The beamtime aims to perform timing scans for the 2M.0 detector. Scans will be taken in FL, FM, and AML; two fluxes in each gain mode, and likely an intensity scan at a couple of timings once we have checked the results of the timing scans. The experiment the data will land in is xcsc00121.
Experimental setup:
Fig 1. Experimental setup for the XCS beamtime aimed at evaluating the timing of the ePix10k2M.0.
Measurement log:
location: /sdf/home/c/conny-h/logbooks
Notes and observations from the beamtime and subsequent data analysis:
Timing scans:
Daq script
Timing scans for the 2M are performed from Philips setup:
~philiph/psana/Workarea/daq/daq-dev/tools/scanning/epix10ka2M_scan_exponential -L yes -e 100 --start 50000 -f 80000 -n 26 -P AcqToAsicR0Delay -p 0 -D XcsEndstation -t 2 -i 0
Analysis scripts:
You can find it here: /sdf/data/lcls/ds/mfx/mfxx1005021/results/scripts
You can call it with: >python -i TimeScan.py -d Epix10ka -r 472
Timing scan at different fluxes AML:
Fig 2. AML, rough scan, 80% beam.
Fig 3. Fine scans at rising edge, aML 80% beam. The time delay between quads is apparent.
Timing scans FM high and low flux:
Fig 4. FM crude scan, 35% beam.
Fig 5. FM fine scan across the edge, 35% beam.
Timing scans FM high and low flux:
Fig 6. FL crude scan, 100% beam
Fig 7. FL fine scan across the edge, 100% beam.