Use the Møller invariant mass to determine the mass resolution.

Run the org.hps.analysis.trackingperformance.MollerAnalysisDriver (currently in git issue #309 pending pull request) over the Moller skim from pass8 of run 5772.

The output contains the following histograms for each of the three vertex collections: Unconstrained, BeamspotConstrained & TargetConstrained.

We will be using the TargetConstrained invariant mass and fitting with the Crystal Ball function to extract the resolution.

The aida file can be found here.

The root file can be found here.





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1 Comment

  1. Hi Norman... in some places I think we should compare to Monte Carlo: candidates might be efficiency, momentum resolution, mass resolution and vertex resolution.  Certainly we have spent a lot of time comparing target constrained Møller resolutions, but what about unconstrained (which we may also want to show)?  I'm thinking they probably agree better because angle == multiple scattering dominates then, but I'm wondering what that really looks like.  How much work would it be to have MC to compare? (Apologies if this isn't very well formed question... kinda thinking out loud here...)