
Please use this space to request specific package tags for inclusion in upcoming GlastRelease tags.  To edit, click on "Add Comment".  If known, please include the branch you desire the change to occur on such as:  Level 1 Pipeline2, Big Run, Pipeline 1, HEAD/MAIN, etc.  Any details concerning the changes such as JIRA(s) addressed, expected effect, etc, would be very appreciated.

  • No labels


  1. Example Change Request

    Packages:  LdfConverter, Event, RootIo, digiRootData, AcdRecon
    To address JIRA ACD-10
    Request inclusion in Level 1 Pipeline branch and HEAD of GR, as soon as possible.

  2. Package: astro v3r1p5
    It doesn't have a JIRA I think. Toby put this into the doc/release.notes: 'To address: v3r1p5   15-Apr-08 THB Mod to Quaternion interface to protect against unnormalized intialization'

    Without this we see crashes in the L1 pipeline when we process MC. 
    Request inclusion in L1 pipeline series i.e. a GR v13r11p8.

    1. Now included in GR v13r11p9

  3. Package: AnalysisNtuple v2r38p8
    To Address JIRA GRINF-44

    Add GltSourceGps to the merit variables (in routine GltValsTool)
    also: Clarify documentation in TkrValsTool with respect to hits and clusters

    Request inclusion in the HEAD of GR 

  4. Packages:
    CalUtil               v3r12p2
    calilbGenCAL      v5r5p3
    CalXtalResponse v0r21p2

    From Zach: 
    We need to update calibGenCAL in GlastRelease in order to include now complete code for calibrating Cal thresholds and IntNonlin from flight data.

        I have documented in particular the threshold calibration process in CAL-17 JIRA here:

    This will be added to GR HEAD ASAP. 

  5. Packages
    AcdUtil v2r7p3
    AcdDigi v3r3
    AcdRecon v4r3

    JIRA: ACD-11 and ACD-16

    From Eric:  I'm sitting on 3 tags with a few outstanding changes in ACD land that should have no effect on normal running. They contain the last pieces of the puzzle for putting in the coherent noise and high range calibrations...It would be nice to get them into glast release b/c it would make actually using real values of those two calibrations possible.

    1. Now in GR HEAD1.1086 to be included in v14r11 as well as the v15 series (Pass7) of GR.

  6. Packages
    calibTkrUtil v2r1

    From Hiro: this will be used in pipeline-2 to monitor the high level performance parameters for TKR such as hit and trigger efficiencies and displacements. This is the first release of this package for pipeline-2.

    1. calibTkrUtil v2r1p2 now included in GR v14r9, despite compilation problems on windows, and some issue with calibGenTKR on all platforms.  Hopefully we'll at least get calibGenTKR sorted out quickly.

  7. Packages

    Gleam v6r34p2

    From Anders: Please add to GR v14 series as soon as possible. It has the new JO: EbfWriter.ReqGemTrig in the pipeline JO. 

    1. Just added to GR HEAD, will be included in v14r9

  8. To address "unexplained crashes" in L1 processing that point back to getStep calls in G4Propagator:
    G4Propagator v2r3p2
    GCRCalib v1r3p3gr2
    These are just handling potential error conditions and are not affecting physics, so I see no reason to hold off adding these into GR HEAD.

  9. Packages: Latest tags of calibUtil (v1r10p1), CalibData (v0r22p1), CalibSvc(v0r33) and rdbModel (v2r13p1)

    To address: request from Eric. G. for tracker alignment calibrations

    Request inclusion in GR HEAD and Level 1 Pipeline branch

    1. Now in GR HEAD, to be tagged v14r9 which will be in the Level1 Pipeline branch. Tossed in mootCore v1r18 for good measure.

  10. Updates on various aspects of the GCRCalib code development :

    Event v11r27 : minor modif to add a status word to the gcr TDS class

    RootConvert v1r33 : see above

    RootIo v21r2 : see above

    gcrSelectRootData v2r2p1 : see above

    GCRCalib v1r4p4 : a lot of development

    Note : GcrReconAlg propertiers have changed. Use:

    GcrReconAlg.InitAxis = "TKR";

    1. We have a new branch off the GlastRelease v14r10 tag, named GCR-05-2008.  This includes all of the above tags - except I used RootConvert v1r32 to avoid the updates for the new DFI just yet.  There is a new HEAD1.1085.4.1 building now.

      1. GCRCalib v1r4p5 to fix the windows compilation... sorry! (sad)

        1. This set of tags was ran by Richard on a background Day sample, which was completely successful. This code is needed in LEO, so we now request it to be included to main release.

          and Many Thanks!

          1. Now in GR v15r1 and v14r11p1

  11. Package: Gleam v6r34p3

    To address: Change which filters to run in Gleam by default.

    Please add in GR v14r9.


    1. Now in GR HEAD, and will be included in v14r9.

  12. Package: mootCore v1r19

    To address: keep compatibility of MOOT db description with actual MOOT db (which had to change slightly)

    Please add to GR HEAD and Level 1 Pipeline branch. Do not make a release with mootCore v1r18.

    1. mootCore v1r19 now in GR v14r9, mootCore v1r18 never made it into any GR tag.

  13. Julie is recommending we add the G4Hadron (etc?) mods for turning off the LPM effect to the v14rX series (ie make a v14r11) - as well as the v15 series. We should do it.

    G4Generator v5r22p0 and G4HadronSim v1r3p0

    1. Now in GR HEAD1.1087 to be included in GR v14r11.  Also added calibTkrUtil v2r2 and moved to IExternal v4r11 to get new cfitsio.

      1. There is a new tag of calibTkrUtil, v2r2p1. Please include it in the next GR for the L1 pipeline. There is no need to make a specific release just for this. Just add it to whatever comes next.

        1. Now in GR v15r1 and v14r11p1

  14. Package, tag: TkrUtil v3r14

    I'm not aware of any JIRA, but this has been repeatedly requested by Anders

    Tracker alignment constants now included in the calibration system. Action is controlled by the following jO params:

    // for sim
    TkrCalibAlg.towerAlignmentCalibFlavor = "myFlavor";
    TkrCalibAlg.internalAlignmentCalibFlavor = "myFlavor";

    // for rec
    ReconCalibrationUpdate.Members = {"TkrCalibAlg/TkrReconCalib"};
    TkrReconCalib.towerAlignmentCalibFlavor = "myFlavor";
    TkrReconCalib.internalAlignmentCalibFlavor = "myFlavor";

    default is "ideal", that is, no correction. "vanilla" is the latest set from Michael. CU xml not yet available.

    The old text-file-based system still works.

    Not needed for reprocessing branch (but no harm), required on main and L1 branches

    NOTE: this item has been edited! New tag! 

    Package, tag: GlastClassify v6r2p3 

    documentation of CTB variables updated to latest pass6 worksheet, no code changes.

    Can be included in all GR branches, v15, v14r11, v13r9

  16. Package: Gleam v6r37

    To adress: Updated AnalysisNtupleAlg.toolList for the pipeline. Moved the ACD in front of TKR. Added TkrHit. And removed CalMip.

    Please include in next GR v15 and v14. 

    1. Package: Gleam v6r37p1

      To adress: Updated pipeline JO to use correct MIP-filter.

      Please include in GR v15.

      1. Package: Gleam v6r37p2

        To address: Include new TKR alignment calibs in pipeline JO.

        Please include in GR v15. 

        1. Package: Gleam v6r37p3

          To address: Small typo in pipeline JO - ran ACD twice.

          Please include in next GR. 

  17. Package: CalibTkrUtil v2r2p2

    To address: memory leak in PyROOT for which results in extremely slow performance when merging ~30 root files. TkrNoiseOcc.cxx is also updated to produce a tree which is compatible with merging.

    Please include in next GR to be used in pipeline-II.

  18. Packages:
    mootCore v1r23
    CalibData v0r23
    CalibSvc v0r34p3 make that v0r34p4. No, wait! make it v0r34p6

    To address: underpinnings for on-the-fly filter configuration

    Please include in L1 processing branch and HEAD (make that v0r34p4after CalibSvc v0r34p3 has built successfully in LATEST)

    Will not affect running until MootSvc is enabled in job options.

    1. Now in GR HEAD1.1102 to be included in the v15r7 tag

  19. Package: ldfReader v5r1p1

    To address: GRINF-48

    Please include in any GR v15 series meant for L1. 

    1. now in GR HEAD1.1101.2.1 for inclusion in GR v15r6

  20. Package: CalibTkrUtil v2r2p3

    To address: bug fix to prevent crash when statistics is very low.

    Please include in next GR to be used in pipeline-II.

    1. now in GR HEAD1.1101.2.1 to be included in GR v15r6

  21. Packages: CalibSvc v0r35, MootSvc v1r0p2

    WAIT! Make that CalibSvc v036, MootSvc v1r1 and, while you're at it, CalibData v0r23p1


    • MootSvc needs to be added to GR HEAD
    • Check with Tracy about compatible OnboardFilter tag

    To address: modularity. Separate MootSvc out into its own package.
    Also now has additional services for getting at GEM configuration.

    Please include in next GR release

    And stay tuned: another tag of MootSvc including routines requested by Eric Charles should be ready soon.

    v1r1 is that tag. 

    1. All the MOOT related tags are now in GR v15r7 - the OBF stuff will be updated in the next GR tag.

  22. The Gleam version of the Onboard Filter has been updated to get its configuration from Moot (when requested) and to set the run mode from the input data (if it exists). The packages directly affected include OnboardFilter, OnboardFilterTds, digiRootData, RootConvert and AnalysisNtuple. The first four have been tagged, they are:

    OnboardFilter v4r10p1     <==== NOTE: updated from first posting of this note

    OnboardFilterTds v0r7p0

    RootConvert v1r36

    digiRootData v11r4

    AnalysisNtuple is necessary to complete the set, however it needs someone to tag it...

    Sorry, forgot to add one more package... GcrCalib needed a small update to reflect naming changes in ObfFilterStatus, so please also include

    GCRCalib v1r4p6

    1. Tagged AnaTup v2r40gr1 to catch the HEAD and remove the PtValsAlg update for PointingInfo classes, while waiting for Toby's modifications to remove dependency on FluxSvc.  All of the tags have been added to GR HEAD and should be included in the upcoming v15r8 tag for testing.

  23.  Add unsigned 32 bit integer m_mootKey  to  both lsfData and digiRoot data  MetaEvent classes, as  well as access  and conversion  routine.

    1. Done, in GR HEAD1.1109 affects packages:  lsfData, LdfEvent, RootConvert and digiRootData

  24.  Add 32 bit unsigned int prescaleFactor data member to LpaHandler in lsfData as well as access and conversion methods.  It is already in digiRootData.

    1. Done, in GR HEAD1.1109 affects packages:  lsfData, LdfEvent, digiRootData, and RootConvert

  25. Package: Gleam v7r0p1

    Added new CAL calib to L1 pipeline JO.

    Please add to GR (HEAD).

  26. Package: Gleam v7r0p8

    Makes evt the default input file type for digitization in the L1 pipeline. About time (smile)

    No hurry - include it in the next GR.

  27. Package: ConfigSvc v0r2p5

    Fixes crash seen in GR v15r9.

    Is already in GR v15r10 (smile)

  28. Package GCRCalib : v1r4p7

    Fixes unitilized variables for the status word.


  29. Package GCRCalib : v1r6

    Hopefully, we came through with using the ever changing obf interface.... We removed the dependence on it and coded the gcrObfStatus word robustly. Tested on data (reprocessing gcr by hand) and Monte Carlo (interactive run on GR v15r14).

    1. Now in GR HEAD1.1138 but fails to compile - new tag to come soon.

  30. Package: CalibTkrUtil v2r2p4

    To address: bug fix to prevent crash when number of events in a run is very small.

    Please include in next GR to be used in pipeline-II.

  31. Package: CalibTkrUtil v2r4, (and calibGenTKR v4r5)

    To address: greatly improve MIP selection to make efficiency monitoring independent of LAT configuration. This version also incorporates new monitoring code that produces hot strip xml files when necessary.

    Please include in next GR to be used in pipeline-II ASAP.

  32. Package: Gleam v7r0p13

    Makes Moot FATAL really fatal for the L1 pipeline. Please put into the next GR. 

    1. Make that Gleam v7r0p15! Added JO from Tracy. Full steam into the next GR!

  33. Package: Gleam v7r0p16

    Fixes TKR calibration issue for L1 pipeline (not reading it twice anymore). Plase include it in the next GR.

  34. Package: CalibSvc v0r38

    From Joanne: Closes properly the TKR calib Root files. Please include it in the next GR.

  35. IExternal/OmniOrb v0r410p0 and HepRepCorba v2r0 to upgrade to OmniOrb 4.1.0 to handle large events in the displays
    Add to GR v15r30

  36. xmlGeoDbs v1r47p3 as requested by Joanne, Eric C. and Leon to finally upgrade to trapezoids.  To be included in an upcoming HEAD build for systests.

  37. CalibTkrUtil v2r5

    This version allow us save TOT information in TkrAnalysis root file so that we can calibrate TKR TOT without going back to digi/recon. Please include in the next GR release.

    1. now in GR HEAD in preparation for v15r34

  38. TkrRecon tag that includes erasing tracks when an error condition occurs in the propagation.  Should go into GR asap.

  39. Package: Gleam v7r0p19

    Removed unnecessary OBF JOs from L1. Please include in upcoming GRs.

    1. Now in GR HEAD1.1158 and to be included in GR v15r33

  40. packages Trigger v6r3p2,
               CalXtalResponse v0r21p7

    Removes dependency on GltDigi, and allows for 4 range readout in simulation.

    Requires a modification of basicOptions.txt so that Cal digitization occurs after TriggerAlg is run. 

    1. update : Trigger v6r3p3  for minor printout modifs

      Tests for this tag include : full MC simulation, digi reading from data and MC, and run in interleave mode.

      1. Trigger v6r4p1 was included in GR v15r35

  41. Gleam v7r0p20

    Removed obsolete JO files from src/joboptions/pipeline. Include in upcoming GRs, but no hurry.

    1. Now superseded by Gleam v7r0p21

      Enables the Coherent noise calib in ACD and sets the Coh. noise and High range calibs to vanilla. All for L1. Please include in upcoming GR.

      1. Now superseded by Gleam v7r1p1:

        Must disable  failOnFmxKeyMismatch until DFI has been changed. Please include in the upcoming GR v15r36.

  42. Package: Gleam v7r2p2

    Enabled S/C alignment in L1 JO. Please put it into all post v15r40 Glast Releases.

    Flavor "align" has been copied over to "vanilla". Which is the flavor L1 uses in PROD.

  43. Package: CalibTkrUtil v2r6

    To address: fix a problem of with merging trees with different sizes.

    Please include in next GR to be used in pipeline-II.

    1. I released a new patch CalibTkrUtil v2r6p1 to fix an unrelated bug which is caused by low statistics.

      1. I released another patch CalibTkrUtil v2r6p2 to fix a bug introduced in CalibTkrUtil v2r6p1.

  44. Package: Gleam v7r2p3

    Enables correctly the TKR alignment in L1 JO. Please include in all new GR.

    1. Now in GR HEAD1.1175 to be included in v15r42

  45. Package: CalibTkrUtil v2r7

    To address: add error values to occupancy related parameters for TKR monitor to address request from data monitoring group. improve calculation of errors for zero entry cases.

    Please include in next GR to be used in pipeline-II.

  46. Package: AcdRecon v4r3p2

    Skips all the NA channels during the PHA -> MIP conversion, since they are likely to have nonsense "MIP" calibrations

     Please include in all new GR.

    1. Think the new tag is v4r3p3, now in GR HEAD1.1175 to be included in GR v15r42

  47. Package AcdUtil v2r8p7

    Allows for values below pedestal, and sets them to 0 mips, before this failed and terminated  processing of the PHA -> MIP conversion and lost all later hits.

     Please include in all new GR.

  48. Package: CalibTkrUtil v2r7p1

    To address: fix bug introduced by the addition of errors in the previous release.

    Please include in next GR to be used in pipeline-II.

  49. Package AcdUtil v2r8p8

    To Address:  Issue with 2d active distance calculation in trapezoidal tiles. 

    Please include in next GR, this can be included even if the trapezoids are not included.

  50. Package: CalibTkrUtil v2r7p2

    To address: fix bug for the case with more than 100 files

    Please include in next GR to be used in pipeline-II.

  51. Package: AcdUtil v2r8p9

    To address: typo in calculating active distances.

     Please include in next GR, this can be included even if the trapezoids are not included.

    1. In GR HEAD1.1175 to be included in GR v15r42

  52. Package: CalibTkrUtil v2r7p3

    To address: optimized python/ where # of files to be processed in the first stage for 2-step merger is set to 15. It will speed up the process by a factor of 5 or more when more than 100 files are merged.

    Please include in next GR to be used in pipeline-II.

    1. Finally in GR HEAD1.1175, to be included in GR v15r42

  53. For the HEAD of GR:

    Event v13r2: better access methods for the status words of TkrCluster and TkrTrack

    TkrRecon v10r16p2: Cleanup of TkrGhostTool; set GHOST bit in TkrTrack

  54. For the HEAD of GR: Displaying the merit variables in FRED/Wired

    HepRepSvc v0r29: fills MeritTuple

    Gleam v7r2p6: mods to readAndDisplay.txt to read in merit file, flag ghosts and update merit.

  55. For Head of GR, would be nice for v15r48, but could wait, if it's too late:

    HepRepSvc v0r29p1: displays cluster status in instance tree

  56. For Head of GR, for v15r48 if in time:

     HepRepSvc v0r29p2: ClusterFiller and TrackFiller now use new ClusterUtil to execute common functions

  57. For Head of GR:

    HepRepSvc v0r29p3: fixed jO for test job

    HepRepXml v0r8p2: fixed jO for test job

    1. In GR HEAD1.1193.2.1 to be included in GR v15r49p1

  58. For HEAD of GR:

    AnalysisNtuple v2r52p3: Protect EvtVtxKin, to try to suppress the (fairly rare) bad variable message

    1. In GR HEAD1.1193.2.1 to be included in GR v15r49p1

  59. For HEAD of GR:

    TkrUtil v3r16: move TkrGhostTool from TkrRecon and update code for merging

    TkrRecon v10r16p3: disable TkrGhostTool and start using the one in TkrUtil

    1. In GR HEAD1.1193.2.1 to be included in GR v15r49p1

  60. for HEAD of GR: Simona is waiting for some of the items below! (smile)

    HepRepSvc v0r30: Mostly mods to make the structure more compatible with WIRED, which requires that instance info be associated with a visible object:

    TkrCluster info is now associated with the cluster marker -- "X" or bowtie (=wide hit)

    TkrTrackHit info is now associated with a new small blue box (~0.5 mm on a side) centered on the hit

    ToT thermometer now encodes saturation and ghost info: a wide line for saturated ToT, and a dashed line for ghosts.

    1. In GR HEAD1.1193.2.1 to be included in GR v15r49p1

  61. for GR HEAD:

    TkrRecon v10r16p4: Remove obsolete TkrGhostTool... was causing problems on linux

  62. For a tag of GR to use for testing Overlays. This is the version that merges digis, not the new version that merges "de-calibrated" digi info, but it will be useful to start with. I think this is all of it!

    Event v13r3
    RootIo v22r1

    AcdDigi v3r5
    CalDigi v3r6
    TkrDigi v2r8

    LdfEvent v4r8
    Trigger  v6r4p2

    1. All added to new branch along GlastReleasev15r50

  63. for the branch we're using to test the overlay code:

    Trigger v6r4p2: fix a bug that probalby won't hurt, and will need to be re-written anyway soon

    Overlay v0r0p2: fix the bug that causes the code to crash at the end of the job, corrupting the merit ntuple.

    1. add to branch along GlastReleasev15r50 and trigger new build of HEAD1.1197.2.3 - will ultimately tag v15r50p3 if all goes well

  64. For completeness, on the v15r50 "Overlay" branch:

    TkrDigi v2r10

    Overlay v1r0p4
    OverlayEvent v0r0p1
    OverlayRootData v0r0p1

    RootIo v22r1p1

  65. for the Overlay branch of GR

    TkrUtil v3r16p3

    Fixes several test programs that are broken on the overlay branch. This will be needed when the modified GlastSvc rejoins the main branch.

  66. for the Head of GR (and overlay branch?): mainly to fix ToT bug!

    TkrDigi v2r10p1: set default occupancy to 5e-6, a more sensible number. But the real answer is overlays.

    TkrUtil v3r16p5:
        TkrMakeClustersTool: fix ToT calculation
        TkrSplitsSvc: set default RC buffer size to 14

    AnalysisNtuple v2r52p5: Fix ToT calculation in TkrValsTool    

  67. For head of the v15r50 branch

    Overlay v1r1p3: turn off the acd energy cut as a default... can be set with
        AcdOverlayMergeAlg.AcdHitEnergyThreshold = xxx; // xxx in MeV

  68. Developed with v15r50p9, but destined for all releases:

    AnalysisNtuple v2v52p7:
    Lots of new information about cluster and track quality:
        Number of Ghost, ToT255, saturated, Wide (width>=5) and Wider (width>=9) clusters in the event, and on tracks
           and fractions of same on track 1 and track 2

    The following need to go in together:

    TkrUtil v3r17: Update to TkrGhostTool to set a status bit in vertices that contain a ghost track
    TkrRecon v10r16p5: add a call to the new TkrGhostTool method in the TkrRecon sequence

    1. and Event  v13r4p4 needs to go along with the new TkrUtil

  69. For the head of the Overlay branch... and it would be good to have a GR release with this tag, so we can make the overlay files with an official release.

     Overlay v1r1p7

  70. GR v15r50p15 included TkrUtil v3r17p1, to fix the "ToT255" bug seen in the merit file.

    It turns out that there was another part of the same bug, So unfortunately, we need a new GR (for all branches) which includes:

    AnalysisNtuple v2r52p8.

    I'm just as sorry as you are...

  71. New tags to implement code to do ToT reprocessing (main branch? v15r53?):

    TkrUtil v3r18p1

    TkrRecon v10r16p6

    1. Now in GR v15r53p3 and at the HEAD to be included in GR v16r1 as well.

  72. For the head of GR: new tags to implement new Pt variables and signing of PtMagLat and PtSCzenith

        AnalysisNtuple v2r53

        astro v3r6

    As of now, these changes will appear for real data, but not for simulated data. Some changes in Gleam basicOptions are required to complete the transition.

    1. Ignored this, as we now have a later AnaTup tag and a patch to astro, see below

  73. For the head of GR:

    Gleam v7r3p2: basicOptions now calls PtValsAlg instead of PointInfoAlg in sim jobs.

    PointInfoAlg will no longer be maintained.

    1. Now in GR HEAD, to be tagged v17r2

  74. For head of GR

    AnalysisNtuple v2r54: New variables GltGem[Elapsed/Live]Time (from Gem scalers) and PtLambda changed from radians to degrees, to match PtMagLat

    1. Now in GR HEAD, to be tagged v17r2

  75. Package: CalibTkrUtil v2r9 and calibGenTKR v4r8
    To address: introduce new tool to analyze TOT MIP scale from nomSciOps data in calibGenTKR. caliTKrUtil is modified to expose a custom root fit function to PyROOT to be used by calibGenTKR. This tool is used by only myself. So, I am not in a big hurry to be included in the official GR.

    1. Now in GR HEAD, to be included in GR v17r19

  76. For the HEAD of GR:

    AnalysisNtuple v2r54p1: Cleanup and move lambda radians->degrees to astro/EarthCoordinate

    astro v3r7: Remove extraneous public methods from EarthCoordinate
        Fix EarthCoordinates to separate geometric from magnetic calculations
          This will speed up gtobssim, since it doesn't use the magnetic stuff
        Convert lambda from radians to degrees here
        Change "large number" -9.999e102 to -9.999e37, so it works on Windows
        Define R2D = 180./M_PI in anonymous namespace

    1. Now in HEAD 1.1217 to be included in v17r3

  77. Make that astro v3r7p1, which has a bit more cleanup (but is functionally the same as v3r7.

    Note: the astro and Anatup tags need to go in together.

    1. Now in HEAD 1.1217 to be included in v17r3

  78. For the Head of GR:

    HepRepSvc v0r13p1: The status words in the merit portion of the display were mostly wrong.

    I guess nobody noticed until now because merit hasn't made it to WIRED yet. But Tracy, who uses FRED, noticed today when he needed to see those words.

    1. Now in HEAD 1.1217 to be included in v17r3

  79. GCRCalib v1r6p2

    Fix two bugs in the way m_initDir is initialized, and the case of no track in TDS : see CAL-18

    Needed for L1proc (GR v17r47p2?)

  80. For the Head of GR and the "big run":

    astro: v3r8: Put in correct SAA polygon in EarthCoordinates

  81. for head of GR, not urgent:

    astro v3r8p1: Fix the test program for the new SAA polygon

  82. for the head of GR:

    AnalysisNtuple v2r54p2: Fixed a little bug in the ToT logic. It caused the average tot to be lower for tracks with ToT255 clusters on them, and the truncated ToT to be negative very occasionally.

  83. for the HEAD of GR: urgent

    AnalysisNtuple v2r54p2: implemented Carmelo's "unbiased energy" method needed for pass7. The method is described in and documents therein.

  84. for the head of GR (to be included in the upcoming release, before generation of new overlay events)

    AnalysisNtuple v2r54p3: AcdValsTool -- condition energy and tile counts on "accept" bit, so that below-threshold tiles will not be included for PT (non-zero-suppressed) events.

  85. For HEAD of GR;

    FluxSvc v6r55p3: Remove PointInfoAlg, and part of FluxAlg, both of which tried to set Pt* variables in the meritTuple.

    These are now handled by AnalysisNtuple/PtValsAlg.

    This code hasn't been called for a while, but its presence was very confusing, at least to me.

    Toby endorses these changes!

    (It's possible that some piece of custom jO may break because of this, but if so, it was calling obsolete code. We'll see!)

  86. for HEAD of GR:

    FluxSvc v6r55p4: remove the DECLARE statement for PointInfoAlg

  87. For the HEAD of GR, needed to produce the new overlay files:

    AnalysisNtuple v2r54p7

    Overlay v1r5p3

  88. for L1Proc pipeline and the HEAD of GR:
    TkrUtil v3r18p2 with improved log statements for the TkrAlignmentSvc, as described in TKR-29.

  89. For the head of GR

    HepRepSvc v0r31p2:

        1) color CAL Edep boxes yellow for "saturated" xtals
        2) New HepRepInitSvc param: MonteCarloFiller_useMcInfo (default is true). This should help with really big MC events

  90. For the release of GR destined for the pipeline.

    TkrRecon v10r16p7: Clean up the error reporting, by catagorizing the errors by TkrRecon stage, and suppressing individual printout of errors triggered by too many clusters. No change in the basic TkrRecon code.

    This will not affect reprocessing, since that task doesn't call TkrReconAlg.

    1. Now in GR HEAD, to be included in GR v17r19

  91. For the release of GR for reprocessing and ultimately the pipeline.

    AnalysisNtuple v2r55: Add some variables, remove others, handle copying of Obf variables to Fsw for simulations

    1. Now in GR HEAD, to be included in GR v17r19

  92. For GR v17r21!

    AnalysisNtuple v2r55p1: fix up the calculation of FT1EventClass

    Make that v2r55p2...

  93. One more time, the last, I hope!

    AnaTup v2r55p3: fixes the calc of celestial coordinates for cal-only no-TKR-track events

  94. AnaTup v2r55p4

    Found a small bug in FT1Alg, probably no-one cares, but should go in if need another update of GR.

    FT1ConvLayer was being set to zero if there was no track; it's been fixed to be -1 for this case.

    1. Included in GR v17r35p0 for Pass 7.2 as well as the HEAD.

  95. For the next GR release

    TkrUtil v3r18p3

    Fixed the bug which prevented the implementation of individual ladder and wafer alignment

  96. For the branch GRv15r47p12


    Fixed a bug which occasionally generated a random number for FT1EventClass, when it should have been zero. (Although I don't understand why it would only be occasionally!)

  97. For the head of GR


    Fixed a bug in the calculation of Lambda. This was noticed by Melissa when we were poking around in the Gleam and Data Monitor versions of IGRField/IGRF. The effect is fairly small:  0  at lambda=0, 0.5 at lambda = 35, 1.0 at lambda = 38, and I think delta(lambda)/lambda is negative.

    The bug has been there since the beginning. Do we want to patch the pipeline GR as well, or leave it as is for consistency and fix it for pass 7.1 (Pass 8) ?

  98. GCRCalib stag GCRCalib-01-06-03 patched to remove warnings, in the spirit of the current rhel4 compliance effort (cleaner living). GR v15r47pXX I presume.

  99. for the head of GR: patch tags (cosmetic and diagnostic) to go with new tracker geometry, but no harm getting them in now

    GlastSvc-09-28-01: remove duplicates from composite list

    G4Generator-05-25-01: suppress warning when a element is not found; remove duplicates from materials list

    TkrUtil-03-18-08: more info about materials and geometry

  100. For the head of GR (v18...)

    LdfEvent-04-11-00: allow write access to the dataWord of TkrDiagnosticData; necessary for simulation and overlay of TEM diagnostic info

    TkrUtil-03-20-00:  1) Add cluster filter to retrieve normal and/or ghost clusters 2) Implement simulation of TEM diagnostic info for tracker

    HepRepSvc-04-11-00: Make the secondary vertex thicker; is currently very hard to see

    1. Picked up next tag of LdfEven and TkrUtil (see below) and put HepRepSvc into GR HEAD 1.1289

  101. For the head of GR

    Gleam-07-04-08: add TkrFillTDInfoAlg to the digitzation sequence of basic options. TkrUtil-03-20-00 is needed for this

  102. for the head of GR:

    TkrUtil-03-20-01: Fixed a typo in an #include filename that caused a compile failure on linux, and addressed a bunch of gcc warnings

  103. for the head of GR:

    LdfEvent v4r12p0: adds a set method for the CAL Diagnostic dataWord, to match that for the TKR. Used by Overlay.

  104. for the head of GR:

    AcdRecon-05-01-06: fixed a bug, identified by Eric, which was causing the overlay skimmer to segfault

  105. For HEAD of GR:

    package: DetDisplay-03-03-03 (Yes, I still use it!)

    Raise max detail level from 7 to 9, to make debugging of geometry easier

  106. for HEAD of GR, no rush:

    package G4Generator-05-26-03: added jO param to make debugging of geometry easier

  107. We would like a new GR based on GlastRelease v17r35p6 with two new tags for the pass 7 merit reprocessing.

    GlastClassify v7r5p0gr04                 // Pass 7.3 worksheet

    evtUtils v0r1p4                                // Match FT1EventClass definitions to worksheet, fix SConscript

  108. for the HEAD of GR:

    RootIoSvc 24-09-00 : add methods to return the index given run and event (used by HepRepSvc to synchronize merit and other root files) Could have been a patch, but oh well...

    ntupleWriterSvc 05-04-04 : methods to set and retrieve index

    HepRepSvc 00-33-00 : Fix the "back" button; connect the ntuple to the back button and next-event box; Display the event index in the file with the event ID:  "ID: XX-YY (ZZ)"

    RootIoSvc and ntupleWriter mods are backwards compatible; HepRepSvc needs both

  109. actually, that's RootIo 24-09-01

  110. For HEAD of GR ("Pass 8"):

    xmlGeoDbs-01-48-00: new xml/flight01/ with the updated geometry

  111. For the HEAD of GR:

    TkrUtil-03-21-00: Updates to TkrGeometrySvc to support new updated geometry

                                    Minor bug fix for TkrCalibAlg

  112. To GR HEAD

    HepRepSvc-00-35-02: Truncated regions are now displayed properly

  113. To GR HEAD: mods to allow I/O of TKR truncation data




  114. To GR HEAD

    AnalysisNtuple-02-57-06  vars to count TKR truncated planes

  115. To GR HEAD

    TkrRecon-10-21-00  Updates to kink calculation in Tree-based patrec, and fixes to TKR truncation code, including move calculation from TkrFindAlg to TkrClusterAlg

  116. to GR HEAD

    TkrRecon-10-21-01 remove debug printout from TkrTruncationTool and some mods to Tree-based patrec

  117. to GR HEAD


    Increment a few ClassDefs; get some types to agree between root and tds

  118. To GR HEAD

    RootConvert-01-47-04    Fixed a few more UInt->Int

  119. to GR HEAD

    Event-14-05-03  Add bits to the status word of TkrTrack

    TkrRecon-10-21-02  Tagged by accident, but we might as well promote it to avoid confusion later

  120. Make that CalRecon-06-12-07  to fix an SCons problem with the test job

  121. For GR HEAD:

    AnalysisNtuple-02-57-14: fix test job, cmt and SCons

    and these, to fix the TreeBased/CosmicRay finder collision:


    TkrRecon-10-23-00   (also fixes test job)


  122. For GR HEAD:


    This includes two new data members for the CalXtalsParams container. The packages should go all together.

  123. For GR HEAD


    This is the first mid-size un-tabification project (smile)

    1. All of the above are now in GR HEAD1.1320

  124. For GR HEAD:

    CalRecon-06-14-02: two bug fixes---getting rid of a nan in one of the MST variables and keeping track of the number of saturated xtals on a cluster by cluster basis.

    reconRootData-09-26-03: minor formatting improvement in the printout of the CalXtalsParams class.

  125. For GR HEAD:

    CalXtalResponse-00-25-01: default value for the CAL elx noise changed from 0.33 to 0.28.
    ( see also ).

    Hopefully this will make it into v18r8p6.


  126. For GR HEAD:

    CalRecon-06-14-03: default values for the MST clustering parameters changed.


  127. For GR Head:

    Overlay-01-07-03 to fix CalOverlayMergeAlg to properly add energy to McIntegratingHits according to the "new" scheme

  128. Event-14-07-03  -> add new Event::TkrRecon::TkrCRTrackCol string to put CR tracks into their own TDS objects

    AcdRecon-05-24-01 -> Eric's crash protection against bad track errors, a small adjustment to make windows happier

    TkrRecon-10-24-01 -> Fix for negative chi-squares (see above), move CR tracks into their own TDS collection

    HepRepSvc-00-36-01 -> draw CR tracks utilizing new track collection in TDS

    1. all in, at least as of GR v18r8p8
      including the most recent AcdRecon-05-01-11

  129. For GR HEAD:

    CalRecon-06-14-04 -> New default values for the MST clustering parameters.

    1. Now in GR HEAD1.1332 and to be in included in v18r8p10

  130. Also for GR HEAD:

    TkrRecon-10-24-03 which includes a (temporary!) hard cut on the number of TkrVecPoints for Tree Based pat rec, included at Johan's request to help keep his reprocessing within the realm of human timescales.

    1. Now in GR HEAD1.1332 and to be included in v18r8p10

  131. Not sure why I being forced to "reply," this is a new request.

    For the HEAD of GR:

    HepRepCorba-03-02-01: Stuff for WIRED on unix

    All the rest to get Cosmic-ray track-finding really working:






    Still to come: an update to Anatup to get the CR variables filled

  132. For head of GR:

    TkrUtil-03-22-00: move TkrHitTruncationTool from TkrRecon; add TkrReasonsTool

    TkrRecon-10-25-00: move TkrHitTruncationTool to TkrUtil, and fix bugs; Start using TkrReasonsTool in FindTrackHitsTool

  133. ... I see that the boat has left the dock, but better late than never,,,  for GR Head: TkrUtil-03-22-01

    TkrHitTruncationTool: fix up a typo which produces junk for the 0/28 config

    TkrMakeClustersTool: improve the handling of clusters with bad strips

  134. Finish the job -- To the head of GR: TkrUtil-03-22-02

    In TkrMakeClustersTool, allow no more than one leading and one trailing bad strip in a cluster

  135. For head of GR: rename a bit in the status word of TkrVertex.h, and use it in ComboVtxTool


  136. for GR HEAD: Adding a calibration-like functionality to automatically decide whether or not to overlay diagnostic info on simulated events, based on the time of the event. This will automatically generate the correct mix of diag/no-diag events when generating over the entire time-span of the mission.

    Should have no impact on anything but overlay runs (and I haven't actually tested whether it works for overlay runs!).


  137. For head of GR:


    1) small naming change to be able to try suppressing views in WIRED

    2) Separate the standard and CR track cols in the display

    1. Have I mentioned lately that I'm glad at least one person uses this update request page????

      now in HEAD 1.1343

  138. HEAD of GR (not pass7!)

    HepRepSvc-00-36-06 add active strips to view cut

  139. Head of GR:

    HepRepSvc-00-37-07   Sorry, I think I already did this, but I succeeded in confusing myself, so just for safety...

    HepRepCorba-03-02-02  fix up a bit of code that sorta worked but for the wrong reason

  140. For GR HEAD

    TkrUtil-03-22-08  Tracy's fix to the bug I introduced while improving the clustering

    RootTestData-04-04-00 New files mainly because of changes to CalRecon structure, also there are now 10 default events to match the other sets

    1. Now in GR HEAD1.1351 (picked up TkrUtil from next request)

  141. for the head of GR:

    TkrUtil-03-22-09   I think I may have tagged this twice

    AnalysisNtuple-02-59-00 Fix the mixup of the slopes which gave bad ToTs

    ntupleWriterSvc-05-05-00  add getNumberOfEvents() to support the WIRED interface

    HepRepSvc-00-37-00                         ditto

    HepRepCorba-03-03-00                      ditto

  142. AnalysisNtuple-02-59-01 Fixed bug in TkrHitValsTool in counting the number of ghost hits on tracks

  143. Head of GR:

    RootIo-24-10-11  Fixed a typo which caused the standard tracks to be read in in place of the CR tracks.

  144. Head of GR:

    Gleam-07-06-04             removed some toxic code from readAndDisplay.txt
    Event-14-09-03              documentation, and add some enums to straighten out a collision in the ghost status bits
    TkrUtil-03-22-10             fix the above collision, and clean up status-bits logic
    HepRepSvc-00-37-01      fix the cluster-color logic
    AnalysisNtuple-02-59-02 simplify the ghost counters

  145. Make that AnalysisNtuple--02-59-03  2nd try

  146. For what will be the next v19 series GlastRelease (would this be v18r3p0?) we have the following:





  147. Head of GR:

    HepRepSvc-00-27-02  Tweak the track colors

  148. Head of GR:

    Gleam-07-06-05  point to the xml/ version of G4 test_sources

    G4Generator-06-02-02 add diagnostic_muons to the test_sources

    1. Just noticed this one.. now in GR HEAD1.1369

  149. Head of GR

    EventIntegrity-01-08-03   one line instead of 3 for a TEM bug, and a counter

    GCRCalib-00-08-06  stop WARNING output after 5th occurence, and a counter

  150. For the Head of GR. The responsible parties have signed off on the mods, so as far as I'm concerned that can also go onto the L1Proc branch



  151. New tags for a new GR v19 series release:




    These modifications capture the "current state" of the Tree Based Tracking before we start to modify the flow of the processing in TkrRecon.

    1. Now in HEAD1.1370 and soon to be in GR v19r3p9

  152. Trigger-07-02-00 includes option for "turning on" bilayers in given towers for the 3-in-a-row trigger (to be used for low energy simulations)

  153. for head of GR:

    TkrUtil-03-23-00  TkrGeometrySvc::truncateCoord() - now handles edges better. I don't think we ever needed this feature before

                             TkrHitTruncationTool - fix bug for alternating readout configs

  154. flux-08-41-00 Add Keith B's EarthPhenom to the flux package

    This certainly goes with the next GR v19... I don't know what happens with v17, but people who use pass 7 may want this too.

  155. for what is to be GlastRelease-19-04-00:

    1) GlastSvc-10-00-05 which provides updated interface to ClassifyTool in GlastClassify

    2) Event-14-09-09 which includes some updates from Bill Atwood to extract more information from trees

    3) CalRecon-06-15-00 which now includes energy classification on Tree/Cluster associations, upgrades to cluster classification

    4) TkrRecon-10-27-00 which has improvements to track energy classification and also to tree parameters

    5) AnalysisNtuple-02-59-06 which updates three vals tools to include more output for Tkr, Trees and MC

    6) GlastClassify-07-08-05 which provides more capability in interface to recon level classification

  156. For HEAD of GR: Interleave-01-07-01  I think this allows the unit test to complete (not sure if it's doing anything good yet.)

  157. for HEAD of GR: EbfWriter-01-01-01 fixes unit test (looks like it still returns rc = 1, but the job terminates successfully)

  158. This time I actually committed the changes!

    HEAD of GR: to fix the unit tests




  159. For the head of GR-v19r4p1: mods to correctly handle cable truncations. I hope this works!





  160. For v19r4p1 branch, to fix the bug of the day (no TkrClusterCol from TkrClusterAlg; TkrGhostTool not protected):



  161. same updates to Gleam for the v19r4p1 branch and the HEAD, to remove refs to merit package

    v19r4p1: Gleam-07-06-05-gr02

    HEAD: Gleam-07-10-00

  162. same updates to Gleam for the v19r4p1 branch and the HEAD, to add protection for empty events. The problem was uncovered when testing the fix 2 comments up.




    V19r4p1 branch:



  163. For the v19r4p1 branch:

    TkrRecon-10-27-02-gr05: another attempt to fix the null-pointer bug... but I'm not confident that this will work

  164. Three packages for the GR v19r4p1 branch




    1. Now in HEAD1.377.2.8 to be included in tag v19r4p1gr04

  165. TkrUtil-03-22-10-gr03 for the final GR v19r4p1 branch tag

  166. For the GR v19r4p1 branch:

    For the HEAD:

    Both of these have the same changes tagged along different branches (which is probably not the right way to do things).

  167. TkrRecon-10-27-02-gr08 includes updates from Bill for vertexing and 1st chisquare.

  168. For the GR v19r4p1 branch:

    For HEAD branch:

    Includes some Acd2 associations with Tkr1 and Cal1

  169. TkrRecon-10-27-02-gr09 for the GlastRelease v19r4p1 branch

  170. CalRecon-06-15-02-gr01 for the GlastRelease v19r4p1 branch

  171. AnalysisNtuple-02-60-01-gr05 for the GlastRelease v19r4p1 branch

  172. Adding Acd2 as a default in basicOptions.txt

    Gleam-07-06-05-gr03 for GR v19r4p1 branch

    Gleam-07-10-01 for the HEAD

  173. For the head of v19r4p1 branch:





  174. For the v19r4p1 branch:

    Gleam-07-06-05-gr03   // Note gr02 was a mistake, it won't work. I tagged without committing the updates.

    Overlay-02-00-05-gr01  // This should fix the overlays, but I haven't been able to actually test it. The systests will, though.

  175. for the branch v19r4p1:

    rootTestData-04-04-00-gr01  // brand-new files

  176. For the v19r4p1 branch

    Gleam-070605-gr05 // I mis-tagged this as gr03 last time. I don't think that tag stuck, but I hope this one will, and is correct!

  177. For the head of v17r35p24br02. I'm sure I've missed something, but here goes anyway!

    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-04-07-tr01 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02
    Successfully made tag HepRepSvc-00-31-02-tr01 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02
    Successfully made tag LdfEvent-04-12-01-tr01 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02
    Successfully made tag Overlay-01-06-00-tr01 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02
    Successfully made tag TkrDigi-02-10-09-tr01 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02
    Successfully made tag TkrRecon-10-16-07-tr01 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02
    Successfully made tag TkrUtil-03-18-02-tr01 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02

    (This saved me typing a bunch of numbers and getting some wrong... is it inconvenient for you, Heather?)

    1. That format is great.

      Just tagged GlastRelease v17r35p24tr01

  178. Successfully made tag TkrUtil-03-18-02-tr02 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02

    1. Picked up and tagged GlastRelease-17-35-24-tr02

  179. for the next head, natch: got rid of the duplicate files (TkrHitTruncationTool, now in TkrUtil)

    Successfully made tag TkrRecon-10-16-07-tr02 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02

  180. A fix to the fix: When I removed TkrHitTruncationTool, some obsolete refs made TkrFindAlg unhappy.

    Successfully made tag TkrRecon-10-16-07-tr03 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02

    1. Now in GlastRelease-17-35-24-tr03 and hopefully building

  181. Fix for the failing Interleave unit test: if it works here, we can fix it on the other branches

    Successfully made tag Interleave-01-06-07-tr01 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02

  182. Bug fixes in CalRecon, please include CalRecon-06-15-02-gr06 into a new GlastReleasev19r4p1 series...

    1. Now in GR HEAD1.1377.2.14 to be tagged v19r4p1gr13

  183. for the head of v17r35p24br04 (for Elliott) TkrUtil-03-18-02-gh01  (gh for ghosts)

    I don't think this upgrade needs any elaborate testing. It's for a development effort. As far as I'm concerned we can go directly from the head to a release.

    1. Creating GR 17-35-24-gh01

  184. For the record:

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="first try for Elliott's upgrade" -branch=GlastRelease-17-35-24-br04 -custom=03-18-02-gh01 -cvspath=TkrUtil
    Successfully made tag TkrUtil-03-18-02-gh01 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br04

  185. for the head of GR-17-35-24-br02:

    Trigger-07-01-04-tr01: protect against null pointer

    TkrUtil--03-18-02-tr03 New improved TkrGhostTool which runs on linux  (But... I made a tag as 10-16-07-tr04 as well, by mistake... do we need to do something about that?)

    TkrRecon-10-16-07-tr05: jO for checkGhosts, better debug, added newline, fixed some syntax

    1. Made new GR tag 17-35-24-tr05 and CMT build v17r35p24tr05.  CMT vc8debug seems stuck..hoping to clear that out

  186. For the head of GlastReleasev19r4p1:

    Trigger-02-20-02-gr01 - protect against null ACD digi col pointer

  187. For the head of GlastReleasev19r4p1:

    Trigger-02-20-02-gr01 - protect against null ACD digi col pointer

  188. for the head of GlastReleasev19r4p1, mods to add software truncation capability to pass8:



    lsrea@noric02 $ stag -notes="mods for truncation, mainly" -branch=GlastReleasev19r4p1 -custom=10-27-02-gr11 -cvspath=TkrRecon
    Successfully made tag TkrRecon-10-27-02-gr11 along branch GlastReleasev19r4p1
    lsrea@noric02 $ stag -notes="mods for truncation" -branch=GlastReleasev19r4p1 -custom=03-22-10-gr05 -cvspath=TkrUtil
    Successfully made tag TkrUtil-03-22-10-gr05 along branch GlastReleasev19r4p1

  189. Hi Heather,

    I added some modifications, primarily to deal with de-ghosting the ACD and using the ACD trigger information. I committed all of them along the v19r4p1 branch and tagged them accordingly (I hope).


    stag -notes="Primarily ACD de-ghosting and trigger information" -branch=GlastReleasev19r4p1 -custom=05-01-15-gr03 -cvspath=AcdRecon
    Successfully made tag AcdRecon-05-01-15-gr03 along branch GlastReleasev19r4p1

    stag -notes="Added Acd2 de-ghosting and trigger variables. Tried to standardize other variable names. Moved Acd2TriggerVeto calculation into AcdEventTopology. Fixed typo in Acd2CornerDoca documentation." -branch=GlastReleasev19r4p1 -custom=02-60-01-gr08 -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-60-01-gr08 along branch GlastReleasev19r4p1

    stag -notes="Primarily an update to AcdEventTopology to hold de-ghosted and trigger energy. Added some getters to AcdHit" -branch=GlastReleasev19r4p1 -custom=14-09-09-gr03 -cvspath=Event
    Successfully made tag Event-14-09-09-gr03 along branch GlastReleasev19r4p1

    stag -notes="Removed some std::cout statements. Changed AcdTkrAssoc to AcdAssoc." -branch=GlastReleasev19r4p1 -custom=00-37-02-gr01 -cvspath=HepRepSvc
    Successfully made tag HepRepSvc-00-37-02-gr01 along branch GlastReleasev19r4p1

    stag -notes="Updated AcdEventTopology converter to hold de-ghosted and trigger energy." -branch=GlastReleasev19r4p1 -custom=01-49-04-gr02 -cvspath=RootConvert
    Successfully made tag RootConvert-01-49-04-gr02 along branch GlastReleasev19r4p1

    stag -notes="Updated AcdHit and fixed typo in one of the bit masks." -branch=GlastReleasev19r4p1 -custom=09-27-02-gr02 -cvspath=reconRootData
    Successfully made tag reconRootData-09-27-02-gr02 along branch GlastReleasev19r4p1

  190. Fixed a bug that I introduced in the previous commits.


    stag -notes="Fixed bug in filling hitMap in Acd2ValsTool" -branch=GlastReleasev19r4p1 -custom=02-60-01-gr09 -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-60-01-gr09 along branch GlastReleasev19r4p1

  191. for the HEAD of GR

    lsrea@yakut15 $ stag -notes="Add rangeEnergy to TkrTrack" -minor -cvspath=Event
    Successfully made tag Event-14-12-00 along branch MAIN
    lsrea@yakut15 $ stag -notes="Calculate separate range Energy" -minor -cvspath=TkrRecon
    Successfully made tag TkrRecon-10-31-00 along branch MAIN
    lsrea@yakut15 $ stag -notes="add rangeEnergy to TkrTrack, and update ClassDefs" -minor -cvspath=reconRootData
    Successfully made tag reconRootData-09-29-00 along branch MAIN
    lsrea@yakut15 $ stag -notes="add rangeEnergy to TkrTrack I/O" -minor -cvspath=RootIo
    Successfully made tag RootIo-25-02-00 along branch MAIN
    lsrea@yakut15 $ stag -notes="Mainly fix for display in new Gaudi" -minor -cvspath=HepRepSvc
    Successfully made tag HepRepSvc-00-41-00 along branch MAIN
    lsrea@yakut15 $ stag -notes="new variables for rangeEnergy" -minor -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    exitSuccessfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-62-00 along branch MAIN

    1. all in HEAD as of HEAD1.1396

  192. for HEAD of GR

    lsrea@yakut14 $ stag -notes="Fixes to the jO files" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-10-03 along branch MAIN

  193. Oops!

    For the HEAD of GR:

    Gleam-07-10-04, restore Fred_EXE_DIR

    1. picked up Gleam-07-10-05 in new HEAD 1.1397 with patched fredOptions which had missing ;

  194. For Head of GR:

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="Adjust OutputLevels" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-10-06 along branch MAIN
    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="move accessing OverlayDataSvc to initialize()" -patch -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-62-01 along branch MAIN

  195. For HEAD of GR:

    stag -notes="Promoted some variables to the production ntuple" -patch -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-62-02 along branch MAIN

    stag -notes="Added preliminary Pass8 worksheet" -patch -cvspath=GlastClassify
    Successfully made tag GlastClassify-07-09-03 along branch MAIN

    stag -notes="Uncommented dual-tuple production machinery" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-10-07 along branch MAIN

  196. for HEAD of GR:

    lsrea@glastlnx14 $ stag -notes="OverlayDataSvc - try 2" -patch -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-62-03 along branch MAIN

  197. HEAD of GR:l

    srea@yakut15 $ stag -notes="iteration on Kalman and range energies" -minor -cvspath=TkrRecon
    Successfully made tag TkrRecon-10-32-00 along branch MAIN

  198. For the HEAD of GR:

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="Removed McKludgeValsTool" -patch -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-62-05 along branch MAIN
    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="Updated to new Gaudi, added Acd2ValsTool" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-10-08 along branch MAIN
    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="Removed McKludgeValsTool" -patch -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-62-05 along branch MAIN

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="Updated to new Gaudi, added Acd2ValsTool" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
           -- updated readigi_runrecon.txt
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-10-08 along branch MAIN

  199. For HEAD of GR: First I tagged Philippe's mods then I committed and tagged mine...

    lsrea@glastlnx14 $ stag -notes="Move CAL overlay stuff from CAL to OverlayValsTool" -patch -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-62-06 along branch MAIN
    lsrea@glastlnx14 $ stag -notes="Move EvtDeltaEoE to McEvtDeltaEoE, and move McValsTool after EvtValsTool" -patch -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-62-07 along branch MAIN

  200. For the HEAD of GR:

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="Temporarily turn off TMine for ClassifyAlg1" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-10-09 along branch MAIN

  201. Oops! last changes to Anatup were tagged, but not committed! One more try:

    lsrea@glastlnx14 $ stag -notes="changes to move EvtDeltaEoE to McEvtDeltaEoE" -patch -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-62-08 along branch MAIN

  202. For the HEAD of GR:

    The TMineX2 issue was already anticipated, and the problem was resolved by assigning different names to the cache file in the two instances of TMine, via the jO.

    lsrea@noric04 $ stag -notes="TMineX2 problem fixed!" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-10-10 along branch MAIN
    lsrea@noric04 $ stag -notes="TMineX2 problem fixed!" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-10-10 along branch MAIN

  203. for the HEAD of GR: (not crucial, but it would be nice to slip it in!)

    CalUtil-03-14-08  Sasha has claimed ownership of CalUtil!

    1. That's good news!  However, the change isn't tagged..and I'm not willing to take my chances with the HEAD of CalUtil right now.

      I guess my question is whether or not the tag was applied and if there was an error during the tagging process?  I don't see email notification (as is typical when a tag is applied)..

    2. That's good news!  However, the change isn't tagged..and I'm not willing to take my chances with the HEAD of CalUtil right now.

      I guess my question is whether or not the tag was applied and if there was an error during the tagging process?  I don't see email notification (as is typical when a tag is applied)..

      1. Okay, really tagged this time!

        lsrea@yakut01 $ stag -notes="Sasha claims this package" -patch -cvspath=CalUtil
        Successfully made tag CalUtil-03-14-08 along branch MAIN

  204. for the head of GR:

    lsrea@yakut01 $ stag -notes="fixes to readigi_runrecon, and p7repro calibrations" -minor -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-11-00 along branch MAIN

  205. one more time... Joanne explained the correct form for the author line

    lsrea@noric05 $ stag -notes="another try at setting the SCons author" -patch -cvspath=CalUtil

    Successfully made tag CalUtil-03-14-09 along branch MAIN

  206. For Head of GR:

    lsrea@yakut01 $ stag -notes="EventAuditor: Fix for new Gaudi" -minor -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-63-00 along branch MAIN

  207. for head of GR:

    lsrea@yakut01 $ stag -notes="Actually turn on the Auditor" -patch -cvspath=Gleam        
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-11-01 along branch MAIN

  208. For the head of the branch v17r35p24br02:

    lsrea@glastlnx14 $ stag -notes="tag the fix for the memory leak!" -branch=GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02 -custom=02-10-09-tr02 -cvspath=TkrDigi
    Successfully made tag TkrDigi-02-10-09-tr02 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02

    This got fixed at the end of March, but apparently never made it into a release. So we need a new GR (v17r25p24tr07 ?)

    It also never made it to the head of pass8. So I'll be updating that shortly. Is there any other branch that might need updating with this fix? It would be any branch where the truncation updates were merged.

  209. For the HEAD of GR:

    lsrea@glastlnx14 $ stag -notes="updating for memory-leak fix" -patch -cvspath=TkrDigi
    Successfully made tag TkrDigi-02-13-02 along branch MAIN

    This is the same fix as for the v17r24p24br02 branch.

  210. For the head of GR:

    lsrea@glastlnx14 $ stag -notes="replace smart quotes with normal ones" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-11-02 along branch MAIN

  211. For the Head of GR:

    lsrea@noric05 $ stag -notes="add a test of IGRField to unit test" -minor -cvspat                 h=CRflux
    Successfully made tag CRflux-01-19-00 along branch MAIN

    This tag also includes the fix to that removes the invocation of a local copy of IGRField, and uses the one in the astro package instead.

  212. For the heads of v17r35p24lpXX and v17r35p24br02: mod to src/jobOptions/pipeline/readigi_runrecon.txt

    lsrea@glastlnx14 $ stag -notes="Add TkrDigi to the DLLs" -branch=GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02 -custom=07-04-07-tr02 -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-04-07-tr02 along branch GlastRelease-17-35-24-br02

  213. Update to TMineExt-03-02-07 for the Pass8 (MAIN) branch of GlastRelease.

  214. For the Head of GR:

    lsrea@noric04 $ stag -notes="Put TkrDigiTruncationAlg back into the Digi sequence" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-11-03 along branch MAIN

    1. Now in GR HEAD1.1417 CMT build

  215. for head of GR, and also head of lp branch eventually:

    Better calculation of the sign of magnetic lambda; and remove the sign from geomaglat

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="update calc. of magnetic hemisphere; remove sign from geomaglat" -patch -cvspath=astro
    Successfully made tag astro-03-13-03 along branch MAIN

  216. For Head of GR:

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="fixed bug in TkrDigi::getToTForStrip(), although I don't think it's ever called" -patch -cvspath=digiRootData
    Successfully made tag digiRootData-11-14-07 along branch MAIN

    Level1 could have the same fix, but I don't think it's necessary...

  217. For new GlastRelease:




  218. Oops! Nearly forgot to include:


  219. SConsFiles         00-25-03  has various good things, including patch to fix bug introduced in 00-24-00

    For main branch only; needed for rhel6

    rdbModel              rdbModel-02-14-06

    1. Now in HEAD 1425 for CMT and SCons

  220. Update to the Head. I don't think anyone is currently using readigi_runrecon (and thus calibrations.txt) but we need to keep it running!

    lsrea@yakut14 $ stag -notes="Add p7repro to the FlavorList in calibratrions.txt" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-11-06 along branch MAIN

  221. Another little update to Gleam:

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="Implement the dead GTRC in tower 10, plane 0" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-11-07 along branch MAIN

    1. Now in HEAD 1425 in CMT and SCons

  222. Update for the HEAD (and hopefully 20-07-00?) of GlastRelease:

    stag -notes="Updated Pass8 worksheet with PSF, TKR, and CAL pieces. Added directory for Pass8 weights files." -patch -cvspath=GlastClassify
    Successfully made tag GlastClassify-07-10-01 along branch MAIN

    stag -notes="Run Pass8 worksheet in sequence after Pass7; turn off PrimeTuple for time being." -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-11-08 along branch MAIN

    This tag of GlastClassify requires the new version of TMineExt-03-02-08.

  223. For the HEAD of GR: Fix for CAL (non)updating

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="Fix to implement calibration updates in CAL" -major -cvspath=CalXtalResponse
    Successfully made tag CalXtalResponse-01-00-00 along branch MAIN

  224. For the HEAD (and next tag) of GR:

    stag -notes="Added first pass of AllProb; will need update with new ROOT" -patch -cvspath=GlastClassify
    Successfully made tag GlastClassify-07-10-02 along branch MAIN

  225. Overlay-02-04-01  - adds option to set a bit mask for rejecting input overlay events if trigger bits are set, add option to change the name of the input xml file containing the overlay files info

    AcdUtil-03-04-00 - adds call to updateObject to force validity checking on calibration range.

    CalXtalResponse-01-00-00 - adds call to updateObject to force validity checking on calibration range

  226. GlastClassify-07-10-03 - adds CalOnly part in pass8 worksheet

    CalUtil-03-15-01 - energy unbiasing (UBinterpolate) functions moved here as a Tool, one tool to be used  both in CalRecon and AnalysisNtuple

    CalRecon-06-19-01 - uses UBinterpolateTool in CalUtil

    AnalysisNtuple-02-64-01 - uses UBinterpolateTool in CalUtil and contains first prototype of Cal1SSDVeto

  227. add configData 01-14-00 to deal with gcc4.4 compilation, though I am confused about the RM seemingly able to build the previous version on rhel6-64bit with gcc4.4.

    On my laptop it was not possible

  228. Overlay-02-04-02 to fix various issues with the output of overlay files.

  229. for the HEAD

    lsrea@yakut15 $ stag -notes="really restore basicOptions" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-11-13 along branch MAIN

  230. Head of GR

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="fix compile warning; fix logic when processing real data" -patch -cvspath=Trigger
    Successfully made tag Trigger-07-05-01 along branch MAIN

  231. For GR-20-07-00: Gleam, TkrUtil

    lsrea@yakut16 $ stag -notes="point basicOptions to flight01 geometry" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-11-16 along branch MAIN

    lsrea@yakut16 $ stag -notes="implement flight splits; needs more works later" -patch -cvspath=TkrUtil
    Successfully made tag TkrUtil-03-27-01 along branch MAIN

  232. For GR-20-08-00: These tags are all connected

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="add 'ft2' variables" -minor -cvspath=overlayRootData
    Successfully made tag overlayRootData-00-05-00 along branch MAIN

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="add 'ft2' variables" -minor -cvspath=OverlayEvent
    Successfully made tag OverlayEvent-01-02-00 along branch MAIN

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="add 'ft2' variables" -minor -cvspath=Overlay
    Successfully made tag Overlay-02-05-00 along branch MAIN

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="add 'ft2' variables" -minor -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-68-00 along branch MAIN

  233. for GR-20-08-00

    lsrea@yakut14 $ stag -notes="made arg of loadPsf() const to match implementation" -patch -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-70-01 along branch MAIN

  234. For GR-20-08-01

    lsrea@yakut16 $ stag -notes="Fix introduced bug" -patch -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-70-02 along branch MAIN

  235. For GR-20-08-00: remove printouts from PsfValsTool

    lsrea@yakut16 $ stag -notes="Removed rogue print statements from PsfValsTool" -patch -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-70-03 along branch MAIN

  236. Yes, for GR-20-08-00...

    lsrea@yakut16 $ stag -notes="Fix to Psf stuff, and unbiasing to McZDir to 0.2" -patch -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-70-05 along branch MAIN

  237. For 20-08-00

    lsrea@noric01 $ stag -notes="unbiasing extended to costheta=0.2" -patch -cvspath=TkrUtil
    Successfully made tag TkrUtil-03-28-01 along branch MAIN

  238. For next (too soon!) GR:

    lsrea@yakut15 $ stag -notes="optimize EvtJointEvergy and bug fix in EvtValsTool" -patch -cvspath=AnalysisNtuple
    Successfully made tag AnalysisNtuple-02-70-06 along branch MAIN

    lsrea@yakut15 $ stag -notes="optimize EvtJointEnergy in TkrEnergyTool" -patch -cvspath=TkrUtil
    Successfully made tag TkrUtil-03-28-02 along branch MAIN

  239. For next GR:

    lsrea@yakut15 $ stag -notes="fix suspect code for removing empty digis in TkrHitTruncationTool" -patch -cvspath=TkrUtil
    Successfully made tag TkrUtil-03-28-03 along branch MAIN
    lsrea@yakut15 $ stag -notes="fix suspect code for removing empty digis in TkrHitTruncationTool" -patch -cvspath=TkrUtil

    Successfully made tag TkrUtil-03-28-03 along branch MAIN

  240. For next GR (20-08-07?):

    [kadrlica@yakut16 20-08-06]$ stag -notes="Updated basicOptions.txt to default to the Pass8 worksheet" -patch -cvspath=Gleam
    Successfully made tag Gleam-07-11-18 along branch MAIN

    With new pass8Analysis in extFiles:
    [kadrlica@yakut16 20-08-06]$ stag -notes="Added new classifiers, new energy estimator, CTB variable node, and filtered some internal variables" -major -cvspath=pass8Analysiss
    Successfully made tag pass8Analysis-02-00-00 along branch MAIN

  241. < From Eric Charles >

    I've committed and tagged

    I've also committed an updated version of Acd2ValsTool.cxx

  242. Naked ampersands in the Pass8 worksheet...

    [kadrlica@yakut15 20-08-12]$ stag -notes="Fixed naked ampersands in the worksheet" -patch -cvspath=pass8Analysis
    Successfully made tag pass8Analysis-02-01-01 along branch MAIN

  243. Request from Warit to include a new EarthPhenom tag in GR 20-09-03

  244. At Leon's request, to avoid possible spurious complaint from systests, changed calibration metadata query to be inclusive on the "start" end, that is

    SELECT  ... where event-timestamp >= vstart and event-timestamp < vend and...

    calibUtil-01-14-01 should be included in GR head and also in 17-35-24-lp...   series.