
Alex Wallace Jason Bender Vinod Gopalan Jing Yin Mitchell Cabral Jasmine, Nguyen Gregory Brent Terzi, Ken Nate Landis Hill, Elizabeth 

Action Items:

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Meeting time may change to Thursday at 1pm if it satisfies everyone's schedules. Conflict arose for Bruce (New LLE team member for 10am on Thursday).
2024-07-11 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • Require concept for toggling power on/off to small motors (CosyLab contacted)
MEC-U Collective Team Meetings
  • Seeking existing SLAC solution for closed loop pointing stability loop (vision/motor)
MEC-U Collective Team Meetings
  • Require concept for toggling power on/off to GigE cameras (CosyLab contacted)
MEC-U Collective Team Meetings
  • Omar Quijano To work on documenting SLAC's IT infrastructure design including hardware specs and key information.
Omar Quijano2023-02-21 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • Terzi, Ken To adjust some items on the presentation then send out to the group and Omar. Mitchell Cabral Will upload this to the Sharepoint.
Terzi, Ken2023-02-21 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • Jing Yin TPR Card Specification Stub (Specific question from Ken: Number of outputs for TTL? LVTTL or TTL? Both?)
Jing Yin2023-02-07 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meetings
  • AD, how ACR operates the machine using high-level applications (Matlab and Python), Alex Wallace ping Greg White, et al for someone to talk to the collective about it.
Alex Wallace2022-4-5 MEC-U Project Controls and Data Systems Team Meeting


Agenda ItemNotes
LLNL high-level ICD update.
Jama Users.
Control Racks Scope.

To ensure no overlapping of control racks across various labs.

Robert PlummerLLE/SLAC CosyLab Contract Update.
GitHub and Controlled Docs in Jama



  • Mitchell Cabral still working on granting write access to all LLNL/LLE team members. 
  • Alex Wallace will follow up with Kai to understand how we can best reference requirements captured in Jama. 
    • Vinod would like to know how we can reference a set of controlled requirements if Jama is dynamic. 

Control Racks Scope:

  • Each lab is allocating specific rack space for their own system. We do not want double-up on racks already accounted for.
  • LLNL and LLE provided rough estimations to SLAC's ME team regarding rack quantities and we confirmed there is no current overlap between labs.
  • Regarding rack space, LLE can provide timing points but are not confident in estimating rack space since this system will be foreign to them (SLAC timing system).
    • SLAC will need to provide support in estimating and confirming rack space.
  • Want to ensure all labs have sufficient space for their racks.

Collaborative CosyLab Contract:

  • Discussions regarding a collaborative CosyLab contract are in the early stages. There will be a meeting on Wed. 11/30, to discuss a path forward.
    • This contact would be a Project-level contract and would have a singular contract rather than all labs managing their own separate ones. 


  • Currently SLAC uses public repositories with no plans for private ones. 
  • SLAC is working on getting Stanford to obtain a school-wide GitHub which would allow for private repositories. No timeline yet. 

Laser Timing Presentation:

  • SLAC timing presentation was pushed until next meeting. 
  • Current topics to be covered will focus primarily on the high precision system interface.

Action Items: 

  • Alex Wallace To touch base with Kai on how to best reference Jama requirements as controlled documents. 

  • No labels