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Jefferson Lab/Hall B
/HPS Run Wiki
This is the our first "unblinded" pass, in that it uses all raw EVIO files instead of only every tenth one.
It is the same reconstruction software as Pass-4, but only reconstructs pair0/single0/pulser triggers. If the TI trigger data does not contain one of those bits, the event is rejected before any reconstruction is done in upass4.
Automatic outputs going only to tape: /mss/hallb/hps/engrun2015/upass4
All of 0.5 mm data (17K EVIO files) was run on the batch farm in about 5 days (in competition with pass4) with a failure rate of 5% (probably mostly due to timeouts, limit was set at 4 hours). Failures resubmitted on 1/1/2016 with a much larger time limit.