In this page you will find the plots and table that I would like to include in the Fermi symposium poster "Observations of the PWN HESS J1857+026 with Fermi-LAT" id 7460 waiting for approval.

Correction on figure 2 :


  1. Hi: 

    This is a nice series of plots. 

    Fig. 3 could you a bit of clarification.  What is the base sample, and what are the blue boxes and red starts (and what criteria do you use to select them).

    1. Hi Eric,

      this is just an update of the Fig.7 of the paper on the 1st PWN Catalog (Ackerman et al., 2011 ApJ 726 35).

      The red stars are PWNe, the blue squares are off-pulse detections mostly coming from outermagnetosphere of the PSR.

      Concering the poster, I invited the authors to sligthly reduce the W44 contour (Fig.1) favouring a larger and clearer  image of the HESS source (Fig.2)

  2. Hi,

    I like the results and think they should be approved. Why do you do the extension analysis only above 10 GeV? I think unless the spectrum of the source is extremely hard, this does not seem to be optimal. Regarding Figure 2: please increase the labels, they are way too small.

  3. Unknown User (rousseau)

    Thank you for your comments.

    I made the correction on the poster (HESS_J1857_poster_v2.pdf).
    These correction includes a more precise definition of Fig.3 made in the text.
    I reduced the Fig. 1 and made the Fig. 2 larger with larger labels.

    Concerning the 10 GeV, the spectrum of the source is quite hard and the range 10GeV-100GeV is the one with the best signal to noise ratio. We took 10GeV cause we had a better resolution and kept the most of the signal.