
Reason for change:

We request to put  AlarmsCfg-07-00-08 in production. In the new tag we are relaxing the upper warning limit on the DQM quantity "AcdPedPedMeanDeviation_PMTA_TH1" for ACD tile 68,  as detailed in the last section of this page.

Test Procedure:

This version of AlarmsCfg has been tested processing locally the monitoring products from two  LPA runs (530676474 and  530602906).

Rollback procedure:

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.



SSC-422 - Getting issue details... STATUS


From release notes for AlarmCfg-07-00-08:

 Relaxing alarm limits for AcdPedPedMeanDeviation_PMTA_TH1 for ACD tile 68 in xml/acdpeds_eor_alarms.xml:  

 Upper warning limit changed from 10 to 12  

Relevant thread:

Reason for change

We request to put  AlarmsCfg-07-00-07 in production. In the new tag we are relaxing the upper warning limit on the DQM quantities "Lac_Thresholds_FaceNeg_TH1_TowerCalLayerCalColumn_13_1_1"  and "Lac_Thresholds_FacePos_TH1_TowerCalLayerCalColumn_11_7_2 ",  as detailed in the last section of this page.

Test Procedure

This version of AlarmsCfg has been tested processing locally the monitoring products from two  LPA runs (513193680 and 513370914).

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.


SSC-419 - Getting issue details... STATUS


From release notes for AlarmCfg-07-00-07:

Relaxing alarm limits for Lac_Thresholds_FaceNeg_TH1_TowerCalLayerCalColumn_13_1_1 and  Lac_Thresholds_FacePos_TH1_TowerCalLayerCalColumn_11_7_2:

The upper warning limit is changed from 2.75 to 2.85 for both channels.


These two quantities are related to the LAC thresholds of  CAL crystals in tower 13, layer 1, column 1 (Neg face)  and  tower 11, layer 7, column 2 (pos face) 


Relevant thread:


We request to put in production several new tags (listed below).

Reason for change

Handle the 2016-12-31 leap second.

Test Procedure

We have processed a full LPA run: 502819410

Rollback procedure

We can easily switch back to previous version of L1Proc .


SSC-417 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Other than the new leap second, this is identical to 5.5.

LONE-205 - Getting issue details... STATUS

LPATE-197 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Leap Second Adjustments

Complete set of tags for L1Proc 5.6

GlastRelease: GlastRelease-20-10-04-gr02

ScienceTools: ScienceTools-11-05-01

svac/L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline-05-06-00

calibTkrUtil: calibTkrUtil-04-00-00
fitsGen: fitsGen-07-01-02

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: AlarmsCfg-07-00-03
dataMonitoring/Common: Common-07-00-01
dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: DigiReconCalMeritCfg-02-01-08
dataMonitoring/FastMon: FastMon-05-03-05
dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: FastMonCfg-02-02-03
datMonitoring/IGRF: IGRF-03-01-04

svac/Monitor: Monitor-03-14-03
svac/TestReport: TestReport-12-03-02
svac/findGaps: findGaps-02-03-00

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: pipelineDatasets-01-00-00
ft2Util: ft2Util-02-04-00

evtClassDefs: evtClassDefs-01-01-04
GPLtools: GPLtools-02-00-00-wf03

ROOT: ROOT 5.34.03-gr01

Reason for change

We request to put  AlarmsCfg-07-00-06 in production. In the new tag we are relaxing the upper warning limit on the quantity " AcdPedPedMeanDeviation_PMTB_TH1" for ADC tile 10, as detailed in the last section of this page.

Test Procedure

This version of AlarmsCfg has been tested processing locally the monitoring products from two  LPA runs (490770978 and 490776950).

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.


  SSC-413 - Getting issue details... STATUS


From release notes for AlarmCfg-07-00-06:

relaxing  warning limit for AcdPedPedMeanDeviation_PMTB_TH1 (for acd tile 10) in xml/acdpeds_eor_alarms.xml:  

  Upper warning limit changed from 8 to 12.


(Datamon tile id 10 refers to tile 220 on the -Y side. )

Reason for change

We request to put  AlarmsCfg-07-00-05 in production. In the new tag we are relaxing the upper warning limit on the quantity "OutF_NormRateEvtsBeforeFilters", as detailed in the last section of this page.

Test Procedure

This version of AlarmsCfg has been tested processing locally the monitoring products from three  LPA runs (480738237,480690519 and  480652685).

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.


SSC-410 - Request to update alarm settings in L1Proc 5.5


From release notes for AlarmCfg-07-00-05:

    Relaxing warning limit on the quantity "OutF_NormRateEvtsBeforeFilters" in xml/merit_trend_alarms.xml:

    upper warning limit changed from 1.17 to 1.24.


In the last months the warnings on the quantity "OutF_NormRateEvtsBeforeFilters"  became quite common. The plot below shows the trend of the number of warnings over the last ~2 years (blue line). Most of them are at the beginning or at the end of the runs, when the spacecraft is entering or leaving the SAA. The red line shows the number of warnings with the new limit.


Relevant threads:

Reason for change

We request to put  AlarmsCfg-07-00-04 in production. In the new tag the warning  limit on the  Lac Threshold have been slightly relaxed for two CAL channels (tower 13 layer 1 column1 pos face and tower 13 layer 1 column 4 neg face). A detailed description is given  in the last section of this page.

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.


SSC-408 - Request to update alarm settings in L1Proc 5.4 (AlarmsCfg-07-00-04 ) 

Details (release notes for AlarmsCfg-07-00-04)

Relaxing the warning limit for the quantities Lac_Thresholds_FacePos_TH1_TowerCalLayerCalColumn (for tower 13, layer 1, column 1) and  Lac_Thresholds_FaceNeg_TH1_TowerCalLayerCalColumn (for tower 13, layer 1, column 4) in xml/recon_eor_alarms.xml . In both cases the upper warning limit has been changed from 2.75 to 2.8

Relevant thread(s): 


We request to put in production:

  • DigiReconCalMeritCfg-02-01-08

The new tag implements an update of the  normalization files used to compute the normalized rates in the DQM code.

Reason for change

The rate normalizations have been updated using 56 days (i.e. a complete orbit precession period ) of pass8  data.

Test Procedure

We  have processed four full LPA runs.

Rollback procedure

We can easily switch back to previous version of L1Proc .


   SSC-405 - Getting issue details... STATUS


-Updating the normalization files. Computed using 56 days of pass8 data, from run 457828708 to 462659031.

Below two plots showing the resulting normalized rates for transient events (with and without the cut  "zenithTheta<100" )  as a function of the rocking angle:

Complete set of tags for L1Proc 5.4

GlastRelease: GlastRelease-20-10-03

ScienceTools: ScienceTools-10-01-01

svac/L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline-05-04-00

calibTkrUtil: calibTkrUtil-04-00-00
fitsGen: fitsGen-07-01-02

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: AlarmsCfg-07-00-03
dataMonitoring/Common: Common-07-00-01
dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: DigiReconCalMeritCfg-02-01-08
dataMonitoring/FastMon: FastMon-05-03-05
dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: FastMonCfg-02-02-03
datMonitoring/IGRF: IGRF-03-01-04

svac/Monitor: Monitor-03-14-02
svac/TestReport: TestReport-12-03-01
svac/findGaps: findGaps-02-03-00

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: pipelineDatasets-01-00-00
ft2Util: ft2Util-02-04-00

evtClassDefs: evtClassDefs-01-01-04
GPLtools: GPLtools-02-00-00-wf03

ROOT: ROOT 5.34.03-gr01


We request to put in production:

  • DigiReconCalMeritCfg-02-01-07

The new tag implements an update of the normalization files used to compute the normalized rates in the DQM code.

Reason for change

The rate normalizations have been updated fixing a small bug in the Earth Limb correction.  26 days of data have been used.

Test Procedure

We have processed two full LPA runs.

Rollback procedure

We can easily switch back to previous version of L1Proc .


SSC-402 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Updating the normalization files. Fixing a small bug in the fits for Earth limb correction.

Computed using 26 days of data, from run 456835199 to 459113403.

More details can be found here: DQM_normalizations.pdf

Complete set of tags for L1Proc 5.3

GlastRelease: GlastRelease-20-10-03

ScienceTools: ScienceTools-10-01-01

svac/L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline-05-03-00

calibTkrUtil: calibTkrUtil-04-00-00
fitsGen: fitsGen-07-01-02

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: AlarmsCfg-07-00-02
dataMonitoring/Common: Common-07-00-01
dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: DigiReconCalMeritCfg-02-01-07
dataMonitoring/FastMon: FastMon-05-03-05
dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: FastMonCfg-02-02-03
datMonitoring/IGRF: IGRF-03-01-04

svac/Monitor: Monitor-03-14-02
svac/TestReport: TestReport-12-03-01
svac/findGaps: findGaps-02-03-00

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: pipelineDatasets-01-00-00
ft2Util: ft2Util-02-04-00

evtClassDefs: evtClassDefs-01-01-04
GPLtools: GPLtools-02-00-00-wf03

ROOT: ROOT 5.34.03-gr01


We request to put in production:

  • DigiReconCalMeritCfg-02-01-06

The new tag implements an update of the  normalization files used to compute the normalized rates in the DQM code.

Reason for change

The rate normalizations have been recomputed using pass8  merit files. 12 days of data have been used.

This is a preliminary update, the final one will be done with 56 days of data

Test Procedure

We  have processed two full LPA runs.

Rollback procedure

We can easily switch back to previous version of L1Proc .


SSC-401 - Getting issue details... STATUS  


-Updating the normalization files. New normalizations computed using 12 days of data, from run 456835199 to 457867529.

Complete set of tags for L1Proc 5.2

GlastRelease: GlastRelease-20-10-03

ScienceTools: ScienceTools-10-01-01

svac/L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline-05-02-00

calibTkrUtil: calibTkrUtil-04-00-00
fitsGen: fitsGen-07-01-02

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: AlarmsCfg-07-00-02
dataMonitoring/Common: Common-07-00-01
dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: DigiReconCalMeritCfg-02-01-06
dataMonitoring/FastMon: FastMon-05-03-05
dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: FastMonCfg-02-02-03
datMonitoring/IGRF: IGRF-03-01-04

svac/Monitor: Monitor-03-14-02
svac/TestReport: TestReport-12-03-01
svac/findGaps: findGaps-02-03-00

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: pipelineDatasets-01-00-00
ft2Util: ft2Util-02-04-00

evtClassDefs: evtClassDefs-01-01-04
GPLtools: GPLtools-02-00-00-wf03

ROOT: ROOT 5.34.03-gr01


We request to put in production:

  • AlarmsCfg-07-00-02
  • FastMon-05-03-05
  • Common-07-00-01

These new tags implements a few changes related to the L1Proc switchover to Pass 8.

Reason for change

We would like to update some monitoring quantities/plots following the switchover to Pass8 data.

We are updating the alarm limits on mean number of tracks. We are also fixing some minor bugs in the scripts creating the orbit plot and the solar flare plots the due to the change in the root version. In addition, we are relaxing the limits for the pedestal difference mean and rms of cal channel 3060-LEX1.

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

For the new normalization files, the diagnostic distributions look sensible. We also have processed one full LPA run.

Rollback procedure

We can easily switch back to the previous version of L1Proc.


SSC-398 - Getting issue details... STATUS



AlarmsCfg-07-00-02 26-Jun-2015 maldera updating alarms limits

Relaxing limits for CalXAdcPedPedMeanDifference_LEX1_TH1 and CalXAdcPedPedRMSDifference_LEX1_TH1 of Cal Channel 3060 in calpeds_eor_alarms.xml:

  • CalXAdcPedPedMeanDifference_LEX1_TH1: lower limits changed from  0.45 to -0.45 (warning) and from 0 to -1 (error).
  • CalXAdcPedPedRMSDifference_LEX1_TH1:  lower limits changed from  -0.5 to -1.5 (warning)  and from -1 to -2 (error).

Relevant thread:

Relevant JIRA:   LOPS-15 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Changing the limits for Mean_ReconTracks in recon_trend_alarms.xml:

  • limits changed from  1.8-2.4   to 1.4-2.0 (warning)  and from 1.3-3.0 to  0.9 - 2.6 (error)


FastMon-05-03-05 26-Jun-2015 lbaldini 2d orbit plot updated.

python/ increased the marker size of the orbit plot, to make it visible again in the png figure (it had disappeared due to the new version of ROOT)


Common-07-00-01 25-Jun-2015 lbaldini Hack for the daylight saving time.

Added hack to correct for the daylight saving time in python/ This fixes the old issue with the x-axis of some DQM plots being offset by one hour during daylight savings. (The new ROOT version had added an additional 9-hour offset on top of this one, which is also fixed.)

Complete set of tags for L1Proc 5.1

GlastRelease: GlastRelease-20-10-03

ScienceTools: ScienceTools-10-01-01

svac/L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline-05-01-00

calibTkrUtil: calibTkrUtil-04-00-00
fitsGen: fitsGen-07-01-02

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: AlarmsCfg-07-00-02
dataMonitoring/Common: Common-07-00-01
dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: DigiReconCalMeritCfg-02-01-04
dataMonitoring/FastMon: FastMon-05-03-05
dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: FastMonCfg-02-02-03
datMonitoring/IGRF: IGRF-03-01-04

svac/Monitor: Monitor-03-13-04
svac/TestReport: TestReport-12-02-00
svac/findGaps: findGaps-02-03-00

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: pipelineDatasets-01-00-00
ft2Util: ft2Util-02-04-00

evtClassDefs: evtClassDefs-01-01-04
GPLtools: GPLtools-02-00-00-wf03

ROOT: ROOT 5.34.03-gr01



Reasons for Change

Switch to Pass 8 data, ScienceTools-10-01-01, and rhel6-64 builds.

Test Procedure

Tested in dev on P302 reprocessed data.

Rollback Procedure

If L1Proc rolls back to the previous version, then the symlink pointing to ASP-06-02-00 need only be re-enabled.  Otherwise, there is no rollback option since Pass 7 analyses are not compatible with the new Pass 8 data.


SSC-396 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • ASP_containerSettings (ASP-07-00-00)
    • update GLAST_EXT to point to rhel6-64 extlibs
  • AspLauncher-02-01-00
    • update XML files to point to rhel6-64 binaries
  • asp_pgwave-02-01-00
    • update irfs to P8R2_SOURCE_V6
    • update XML files to point to rhel6-64 binaries
    • update GALPROP_MODEL to use gll_iem_v06.fits for Pass 8
  • asp_pointlike-06-15-00
    • handle implicit assumption that the EVENT_CLASS column is an integer instead of a 32X bit array in the new FT1 files.
  • drpMonitoring-02-02-00
    • update XML files to point to rhel6-64 binaries
    • handle narrower energy range of P8R2_SOURCE_V6 irfs
    • Infer desired value of evclass for gtselect for TRANSIENT and SOURCE class selection based on PASS_VER keyword in
  • grbASP-05-05-01
    • update XML files to point to rhel6-64 binaries
    • handle EVENT_CLASS switch from integer to bit array
    • use EventClassSelection to determine evclass value for gtselect from PASS_VER keyword.
    • handle changed location of BA scripts.
  • pyASP-05-00-00
    • add EventClassSelection function to encapsulate PASS_VER to evclass mapping for use with gtselect.
    • more robust parsing of Data Catalog folder names in

Reason for change

This is the version needed for Pass8. The switchover is planned for Wednesday, June 24th.

Test Procedure

We have processed several LPA and LCI runs in the DEV pipeline with this version of L1Proc.

Testing and validation results: GR/L1Proc Validation for Pass8Earth Limb Validation Sample 

Rollback procedure

We can easily switch back to the previous version of L1Proc before the FSSC switches over to the new photon database (we have approximately a week to rollback, if needed).

CCB Jira

SSC-395 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Infrastructure changes: rhel6-64 builds, new ISOC platform (rhel6-64), python 2.6, gcc4.4, root 5.34.03-gr01.

New GR: 20-10-03 Optimized rhel6-64. See details at JIRA entries: LPATE-188, LPATE-187, LPATE-185LPATE-182LPATE-180 

See validation links above, plus Validation of GR on RHEL6-64 and Pass8 GlastRelease from RHEL5-32 to RHEL6-64

DQM changes: multiple changes implemented because of new recon/merit quantities. See DQM and Pass 8.

L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline-05-00-00 

  • This is to implement the Pass8 public release
  • rhel6-64 build, new ISOC platform (rhel6-64), python 2.6, gcc4.4
  • New version of root 5.34.03-gr01, new GR 20-10-03, new ST 10-01-01
  • Complete reworking of merit/recon DQM. Bufixes everywhere in DQM
  • Add leap second at 2015-06-30 (=457401602 per xTime)

Complete set of tags for L1Proc 5.0

GlastRelease: GlastRelease-20-10-03

ScienceTools: ScienceTools-10-01-01

svac/L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline-05-00-00

calibTkrUtil: calibTkrUtil-04-00-00
fitsGen: fitsGen-07-01-02

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: AlarmsCfg-07-00-00
dataMonitoring/Common: Common-07-00-00
dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: DigiReconCalMeritCfg-02-01-02
dataMonitoring/FastMon: FastMon-05-03-04
dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: FastMonCfg-02-02-03
datMonitoring/IGRF: IGRF-03-01-04

svac/Monitor: Monitor-03-13-04
svac/TestReport: TestReport-12-02-00
svac/findGaps: findGaps-02-03-00

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: pipelineDatasets-01-00-00
ft2Util: ft2Util-02-04-00

evtClassDefs: evtClassDefs-01-01-04
GPLtools: GPLtools-02-00-00-wf03

ROOT: ROOT 5.34.03-gr01

Reason for change

Request to put AlarmsCfg-06-05-01 in production.

This new tag implements a change in the upper warning limit for the pedestal mean deviation of acd tile 44 ( PmtB).    

The detailed description of the changes is in the last section.


Test Procedure

Monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) have been locally processed  with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.


  SSC-393  - Request to update alarm settings -

Details (release notes for AlarmsCfg-06-05-01)

acdpeds_eor_alarms.xml: relaxing  warning limit for AcdPedPedMeanDeviation_PMTB_TH1 (acd tile 44).    
Upper warning limit changed from 8 to 10.


Relevant thread:

Reason for change

We request to put AlarmsCfg-06-05-00 in production. The new tag implements a few changes  to the alarm limits on the 20MHz clock frequency, as detailed in the last section of this page.

The detailed description of the changes is in the last section.

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.


SSC-390 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Details (release notes for AlarmsCfg-06-05-00)

Relaxing the alarms limits on the 20MHz clock frequency deviation.

  In digi_eor_alarms.xml and  fastmon_eor_alarms.xml: upper limits for x_average of Tick20MHzDeviation_TH1  raised to -150(warning) and -100(error)

  In digi_trend_alarms.xml: upper limits for Mean_Tick20MHzDeviation  raised to -150(warning) and -100(error)

Relevant thread(s):

Reason for change

IGRF-11, our magnetic field model, will expire at the end of the year. The new version has not been released yet. Even if they release it while I'm typing this, there's not enough time left to get FastMon and astro fixed. Both astro and the FastMon IGRF library will ignore the time validity limits on the model if the IGNORE_IGRF_BOUNDARY environment variable is set (to anything). This release puts a switch in the config file to do this for all the jobs that require it.

Other changes from 4.8:

A new version of Monitor that checks whether it actually managed to write its output

Changes to batch priorities that should do a better job of keeping the farm busy when we are swamped with data.

Test Procedure

We have processed a current LPA run in the DEV pipeline with this version of L1Proc, with the time boundary switch on and off. We don't have new data to test on.

Rollback procedure

We can easily switch back to the previous version of L1Proc.

CCB Jira

CCB request: Request to deploy L1Proc 4.9


L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline-04-09-00

  • add a switch to set IGNORE_IGRF_BOUNDARY for the jobs that need it
  • change batch priorities to utilize the farm better

dataMonitoring/FastMon: FastMon-05-03-03

  • bug fix when calculating dates for inptu to IGRF model.

dataMonitoring/IGRF: IGRF-02-01-01

  • ignore validity time range if env var IGNORE_IGRF_BOUNDARY is set (to anything)

svac/Monitor: Monitor-02-01-05

  • detect zombie output files

Complete set of tags for L1Proc 4.9

GlastRelease: GlastRelease-17-35-24-lp61

ScienceTools: ScienceTools-09-33-00

svac/L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline-04-09-00

calibGenTKR: calibGenTKR-04-08-01

calibTkrUtil: calibTkrUtil-02-09-06-gr02

fitsGen: fitsGen-06-06-05

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: AlarmsCfg-06-03-03

dataMonitoring/Common: Common-06-12-00

dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: DigiReconCalMeritCfg-01-20-04

dataMonitoring/FastMon: FastMon-05-03-03

dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: FastMonCfg-02-02-01

dataMonitoring/IGRF: IGRF-02-01-01

svac/Monitor: Monitor-02-01-05

svac/EngineeringModelRoot: EngineeringModelRoot-05-00-00

svac/TestReport: TestReport-12-01-00

svac/findGaps: findGaps-02-02-00

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: pipelineDatasets-01-00-00

ft2Util: ft2Util-02-02-00

evtClassDefs: evtClassDefs-00-19-05

GPLtools: GPLtools-02-00-00-wf02

ROOT: ROOT v5.26.00a-gl6