force the tree used to obtain
branch pointers


22 May 2009





GlastClassify v7r2p2


21 May 2009





AnalysisNtuple v2r55p3 from Leon
Gleam patch to JO to make FhSetMeritAlg part of the default setup


19 May 2009





ntupleWriterSvc v5r3p1 patch to fix running in default case without input ntuples


18 May 2009





ntupleWriterSvc v5r3 checks the output tree within RootTupleSvc::getItem if the input tree has the requested branch as disabled


14 May 2009





ntupleWriterSvc v5r2p1 which throws an exception when a client calls RootTupleSvc::getItem and requests a disabled branch


14 May 2009





Move to ROOT v5.20.00-gl3 which includes update to xrootd
Patch tag to IExternal/Geant4 to force the installer to recognize new G4 version


13 May 2009





GlastClassify v7r2p1 new bit methods


12 May 2009





AnalysisNtuple v2r55p2 fix up FT1EventClass from Leon


09 May 2009





IExternal v4r14, back to ROOT v5.20.00-gl1 until ST is ready to move
  GlastClassify v7r1p1
  RootIo v24r4 fixes for event display


08 May 2009





-- IExternal v4r15, move to ROOT v5.20.00-gl2
  -- facilities p7 which includes fix for TIMING_DIR env var
  -- ntupleWriterSvc addition of IncludeBranchList and ExcludeBranchList
  -- Grab Hiro's updated calibTkrUtil v2r9 and calibGenTKR v4r8
  -- AnalysisNtuple v2r55 adds vars, removes others, and handles copying
     Obf vars to Fsw for simulations
  -- TkrRecon v10r16p7 from Leon to clean up error reporting, no change to
     basic TkrRecon code itself
  -- GlastClassify v7r1p0


26 Apr 2009





Move to G4 8.0.p01-gl4 which is a rebuild of G4 to set the flags:  G4_NO_VERBOSE and G4_NO_STORE_TRAJECTORY


1 Apr 2009



GRINF-51 and TKR-29


EventIntegrity v0r8p2 JIRA GRINF-51
  TkrUtil v3r18p2 JIRA TKR-29
  HepRepSvc v0r31p2
    1) color CAL Edep boxes yellow for "saturated" xtals
    2) New HepRepInitSvc param: MonteCarloFiller_useMcInfo (default is true).
       This should help with really big MC events
  G4HadronSim to use G4Runtime_PATH rather than DIR so the tables will be found


27 Mar 2009





Update to RootIo to avoid potential segmentation fault when writing merit header, when running MC non-overlay jobs writing only merit files


25 Mar 2009





RootIo and Overlay patches from Tracy


23 Mar 2009





RootIo v24r1p1 patch to check existance of meritHeader before using
  LdfEvent v4r10 and EventIntegrity v0r8 check TEMbug and phase error
  AnalysisNtuple v2r54p7 fixes Philippe's issue with McTHPrimInteracted
  Overlay v1r5p3 properly registers thePtOverlayCnv service so we will actually output our PtOverlay objects


20 Mar 2009





AcdDigi v3r8 from Tracy to better handle purely overlay hits


19 Mar 2009





RootIo v24r1 and ntupleWriterSvc v5r0p1 introduces merit header
Overlay v1r5p2
AnalysisNtuple v2r54p5


19 Mar 200





Overlay v1r5p1 transfers the ACD status bits into the McPositionHit for
more processing
OverlayEvent v0r2p1 Bit definitions in AcdOverlay need small repair - not
an issue for any overlay files produced
AnalysisNtuple v2r54p4 add new OverlayValsTool, enhance output of
McTkrValsTool. Lots and lots and lots of new vars


18 Mar 2009





Overlay v1r5p0, overlayRootData v0r2p2, OverlayEvent v0r2p0
include the AcdHit status bits in the AcdOverlay object


17 Mar 2009





Overlay v1r4p2 and overlayRootData v0r2p1 patches for class versions This is why v17r8 was deleted


17 Mar 2009





Modifications to detect TEM bug
ldfReader v7r3, LdfEvent v4r9, enums v3r0, digiRootData v11r13,
modify ldf2digi JO in Gleam v7r4p1
astro v3r8p1 fix test program for SAA polygon
AnalysisNtuple v2r54p3 fix ToT logic from Leon:
It caused the average tot to be lower for tracks with ToT255 clusters on
them, and the truncated ToT to be negative very occasionally
and from Michael Kuss:
implemented Carmelo's "unbiased energy" method needed for pass7
and also from Leon:
AcdValsTool - condition energy and tile counts on "accept" bit, so that
below-threshold tiles will not be included for PT (non-zero-suppressed)
Overlay updates from Tracy: Overlay v1r4p1, OverlayEvent v0r1p0,
overlayRootData v0r2p0


02 Mar 2009





Overlay v1r3p0 reuses TFiles rather than continually opening and closing them
RootIo v24r0 restricts rebuilding indices


26 Feb 2009





reverts to GlastClassify v6r5p2


26 Feb 2009





Patch to GlastClassify v7r0p1


20 Feb 2009





move to astro v3r8


18 Feb 2009





picked up Leon's new AnaTup v2r54p1 and astro v3r7p1
Cleanup and move lambda radians->degrees to astro/EarthCoordinate
Remove extraneous public methods from EarthCoordinate
Fix EarthCoordinates to separate geometric from magnetic calculations
This will speed up gtobssim, since it doesn't use the magnetic stuff
Convert lambda from radians to degrees here
Change "large number" -9.999e102 to -9.999e37, so it works on Windows
Define R2D = 180./M_PI in anonymous namespace
patched HepRepSvc v0r31p1 fixes display of status words in merit
EbfWriter v1r8p0 from Tracy
takes LdfEvent::Gem.h TDS object and transfers over to the ebf data
GlastClassify v7r0p0


15 Feb 2009





Identical to v17r2p1, with patch for path for update G4 external that will allow the installer to find it.


12 Feb 2009





Updated G4 with rebuild on rhel4 in optimized mode
Updates from Leon for AnaTup v2r54, astro v3r6p1, Gleam v7r3p2
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="c17ecc73-dc72-4bd1-90e1-9d938e98c4cd"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Change to merit ntuple:  adding GltGem[Elapsed/Live]Time, PtLambda
signing of PtMagLat and PtSCzenith


10 Feb 2009





Merge in Overlay branch


2 Feb 2009





Catch up tag
Event v13r4p4, TkrDigi, TkrUtil, TkrRecon, AnaTup, ToT stuff and updates to merit ntuple
f2c v3r1, FluxSvc, CRflux, LdfEvent, xmlBase, rbdModel
gcrSelectRootData patch tag with improved Doxygen doc


25 Jan 2009





Move to ROOT v5.20.00-gl1


1 Feb 2000





AnalysisNtuple v2r52p8 plus TkrDigi v2r10p2, Event v13r4p4, TkrUtil v3r18p1, TkrRecon v10r16p6


27 Jan 2009





Move to AnalysisNtuple v2r52p7  
Tag to be used for heavy ion simulations


19 Jan 2009




G4Geneator and G4HadronSim v1r4p0, picking up LPM and alpha updates
HepRepSvc v0r31, HepRepCorba v3r1, RootIo updates to read in relations for EventDisplays


15 Jan 2009





Bad build - hiccup somewhere in batch or RM


08 Dec 2008





Pick up patch TkrUtil


04 Dec 2008





Upgrade to LDF v07-01-01 finally


22 Dec 2008





Testing updates for alphas G4Generator v5r25p0 and tossed in patch to TkrUtil fix on Windows


27 Nov 2008





Testing updates for LPM effect and pick up latest CRflux tag that goes up to 1 TeV


25 Nov 2008





Catch up tag
Update to OmniOrb 4.1.2 via IExternal/OmniOrb and HepRepCorba v3r0
tip v2r12p4, astro v3r4p1
facilities v2r18p3 patches for SCons
gcrSelectRootData Doxygen updates
configData v1r10p4
celestialSources/genericSources v1r11p4 version used in ST
CalUtil v3r14p2, CalXtalResponse v0r22, calibGenCAL v5r9p1 - Zach's final updates
mootCore v1r24p1


2 Feb 2009





AnalysisNtuple v2r52p8


31 Jan 2000





TkrUtil v3r17p1


27 Jan 2009





Pick up last overlayRootData update from Tracy v0r1p1


26 Jan 2009





Pick up Leon's last round of updates
TkrUtil, TkrRecon, AnalysisNtuple v2r52p7


15 Jan 2009





patch to Event from Tracy that will hopefully eliminate G4Generator unit test failure


10 Jan 2009





LPM effect


6 Jan 2009





Overlay v1r1p3 turn off acd energy cut as default, can be set now via
AcdOverlayMergeAlg.AcdHitEnergyThreshold = xxx; // xx in MeV


20 Dec 2008





Updates from Tracy: Gleam v7r3p1, AnaTup v2r52p6, TkrDigi v2r10p2
OnboardFilter v4r14p1, Trigger v7r0p1


19 Dec 2008





calibGenCAL v5r9p1 catch up with Zach's last tag
Leon's overlay tags: TkrDigi, TkrUtil, AnalysisNtuple


18 Dec 2008





Updates from Tracy: Event v13r4p2, CalXtalResponse v0r23 picked up CalUtil as well
AcdDigi v3r7, Trigger v7r0p0, Overlay v1r1p0, Gleam v7r3p0


08 Dec 2008





Overlay updates for RootIo, Overlay, overlayRootData, and two other packages I can't think of right now


03 Dec 2008





Overlay updates that now include OverlayEvent, overlayRootData, patch to RootIo, updated Event, AcdDigi, CalDigi, TkrDigi, GlastSvc


Dec 01 2008





patch to TkrUtil


19 Nov 2008





Overlay Development Branch


13 Nov 2008





FluxSvc v6r55p1 from Toby to clean up PointingInfo - should have no effect
IExternal/python still on 2.5.1 but now set up using tcl/tk 8.4 for rh9 and includes numpy, pyfits, 4SuiteXml


13 Nov 2008





Updates from Leon for ghosts
HepRepSvc v0r30 updates for WIRED and fix JO for test job
TkrRecon v10r16p4 move TkrGhostTool to TkrUtil v3r16
AnalysisNtuple v2r52p4 Protect EvtVtxKin to suppress bad variable messages
HepRepXml v0r8p2 fix JO for test job


29 Oct 2008





Updates for reprocessing:
RootIo v22r0 new JO param RootIoSvc.AbortOnRootError allow ntuple to set number of events when reading, should aid reprocessing needs to avoid reading any full ROOT files.  Add new ntupleRootReaderAlg to allow ntuple input
ntupleWriterSvc v4r2 modification to getInputTreePtr and getOutputTreePtr to return number of entries in tree/chain and adds getListOfInputFiles method


9 Oct 2008





Ghost Track tags plus updates to display merit tuple in event display.
ntupleWriterSvc v4r0, HepRepSvc, TkrRecon, Event v13r2, Gleam


6 Oct 2009





AnalysisNtuple v2r51p0gr03 patch to remove obsolete CAL merit variables
which justifies the modification to CalRecon where we removed two
CAL tools in GR v15r47p12gr2


1 Oct 2009





RootIo v21r12p0gr05 make RootConvert public, and OnboardFilterTds
AnalysisNtuple v2r51p0gr02 patch from Leon
Fixed a bug which occasionally generated a random number for
FT1EventClass, when it should have been zero.
(Although I don't understand why it would only be occasionally!)


28 Sept 2009





TkrDigi v2r7p3gr1 patch to test JO
CalXtalResponse, remove use of obf in req file
RootIo v21r12p0gr4 make RootConvert use private
GlastSvc v9r26p1gr1 apply patch to set seed per run default, in branch
Trigger gr2 update unit test JO
- OnboardFilter v4r14p0gr1 update unit test JO


23 Sep 2009





Pick up minor bug fixes for HepRepCorba and HepRepSvc


23 Sep 2009





RHEL4 validation version
Trigger update to set TriggerAlg.mask using a string
RootIo v21r12p0gr3 and LdfConverter v4r3p4gr1 updates to use EvtMax to denote reading in a full input file
Gleam patches to JO to use strings for TriggerAlg.mask, and to remove use of mask in ldf2digi
CalRecon patch to remove 2 tools in src/CalEventEnergyAlg.cxx Philippe Bruel informs us are obsolete.





































1 Apr 2009





EventIntegrity v0r8p2 JIRA GRINF-51


23 Mar 2009





LdfEvent v4r10 and EventIntegrity v0r8 check TEM bug and Phasing Error


17 Mar 2009





move to LDF v07-01-01
digiRootData v11r13, enums v3r0, ldfReader v7r3, LdfEvent v4r9,
lsfData v4r3, LdfConverter v4r3p3
RootIo v21r12 increased error handling
GlastPolicy v6r16
Update G4 external only change to rhel4 to build opt


10 Mar 2009







22 Feb 2009





GCRCalib v1r6p2 patch to address infrequent crash in L1 pipeline


25 Sep 2008





Patch release to pick up lsfData that works with update to Gamma Filter RSD V3


24 Sep 2008





Upgrade to FSW B1-1-3


25 Sep 2008





Patch release to pick up lsfData that works with update for Gamma Filter RSD V3


24 Sep 2008





Upgrade to FSW B1-1-2


25 Sep 2008





Patch release to pick up lsfData that works with update for Gamma Filter RSD V3


24 Sep 2008





Anders' requested Base + lsfData update in anticipation of the FSW upgrade on Sep 29th.
This tag includes updates to CHS/eventFile, lsfData, RootConvert and digiRootData.


18 Sep 2008





RootIo patch for JIRA GRINF-42, provides additional formatting for % complete logging statements
HepRepSvc - event display speed-up.


15 Sep 2008





calibGenACD v4r1p3 includes patch for windows
ntupleWriterSvc patches from Leon for ULong64


15 Sep 2008





Catching up
digiRootData allow option to delete all for each event
AncillaryDataUtil, EbfWriter, CalDigi, GlastSvc, HepRepXml, LdfConverter, rdbModel, rootTestData, userAlg, xmlUtil update for CMT env var removal
configData new tag for python updates
Gleam pipeline JO update for alignment
HepRepSvc v0r25 refactor and set TOT=255 to red
mcRootData tweak to memory management
TkrDigi updates for SCons and CMT env var removal, and old patch from Tracy concerning duplicate relations
TkrUtil updates for SCons
xmlBase v5r5p1, CalibData, CalibSvc v0r40, calibUtil catching up with AcdPE calibration
GlastClassify from Leon "protect CTBCalPsfErr in the Pass6 xml file"
rootUtil update from David C.
xmlGeoDbs v1r47p5 includes ACD trapezoids


17 Aug 2008





Move to ACD trapezoids by upgrading xmlGeoDbs
Trapezoids require a patch - to be included in future versions of GR once C&A has checked it out.  This build was deleted.


16 Aug 2008





Pick up Toby's alignment and aberration updates:  astro, CalibSvc, CalibData, calibUtil, AnalysisNtuple
Leon's WMD AnaTup plus Event, enums, and Gleam JO update to move Output Sequencer to be last after NtupleMaker


14 Aug 2008




G4Propagator patch for another "stuck track" possibility


12 Aug 2008





AnalysisNtuple patch to include more exception handling
Gleam v7r2 cleans up MC JO files
facilities v2r18p1 includes definition of <package>DATAPATH


12 Aug 2008





Back off ACD trapezoids pending more MC testing


11 Aug 2008





Gleam pipeline JO update to turn off comparison between FSW key and MOOT key - currently there is an extra bit set high, this will be fixed in later versions of FSW
patch to ldfReader to write compressionLevel and compressedSize to TDS and ultimately ROOT


6 Aug 2008





Remove obsolete GltDigi class:  Event v12r1p1, CalXtalResponse v0r21p8, Trigger v6r4
Upgrade to OmniOrb v4.1.0 includes mods to IExternal/OmniOrb and HepRepCorba
G4Propagator v2r4p4 patch to finally fix GEANT-12
Gleam JO pipeline updates from Anders
Update geometry to use ACD trapezoids:  xmlGeoDbs
AcdUtil, ConfigSvc, Trigger updates from Eric C.
Introduce GleamEventFlags in EventHeader on TDS and in merit as EvtEventFlags
Updated a couple celestialSources subpackages to match ST v9r7


31 Jul 2008





enums v2r1 includes update of OBF filter bits
AnalysisNtuple patch to change calNumXtals to CalNumXtals.  Should be the first version used in production with this new merit tuple branch.
lsfData, LdfEvent, RootConvert, digiRootData updated to include compressionLevel and compresedSize provided in the new eventFile tag
picked up calibTkrUtil v2r5 from Hiro


29 Jul 2008





Move to FSW B1-1-0
Includes updates to OnboardFilter, OnboardFilterTds, IExternal/obf v0r11p0
CHS/eventFile v8r0p2, lsfData v4r0, enums v2r0, LdfEvent, RootConvert, digiRootData
  multiple versions of GAMMA filter have been implemented
  a new merit entry FswGamVersion has been added to allow users to know how to unpack the status word

 Minor tweaks to MootSvc and AcdDigi to update requirements files (use v* Event) and update to Gleam for pipeline JO


24 Jul 2008





Back off to G4Propagator v2r3p2 as JIRA GEANT-12 investigation continues


24 Jul 2008





AnalysisNtuple v2r48p1, GlastClassify v6r5p1, merit, ntupleWriterSvc, and Event v12r0 v3r23p2 adds EvtEventId64, the 64 bit event id






Bad Build


23 Jul 2008

Do Not Use due to 64 bit EvtEventId




G4Propagator v2r4p1 to address GEANT-12
Gleam v7r0p17 and CalibSvc v0r38 to address TKR calibration crashes
digiRootData adds getState method to the ObfFilterStatus classes which returns enum::Lsf::RsdState
RootConvert and RootIo modifications to store OBF values in FSW-OBF when running MC


18 Jul 2008

Do Not Use due to 64 bit EvtEventId



GlastClassify v6r3p2, ntupleWriterSvc v3r23, merit v6r36, AnaTup v2r48
     Updates eventId to unsigned long long
     Also introduces new ntuple variables
     CalNumXtals CalMaxNumXtalsInLayer AcdNoRow3Readout AcdEnergyTop
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="9c75aaf1-9ed0-41ad-bbac-7d699b04b005"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[     AcdEnergyRow[0...3]
     GltGemDeltaEventTime, GltGemDeltaWindowOpenTime
RootIo patch to address JIRA ROOT-40
Gleam JO updates from Anders and turn MOOT back on for unit test
GlastClassify v6r4p0 Remove CalEnergy, CsiRadLen and TkrNumTracks
     pre-filter from AtwoodTrees.cxx, no done in the xml file. Also remove the
     "old" Pass 6 analysis in favor of the update one with the prefilter
     included in it.
calibGenTKR v4r5 requested by Hiro


17 Jul 2008





G4Propagator patch for JIRA GEANT-12
AcdUtil, calibGenACD, CalibSvc, CalibData, calibUtil adds new calib types for high range
calibTkrUtil v2r4p1
Gleam basicOptions patch for setting up EventAuditor
AcdRecon v4r3p2 patch to protect from bad tracks


15 Jul 2008





OnboardFilter and OnboardFilterTDS updates to make sure MC and real computation of Gamma match
AcdUtil v2r8p1


10 Jul 2008





Modifies ldfReader, lsfData, EbfWriter, LdfConverter, to store EBF (and repacketize) on TDS for OBF


17 Jul 2008





RootIo v21r6 fixes problem randomly accessing events due to broken indices in the ROOT files from our merge step.


3 Jul 2008





ConfigSvc patch for JO


1 Jul 2008





GCRCalib and CalDigi update


30 Jun 2008





Identical to v15r21 except an update for Gleam's basicOptions so that the OBF settings will work out of the box for Gleam MC.


29 Jun 2008





Pick up patched astro that takes care of NaN issue in FT1 variables


28 Jun 2008





Revert to older astro tag before this last failed patch


27 Jun 2008





Put OBF back in, after fixing Linux obf GLAST_EXT external library


27 Jun 2008





Add in GCRCalib v1r5p1


27 Jun 2008





Just in case build - never used for processing
backs out previous updates for OBF and GCRCalib







Build deleted


26  Jun 2008





-- OnboardFilter v4r10p7 "Leak All Events" false by default
  -- IExternal/obf update adds logicals for flight ped/gains
  -- astro PointingHistory fixes
  -- HepRepSvc use real ACD hit tile data to populate event display
  -- ldfReader includs JIRA GRINF-48 fix
  -- ConfigSvc turn down the verbosity


25 Jun 2008





Patch to OnboardFilter to fix HIP filter
Patch IExternal/obf to set obf_DIR for installer on Linux
Update digiRootData so OBF FilterStatus classes are backward compatible after name change from HFC->Hip and DFC->Dgn


24 June 2008





Patch to write out OBF Filter Status data to digi
Bug:  HIP Filter output requires a patch, currently HIP always reports passed
        Also, random crashes in TKR Calibration in CalibSvc RootBaseCnv::doClean


23 June 2008





Patch to AnalysisNtuple to actually write the pointing variables to merit.
Bug:  Does not output OBF Filter Status data to digi


22 June 2008





Patch to AnalysisNtuple for initializing pointing Info variable in PtValsAlg. 
Bug:  Do not use, if you want pointing variables in your merit ntuple.


21 June 2008





Patched ConfigSvc
Bug: Do not use if you are interested in FT2


20 June 2008





Contains bug in ConfigSvc


20 June 2008





First tag to include new OBF, and updates to MootSvc, new ConfigSvc, digiRootData, RootConvert, lsfData
Will not run on real data, due to bug in AnalysisNtuple concerning accessing hardware filter RSDs







First tag to include the new MootSvc - for testing purposes not meant for production









30 May 2008





Gleam JO update from Anders, lsfData patch to address warnings, LdfEvent remove debugging output


28 May 2008





TkrUtil v3r14 alignment update from Leon, calibTkrUtil patch from Hiro, CalUtil patch for Doxygen, GlastClassify doc updates, include "real" filter bits:  lsfData, ldfReader, LdfEvent, RootConvert, digiRootData tags


26 May 2008





Update to IExternal v4r12 which is the move to ROOT v5.18.00-gl1 (v5.18.00c on windows)  This includes the fix for writing to xrootd.


22 May 2008





Patch to v15r1 to get new RootConvert branch tag that includes the dataTransferId for real data


20 May 2008





Updated GCR code including Event, GCRCalib, Gleam, RootConvert and gcrSelectRootData
Patched tkrCalibUtil from Hiro
Patched Interleavefor the GRBgrid runs from Tracy


18 May 2008





Pick up Pass7 updates in AnalysisNtuple v2r39


20 May 2008





Pick up GCR updates including GCRCalib, gcrSelectRootData, RootConvert, Event,
new tkrUtilCalib patch tag
Patched Interleave from Tracy for GRBgrid runs


18 May 2008





upgrade to cfitsio 3060 by moving to IExternal v4r11
turn off LPM effect  by moving to new G4Generator and G4HadronSim
calibTkrUtil v2r2 from Hiro
AcdUtil v2r7p3, AcdDigi v3r3, AcdRecon v4r3 which address the JIRAs


15 May 2008





calibGenTKR v4r4 patches to compile against latest calibTkrUtil


13 May 2008





Gleam updates from Anders for pipeline.  Includes a potential fix for the unexplained crashes in L1 processing that points back to G4Propagator's getStep call.  Update to AnalysisNtuple to include McXYZDir in McKludgeValsTool.  Grab Joanne's latest tags to address Eric Grove's request for TKR alignment calibrations.  New calibTkrUtil which is known not to compile on windows.


7 May 2008





Updated tags to handle ACD pile-up, introducing "ninja" AcdDigis.  Updated packages include:  AcdDigi, AcdRecon, Event, digiRootData, LdfConverter, RootIo


2 May 2008





EbfWriter v1r6p3 patch from Brian Winer which adds a new JO parameter for EbfWriter.ReqGemTrig
Also includes a new patch to Gleam to update basicOptions and ldf2digi to use this new JO parameter


1 May 2008





GlastClassify Pass6 patch from Tracy


30 Apr 2008





EbfWriter v1r6p2


28 Apr 2008





Catch up tag
Pick up DFI 3-4-5 updates
AcdDigi tag for JIRA ACD-18
Update to Gleam pipeline JO to include TriRowBitAlg
GlastClassify bug fix for Pass6







Build was caught in SLAC computer outage, new updated tags were necessary, and this build was abandoned.


15 Apr 2008





Patch to AnalysisNtuple so that the EventAuditor will not cause ALL events to be written to the ntuple regardless of trigger

Pick up the appropriate tag of GlastClassify with the most recent version of the Pass6 XML file
However this tag is flawed due to a bug in GlastClassify which is fixed in v14r4.


08 Apr 2008





Pick up some remaining updated packages, such as Event, HepRepSvc, RootIo
This version had a problem with duplicate events in the merit tuple which was tracked down to a problem in the use of EventAuditor which is relatively new, and apparently had not been exercised in this fashion.


31 Mar 2008





Moving to ROOT v5.18.00b


21 Mar 2008





CalXtalResponse tweak from Zach in response to changes noted in v13r13 systests


14 Mar 2008





Catch up tag - see release.notes for the extensive list of updated tags.
Major update of CAL code from Zach which may alleviate our issues with rhel4 builds and running in the pipeline, this needs to be checked


21 Feb 2008





Addition of ribbon attenuation from Eric C.


08 May 2008





Pipeline2 Level1
updated astro which includes exception handling and ntupleWriterSvc to return to default basket size

- -v13r11p8








21 Apr 2008





Pipeline2 Level1


17 Apr 2008





Pipeline2 Level1


15 Apr 2008





Pipeline2 Level1







Pipeline2 Level1







Pipeline2 Level1


18 Feb 2008




Pipeline2 Level1 
digiRootData v9r30p2 increments class versions of OBF classes


6 Feb 2008





Pipeline2 Level1

  • ntupleWriterSvc v3r19p1 patch to address stringToDouble exception
  • AnalysisNtuple v3r32gr1 handle exception thrown by getStepVolId when called by CalValsTool and TkrValsTool




Pipeline2 Level1 branch


31 Jan 2008





Picks up latest CEL code and includes Martin's updates to EventHeader to address JIRA


24 Jun 2008





Hopefully final GRBgrid version, which includes a patch to AnalysisNtuple::PtValsAlg.cxx to make sure Pt variables are written to merit


22 June 2008





Includes patch to AnalysisNtuple::PtValsAlg.cxx patch to initialize pointingInfo data member


20 June 2008





Capture Martin's patch to TriggerAlg.cxx


19 June 2008





Martin's patch to Trigger for deadtime/livetime - however failed to include patch to TriggerAlg.cxx as well - captured in v13r9p25
AnalysisNtuple patches from Leon and Toby that clears up use of  PointingInfo class
Interleave update from Tracy for GRBgrid runs


20 May 2008





ntupleWriterSvc patch which forces termination of a job if TChain::GetEntry fails when reading input ntuples


19 May 2008





Final patch from Tracy to Interleave that fixes the GRBgrid runs by calling Fill at the appropriate time for the output ntuple


16 May 2008





Updated AnalysisNtuple and FluxSvc to consolidate the PointingInfo class


6 May 2008





Move to updated ntupleWriterSvc to return to default basket size for tuples


30 Apr 2008





Picks up another patch to GlastClassify


28 Apr 2008





hopefully final patch to RootTupleSvc for using TChain for input merit tuples
GlastClassify v6r0p2 bug fix for Pass6







another ntupleWriterSvc patch to get TChain input of merit tuples going


07 Apr 2008







04 Apr 2008





Complete move to ROOT v5.18b







Did not build due to rootUtil and the move to ROOT v5.18b


31 Mar 2008





Potential final tag for reprocessing


22 Mar 2008




One more patch to GlastClassif from Tracy
Bill's fix for the problem CTBVtxTkr1Angle variable that was not set in
the CAL only event bypass... which was not fixed well enough in v6r1p6.


21 Mar 2008





Patch to GlastClassify from Tracy Bill's latest Pass6 analysis


20 Mar 2008





Patch to GlastClassify to get all the xml variables correct, specifically Likelihood rather than LkHd


20 Mar 2008





Add in Tracy's new tags:
Event v11r25p2, TkrDigi v2r7p1, HepRepSvc v0r23, RootIo v20r0p2gr3, GlastClassfiy v6r1p4


4 Mar 2008





Fix up tag of AnaTup v2r30p3gr4


28 Feb 2008




TkrUtil v3r13p1 and AnaTup v2r30p3gr3 updates for reprocessing


19 Feb 2008





Patch to AnalysisNtuple to include exception handling already in place on the HEAD.


19 Feb 2008





AnalysisNtuple and TkrRecon updates from Leon for Bill, include McKludgeValsTool update to init additional Pass6 variables to non-zero values


15 Feb 2008





  • digiRootData v9r30p2 increments class version for OBF classes
  • GlastClassify v6r1p0 updates for Pass 6 from Tracy for Bill
  • Interleave v1r5p2 updates from Tracy that comment out CELs and makes a patch for an issue Francesco saw when running GRB grid runs


28 Jan 2008





  • RootIo v19r1 and rootUtil v1r2 updates for CEL
  • celestialSources/eblAtten v0r5 and celestialSources/GRBtemplate v1r2p2 fix from previous v1r3 tags
  • astro


20 Jan 2008





  • RootIo and rootUtil updates for CEL


18 Jan 2008





  •  Pulsar bug fixes
  • RootIo v19r0p1 and rootUtil v1r1p1 CEL updates


12 Jan 2008





Big Run Branch



7 Jan 2008





  • AcdUtil patch from Eric C
  • FluxSvc additional job options for sky model


2 Jan 2008





  • new B1-0-6, OnboardFilter v4r7, and AnaTup from Tracy
  • patch from Eric C for AcdDigi and AcdRecon
  • patch for microquasar


4 Mar 2008





Pick up updated configData and facilities that includes stringToUll


4 Mar 2008




Do not use, failed to compile due to missing updated facilities tag


17 Dec 2008






  • configData update from Martin
  • Trigger from Leon
  • CalibData patch from Tracy and Joanne which fixes windows issues by introducing a singleton class to contain static data members


16 Dec 2007





Pipeline1 Branch for TVAC


21 Dec 2007





AcdUtil patch tag to fix handling of +Y/-Y bent tiles


17 Dec 2007





CalibData patch from Tracy and Joanne that fixes windows issues with static data by using a singleton class.


17 Dec 2007





  • GCRCalib patch from Claudia
  • OnboardFilter and OnboardFilterTds patches from Tracy for high energy pass and signed energy extraction


17 Dec 2007





AcdDigi v3r1p3 from Eric which fixes the swap of zero suppression and veto bits


10 Dec 2007





Eric's patch to Event for AcdMipsFlag


9 Dec 2007





  •  Bill's patches to TkrRecon and AnalysisNtuple
  • Leon's patch to Gleam's src/jobOptions.txt


5 Dec 2007





  •  CalibData v0r19p2 patch from Toby to resize vector before assigning values to its members in ACD calibration object
  • astro fix from Toby for SAA


30 Nov 2007





  • Patch to GlastSvc for Randoms from Michael to allow a larger number of distinct run numbers


24 Nov 2007





First attempted Big Run Branch, which ultimately was shelved


17 Nov 2007





-- The Return of the ACD Calibration and assorted updated tags
     AcdDigi, AcdUtil, AcdRecon, CalibData, CalibSvc, calibGenACD
  -- Patched Event for rhel4_gcc34opt
  -- pick up xmlGeoDbs v1r46p2 which includes new rotations
  -- updated Doxy doc for mcRootData
  -- pick up latest CalibSvc, and CalibData
  -- patch to astro from Joanne to prevent double free error at end of Gleam
  -- New rdbModel supports MySQL retries; also requires new facilites, MYSQLEXT
  -- New CRflux


9 Nov 2007





  • enums, idents v2r20, configData v1r1, Trigger - updates from Martin to include GEM data with MC 
    Note the Gleam basicOptions.txt are set for MC - TriggerAlg.applyPrescales=true;
  • CalUtil, CalDigi, CalRecon, CalXtalResponse - Updates from Zach to make Cal trigger sim more realistic, introduces the new CalSimTool.  Use the new scheme by setting CalDigiAlg to run after TriggerAlg
  • GlastSvc v9r23p1 - Update by Michael Kuss to set seed per run rather than per event
  • Event - additions to GltDigi by Zach
  • AnalysisNtuple - new variables from Bill implemented by Toby
  • digiRootData, GlastPolicy/RootCintPolicy, calibRootData
  • astro v2r14p3
  • IExternal/swig, IExternal/python - patch uses
  • celestialSources and most of the subpackages, includes Radial source
  • gr_app v0, FluxSvc, EbfWriter, TkrDigi, TkrUtil, TkrRecon, DetDisplay, ntupleWriterSvc, OnboardFilter, userAlg, RootDisplay, LdfEvent, LdfConverter, Interleave, EventIntegrity, Gleam
    The beginning of the migration to use GlastMain in gr_app rather than in GlastPolicy


23 Oct 2007





  • IExternal v4r7 which contains IExternal/ROOT v5r16p1, the rebuild of ROOT for distribution
  • GlastPolicy/RootcintPolicy v7r0p1 first attempt to introduce CMT fragment to create rootmap files
  • mcRootData, digiRootData, reconRootData minor patch to set up libraries needed for rootmap generation
  • enums patch for unsigned long long constant in Lsf.h to avoid gcc 3.4 error for Johann


20 Oct 2007







2 Oct 2007





LdfConverter v3r9p3 and ldfReader v3r32p1  use _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 in cppflags to handle large files > 2 GB


2 Oct 2007





  • AnalysisNtuple v2r28p1  Introduction of new McKludgeTool to fill three MC tuple values to contain -1 for ClassifyAlg to continue processing real data
  • Gleam v6r29p20 updated JO for pipeline running recon to eliminate some tools and algorithms that are truly MC-only









27 Sep 2007





  • facilities patches from Navid for commonUtilities
  • IExternal/Geant4 and IExternal/Geant4Runtime return to static libraries for G4 on windows to work around memory leak for now
  • FluxSvc includes new service for orbit specifications


26 Sep 2007





AcdRecon patch to catch odd-ball intersections where the side of the tile to use for error computations is not easily determined









25 Sep 2007





  • EbfWriter v1r3, updated to get GEM sequence number from first instance of EbfWriter, when running two copies of EbfWriter in the same job
  • AcdUtil v1r11 fixes from Eric for ribbon calculations to conform to the new more segmented geometry
  • Gleam updated pipeline JO from Anders
  • CRflux v1r14p1 patches from Markus, two issues:  "First the sudden drops in event rate from the rounding error in the magnetic coordinates
    And second, the non-zero trapped particle flux outside the SAA (it is a general problem of how Gleam calculates event rates from fluxes, which doesn't work for flux=0. So now I always assume a flux>0, but small enough to be negligible, ~ 0.5ev/year )"


20 Sep 2007




Commenting out TkrTruncationData for now, in the interest of carrying on with OktoberTest tests

  • RootIo v18r5
  • RootConvert  v1r28
  • reconRootData  v9r17


18 Sep 2007





  •  OnboardFilter v4r4p2 fixes discrepancy in the bit frequency plots from the System Tests for the Gamma Filter, the scheme for setting the veto mask changed, so we were not in "pass through" mode* GlastSvc v9r23, grab up the new GlastHistorySvc
  •  Event v11r22
  • digiRootData  v9r19p1
  • reconRootData v9r16
  • RootConvert  v1r27p1
  • enums v0r15
  • OnboardFilterTds v0r4p4
  • RootIo  v18r4
  • HepRepSvc v0r20p3
  • TkrRecon v10r10p9


17 Sep 2007





  • Trigger v5r3p2 reformat some print statements and info for prescales
  • FluxSvc v6r48p1  add PtMcIlwainB and PtMcIlwainL to merit tuple as requested at this week's C&A meeting plus fix for neutrons
  • TkrUtil v3r12p1
  • CalXtalResponse v0r14p4
  • CHS/eventFile v3r4p2
  • AcdUtil  v1r10p1
  • CalibSvc  v0r27p2  addition of ICalibPathSvc
  • CalibData v0r17
  • astro v2r13p3
  • CRflux v1r13
  • Gleam v6r29p15  fix JO for test program from Toby


11 Sep 2007





Continuing to prepare for Oktoberfest.  This includes the ACD geometry updates for the true shingled side tiles and modifications to the ribbons

  • AcdDigi v2r0
  • AcdRecon and AcdUtil
  • rdbModel
  • OnboardFilterTds fix memory leak
  • xmlGeoDbs includes decrease in conversion layer thickness and mods for true shingled side tiles and adjustments to ribbons
  • GRBobs new tag from Nicola
  • Trigger v5r3 revisits setting of JO parameters with the new TrgConfigSvc
  • Gleam patch to basicOption.txt for TrgConfigSvc defaults
  • Event v11r21p1
  • TkrUtil and TkrRecon
  • AnalysisNtuple
  • IExternal/GaudiInterface v0r181p10 - includes new GaudiHistorySvc to obtain full accounting of JO parameters
  • GlastSvc v9r22
  • FluxSvc
  • EbfWriter patch to limit the number of times a warning for N/A PMTs is printed


25 Aug 2007





Catching up on a number of tags that have been hanging out in LATEST

  • CalUtil v3r3
  • CalXtalResponse v0r14p3
  • celestialSources/eblAtten v0r4
  • celestialSources/GRB, GRBObs, Pulsar
  • G4Propagator v2r2p7
  • RootIo v18r1 and metaRootData v0r1 - make event collections available
  • TkrDigi v2r6p8
  • TkrUtil v3r10p1
  • CalibData v0r16
  • calibUtil v1r8
  • G4HadronSim v1r2
  • idents v2r19p1 avoid creation of volIds for ACD NAs
  • rootTestData v3r7p2
  • xmlUtil v3r4
  • xmlBase v5r4


22 Aug 2007





LdfConverter patch to avoid creation of volIds for AcdDigis for NAs.  This will make real data processing work again.


17 Aug 2007




Preparations for the next version of GR, getting ready for pipeline 2
Note that the ACD geometry was updated to include Fake Tile Shinging - which is to further updated for Real Tile Shingilng in a later release.

  • IExternal v4r4 - move to ROOT v5.14.00g
  • GlastClassify v5r0p0  Make Pass5 the default
  • xmlGeoDbs, AcdDigi, AcdUtil, AcdRecon - updates for fake tile shingling
  • idents, detModel - more updates for fake tile shingling
  • configData, Trigger - introduce the new Trigger Configuration Service
  • Gleam v6r29p7 - updated JO files for pipeline 2 from Anders Borgland
  • G4Generator, G4HadronSim - updates from Michael Kuss
  • AnalysisNtuple v2r24p1
  • astro v2r12
  • facilities v2r15 - new shared library version and introduction of getopt for windows


24 Jul 2007




Updates for the 55 day run

  • astro v2r10p2
  • FluxSvc v6r45p1
  • flux v8r34p1
  • GlastClassify  v4r3


23 Jul 2007





  • FluxSvc  v6r45
  • astro  v2r10
  • ntupleWriterSvc v3r17  prevent unauthorized access to tuple ROOT file
  • Interleave v1r4p5 fix test program
  • Gleam v6r29p5  update JO files


11 Jul 2007





  • IExternal/Geant4 v3r801p2 fix for Windows use of G4 Dlls
  • GlastClassify v4r2 to fix differences in results between Linux and Window
  • GCRCalib v1r2p3 to allow turning off verbose messages


10 Jul 2007





  • GCRCalib v1r2p1 patch to adhere to move from CNO to HFC naming convention in OnboardFilterTds
  • OnboardFilterTds v0r3p1 add getVetoBit and getVetoMask to IObfStatus class for GCRCalib's use


9 Jul 2007




GCRCalib v1r2 Requested by Fred Piron to pick up changes in CVS two months ago
Actually failed to compile


2 Jul 2007





  • commonRootData v2r15p3 Force RelTable TObjArray to exist, in case there are zero entries (no relations)
  • Interleave v1r4p3 fix for crash when GRB source made it into Interleave
  • OnboardFilter v4r3p4 Patch to prevent memory leak if EbfWriter is not run before OBF


28 Jun 2007





  • DetDisplay v3r2p1 Kludge from Tracy that draws a box rather than a sphere (for the fuel tank), spheres were causing a crash, will fix for real when Toby returns
  • Interleave v1r4p2 Patch check on GetEntry call to look for <= 0 number of bytes, rather than just <0


27 Jun 2007





Updated Tags since v11r9:

  •  IExternal/G4Runtime v3r801p4  patch to path for finding G4 dlls on windows
  • astro v2r9p1
  • Event v11r19p2
  • G4HadronSim v1r1p5
  • Interleave v1r4  Stores McSourceId as negated value of what was read in from Interleave files and modifications to allow Trigger to be skipped for events that are read in from interleave files
  • Gleam v6r29p2  Update to interleave JO to avoid calling Trigger for events that are read in
  • No labels