

  • Name proposal
  • LLE Visit planning
  • ICD Discussion
  • Next steps in requirements development
    • DAQ system requirements

Discussion Items

  • Collect walk-ins
  • Notes review
  • Name proposal
    • "The collective" ack. Barry
  • LLE Visit planning
  • ICD Discussion
    • Robert planning to have a discussion about ICD in general with others, what will the format ultimately be.
    • Alex will proceed with preparing the preliminary release for everyone's consideration.
  • Next steps in requirements development
    • Review conops for all parts of the collective, identify all signals and diagnostics that must and would be nice to include in the DAQ stream
      • Consider:
        • What kind of diagnostic data is required for the science mission and the operations needs?
        • Need to determine space and rate constraints of the SLAC EPICS archiver system
          • Working on it
        • How the diagnostic data will be used in the science goals of the facility?
          • This determines what really needs to be included in the DAQ and how synchronously it must be acquired.
        • How the diagnostic data will be used in optimizing and maintaining laser system performance
          • Could the DAQ system be leveraged be used in this regard if the EPICS archiver won't be enough? Jana B. Thayer 
      • This information will help to define our control system infrastructure requirements
    • Controls hardware volume and cable tray estimates
      • Need to develop high-level estimates for all systems in the collective as the cavern dimensions and floorplans are being set right now.
  • Requirements lists

Action items

  • Follow up with LLE and LLNL AHJ to connect with SLAC EEIP to hopefully get Ch8 requirements satisfied by local authorities, avoid having to redo EEIP upon arrival at SLAC. 
  • Develop the ICD approver list, send out the preliminary draft to the collective for consideration Alex Wallace 

Past meeting AI

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Meeting time may change to Thursday at 1pm if it satisfies everyone's schedules. Conflict arose for Bruce (New LLE team member for 10am on Thursday).
2024-07-11 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • Require concept for toggling power on/off to small motors (CosyLab contacted)
MEC-U Collective Team Meetings
  • Seeking existing SLAC solution for closed loop pointing stability loop (vision/motor)
MEC-U Collective Team Meetings
  • Require concept for toggling power on/off to GigE cameras (CosyLab contacted)
MEC-U Collective Team Meetings
Eric M GaltierNotes on Experimental Diagnostics
  • Omar Quijano To work on documenting SLAC's IT infrastructure design including hardware specs and key information.
Omar Quijano2023-02-21 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • Terzi, Ken To adjust some items on the presentation then send out to the group and Omar. Mitchell Cabral Will upload this to the Sharepoint.
Terzi, Ken2023-02-21 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • Jing Yin TPR Card Specification Stub (Specific question from Ken: Number of outputs for TTL? LVTTL or TTL? Both?)
Jing Yin2023-02-07 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • AD, how ACR operates the machine using high-level applications (Matlab and Python), Alex Wallace ping Greg White, et al for someone to talk to the collective about it.
Alex Wallace2022-4-5 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meeting