Some notes scribbled down at the 2/262018 Meeting on assignments for plots for the NIM and likely tools.


Noise occupancies in a representative layer and as a function of layer - Matt/Mike

Physics occupancies in L1 as a function of position and peak occupancies as function of layer - Matt/Mike

Cluster amplitude distribution in units of noise (S/N plot of Landau) and S/N as function of layer - Matt/Mike

Hit time distribution and resolution as function of layer - Matt/Mike

Single hit efficiency as a function of layer and momentum (and if Matt gets there, as function of strip in L1) - Matt


Track chisq - Mike/Norman

Tracking efficiency vs. momentum - Matt Graham

Impact parameter resolution vs. momentum? (deconvolute beamspot with wire scan data) - Matt Graham

Track momentum resolution - Mike/Norman (or Matt G.?)


z-vertex resolution - Matt Solt

mass resolution - Omar