Philip, Kaz, Dionisio, Zongde, Julian, Nolan, Lorenzo, Bojan, Alex, Bhavna
Review staffing for shifts - still light on Saturday shift 2
Friday Saturday Shift 1 (6p-1a) Philip, Dionisio, Kaz, Lorenzo, Alex (remote), Xavier Bhavna, Philip, Julian, Bojan, Xavier Shift 2 (11p-6a) Bhavna, Zongde, Julian, Bojan, Dionisio (tentative), Alex (remote) Kaz, Zongde, Alex (remote)
- Analysis scripts
- need runs at MFX/RIX to test scripts properly, Alex to take that data
- Shift notes will live here: /sdf/home/n/nakahara/analysis/detectors/IH/epixhr_20240216
- Some concern about very high noise in the HR, based on what Philiph/Zongde have seen in single photon data
- What we need to do and check during bedtime
- Pedestal scan:
- Check pedestal noise
- Linearity scan:
- Check switching point
- Check residuals
- Gain ratio between high/medium/low
- Flat field:
- SNR for single photon
- Pedestal scan: