Jefferson Lab/Hall B/HPS Run Wiki
Officially started on Dec 22, 2015.
HPS-JAVA Snapshot: 3.5-20151218.205540-15
DST-maker Release: 0.10
Run Spreadsheet: Google Docs
Detector: HPS-EngRun2015-Nominal-v3-4-fieldmap
Batch Farm Scripts:
Changes Relative to Pass-3:
Steering Files:
Recon | /org/hps/steering/recon/EngineeringRun2015FullRecon.lcsim |
DQ | /org/hps/steering/production/DataQuality.lcsim |
DQM | /org/hps/steering/production/DataQualityRecon.lcsim |
Pulser | /org/hps/steering/production/PulserTriggerFilter.lcsim |
Moller | /org/hps/steering/production/MollerCandidateFilter.lcsim |
FEE | /org/hps/steering/production/FEEFilter.lcsim |
V0 | /org/hps/steering/production/V0CandidateFilter.lcsim |
S0 | /org/hps/steering/production/Single0TriggerFilter.lcsim |
P0 | /org/hps/steering/production/Pair0TriggerFilter.lcsim |
Output Directory Structure:
3.5K EVIO files processed in about 5 days on the batch farm (in competition with upass4) with a failure rate of 1% (almost entirely due to timeouts, limit was set at 30 hours). Failures resubmitted on 1/1/2016.
30% of the EVIO files resulted in empty v0 and moller skims (here's a list of their run/file numbers). 80% of those empties were from 1.5 mm. Note that files of zero size cannot be written to tape, so you will not see them in /mss. Zero EVIO files resulted in empty pulser skims.
Here's a histogram of wall time per EVIO file (the 800 empty 1.5 mm v0/moller files surely correspond to the peak at 9.5 hours):