
Confluence & Jira Outage on August 20 2009 from 1000 - 1015 PDT

There will be a 15 minute outage of Confluence/Jira on Thursday August 20, 2009 from 10:00 AM - 10:15 AM PDT. The database servers are being rebooted to pick up a new Linux kernel.

Add Flowcharts, Technical drawings and more with Gliffy Plugin

SCCS has purchased and installed the Gliffy plugin for Confluence. The Gliffy plugin allows users to create professional-looking flowcharts, diagrams,  technical drawings, and more.  Addding diagrams to pages is as simple as clicking the 'Add Diagram' link shown on each Confluence page. 

New mailing list for Confluence support at SLAC

A new mailing list has been setup for users to get Confluence/JIRA support at SLAC. The mailing list is Users should send Confluence/JIRA support request and report issues to the new mailing list.

There will be an outage of confluence and jira starting at 6pm pacific time to allow the systems group to apply windows patches. You are strongly advised to complete editing of any confluence pages before this outage as otherwise changes may be lost.

This outage is part of a monthly scheduled outage that occurs on the Wednesday following the third Tuesday of every month between 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (pacific).

Confluence Outage March 31, 2009 1700-1900 PST

There will be an outage of confluence starting on March 31, 2009 (Tuesday) at 5 PM PST and lasting for approximately 2 hours. During this outage confluence will be upgraded to version 2.10.2. This version of confluence addresses a security flaw and fixes several application bugs.

It is often useful to send links to confluence pages via e-mail. It is tempting to copy the page's URL from your browser's address bar, but this has two disadvantages:

  • The URL's are often long and will get wrapped and/or corrupted in e-mail messages.
  • If you change the title of the page, or move it to a different space, the URL will change.

Much better is to select Tools, Info from the menu bar near the top of the page, and from the info page select the "Tiny Link" which is not subject to either of the problems cited above. For example the "Tiny Link" for this news item is:

There will be a 3 hour confluence outage on Thursday evening from 5:30 to 8:30 Pacific time, so that both the database and web-server can be moved as part of the seismic retro-fitting in the SLAC computer center.

A new release of confluence has been installed. When logging in I recommend that you click the "Remember my login on this computer" (unless you are using a public computer) since it should now work and keep you logged in semi-permanently.

Please let me know if you encounter any problems with this new release of confluence.

There will be an outage of confluence starting on Jan 28 2009 (Wednesday) at 6pm and lasting for approximately 2 hours. During this outage confluence will be upgraded to version 2.10.1, and the MySQL database will be migrated to a new server. This version of confluence fixes the long standing bug which forces people to frequently re-enter their username and password, and also introduces a cleaner easier-to-navigate web interface.

If you would like to check that your pages work correctly under the new version of confluence please try:

(only accessible from within SLAC, or with VPN enabled). Note that any edits made on the "confluence-new" site prior to the upgrade will be lost.

Following a suggestion by Jan Strube, the confluence LaTeX plugin has been installed. This allows LaTeX equations to be embedded in confluence pages like this

More examples are available here.

Confluence has been upgraded to version 2.5.8. Please report any problems to me.


Confluence login bug fixed

A longstanding confluence bug which caused users to be directed to a non-existent page after login has been fixed. More details here: CON-8@jira

A new mechanism has been put in place for new confluence/jira users to sign up for an account.

Confluence Upgraded

Confluence has been upgraded to version 2.2.9 and a new version of the Calendar plugin has been installed.

Confluence outage

There will be an outage of confluence at 6pm PDT today to update to a new version, and to install a new version of the Calendar plugin. The update consists of bug fixes and security updates, so users should not notice any significant changes.

The outage is expected to take less than an hour.